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            <h2>Task Check List</h2>
            <p>This is a check-list of tasks you must perform to get your site up and running faster. Open this file in the browser of your choice and it will remember what you have checked, just don't clear your cache.</p>

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-list"></span> Pre-Requisites</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="PreRequisites-UpdateVisualStudio" type="checkbox"> <strong>Update Visual Studio</strong> -
                        Update your version of Visual Studio with all patches and updates.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="PreRequisites-UpdateNuGet" type="checkbox"> <strong>Update NuGet</strong> -
                        Update the NuGet Visual Studio extension from the Tools -> Extensions and Updates menu.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="PreRequisites-UpdateDNVM" type="checkbox"> <strong>Update Visual Studio ASP.NET Core Tools</strong> -
                        Update the Visual Studio ASP.NET Core tools. Find out more at <a href=""></a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="PreRequisites-IISNETCoreWindowsServerHosting" type="checkbox"> <strong>IIS .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Bundle</strong> -
                        If you are using IIS and configuring it yourself, install the <a href="">.NET Core Windows Server Hosting</a> bundle from <a href="">here</a>.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-lock"></span> Security</h3>
                <h4>Understand Web Security</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-UnderstandOWASPTopTen" type="checkbox"> <strong>Understand OWASP Top 10</strong> -
                        Understand the top ten security vulnerabilities and how you can protect yourself from them at <a href="">OWASP Top 10</a>. Also take a look at the <a href="">OWASP Top Ten Cheat Sheet</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-UnderstandCrossSiteScripting" type="checkbox"> <strong>Understand Cross Site Scripting (XSS)</strong> -
                        Understand Cross Site Scripting (XSS) security vulnerabilities and how you can protect yourself from them using the <a href="">OWASP XSS Cheat Sheet</a> and <a href="">OWASP DOM Based XSS Cheat Sheet</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-UnderstandCrossSiteRequestForgery" type="checkbox"> <strong>Understand Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)</strong> -
                        Understand Cross Site Request Forgery security vulnerabilities and how you can protect yourself from them using the <a href="">OWASP CSRF Cheat Sheet</a>.
                <h4>Other Security</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-SecretStore" type="checkbox"> <strong>Use Secret Store</strong> -
                        If you want to use connection strings or other secrets without checking them in to your source control repository, use the secret store. See <a href="">this</a> and <a href="">this</a> for more information.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-RequestLimits" type="checkbox"> <strong>Adjust Request Limits</strong> -
                        There are settings in the <em>Web.config</em> file under the <code>requestLimits</code> element that limit maximum size of HTTP requests clients can make to your site. You can limit the maximum content size, maximum URL length and maximum query string length. You should lower these as much as possible, while still having a working site.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-KeepNuGetUpToDate" type="checkbox"> <strong>Keep NuGet Up To Date</strong> -
                        Keep your NuGet packages up to date to patch security vulnerabilities. See the section about updating below.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-TestSiteOnASafaWebCom" type="checkbox"> <strong>Test Site On</strong> -
                        Test your site for security vulnerabilities at <a href=""></a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherSecurity-AzureSQLThreatDetection" type="checkbox"> <strong>Turn on Azure SQL Database Threat Detection</strong> -
                        If you are using SQL Database on Azure, then turn on <a href="">Threat Detection</a>.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-tachometer"></span> Performance</h3>
                <h4>Content Delivery Networks (CDN)</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ContentDeliveryNetworks-UploadStaticFilesToCDN" type="checkbox"> <strong>Upload Static Files to CDN</strong> -
                        Upload the static files to a <a href="">CDN</a> for vastly better performance.
                        examples of static content include your images, minified CSS bundle content, minified JavaScript bundle content, etc. examples on
                        how to do this are shown
                        <a href="">here</a>.
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Images-SaveImagesForWeb" type="checkbox"> <strong>Save Images For Web</strong> -
                        Reduce the size of your images by saving them so that they are as small as possible while still looking good. The quality of JPG's can be reduced for example. Some image applications like PhotoShop have a save for the web feature.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Images-CompressImages" type="checkbox"> <strong>Compress Images</strong> -
                        Run the 'optimize-images' <a href="">Gulp</a> task from the 'Task Runner Explorer' in Visual Studio. This will compress the images in the wwwroot/img folder.
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Caching-ConfigureCaching" type="checkbox"> <strong>Configure Caching</strong> -
                        Some resources are generated programatically and then cached for a certain time period.
                        If these resources won't change much on your site, change the length of time they are cached. Open the <em>config.json</em> file and take a look at the cache profiles section.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Caching-AddMoreCaching" type="checkbox"> <strong>Add More Caching</strong> -
                        Use the <code>[ResponseCache]</code> attribute in conjunction with the cache profiles section in the config.json file to cache pages that don't change often and do not contain sensitive information. See
                        <a href="">this</a> for more information.
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherPerformance-RunGooglePageSpeed" type="checkbox"> <strong>Run Google Page Speed</strong> -
                        Use <a href="">Google Page Speed</a> to benchmark your sites performance and to get suggestions on how to further improve performance. Note that this template is already very quick to begin with.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherPerformance-RunYahooYSlow" type="checkbox"> <strong>Run Yahoo's YSlow</strong> -
                        Use <a href="">Yahoo's YSlow</a> to benchmark your sites performance and to get suggestions on how to further improve performance.
                <h4>Other Performance</h4>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherPerformance-PrefetchPrerenderPages" type="checkbox"> <strong>Pre-fetch/Pre-render Pages</strong> -
                        If there are subsequent pages that a user is likely to visit, such as the next link on a gallery page, consider adding pre-fetch or pre-render
                        link tags to the head of the page. See <a href="">here</a> and
                        <a href="">here</a> for more details. Also consider implementing IE11 <a href="">flip ahead</a>, if you have next and previous buttons.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="OtherPerformance-Prefetcher" type="checkbox"> <strong>Enable Windows Server Pre-fetcher</strong> -
                        This is only relevant if your site is hosted on Windows Server. You can enable the <a href="">pre-fetcher</a> to get a performance and reduce the disk-read cost of application start-up. Click <a href="">here</a> for more information on how to do this.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-certificate"></span> Code Quality</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-HTMLValidation" type="checkbox"> <strong>HTML Validation</strong> -
                        Validate your HTML using the W3C's <a href="">HTML Validator</a> and/or using <a href="">Dr. Watson</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-CSSValidation" type="checkbox"> <strong>CSS Validation</strong> -
                        Validate your CSS using the W3C's <a href="">CSS Validator</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-RunJSHint" type="checkbox"> <strong>Run CSSLint</strong> -
                        Building this project will run the 'lint-css' <a href="">Gulp</a> task which will print warnings in the Visual Studio 'Task Runner Explorer' window and give you pointers in how you can improve your CSS &amp; LESS code.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-RunJSHint" type="checkbox"> <strong>Run JSHint</strong> -
                        Building this project will run the 'lint-js' <a href="">Gulp</a> task which will print warnings in the Visual Studio 'Task Runner Explorer' window and give you pointers in how you can improve your JavaScript &amp; TypeScript code.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-InternationalizationValidation" type="checkbox"> <strong>Internationalization Validation</strong> -
                        If you are supporting multiple languages, validate your CSS using the W3C's <a href="">Internationalization Validator</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-FixBrokenLinks" type="checkbox"> <strong>Fix Broken Links</strong> -
                        Use the W3C's <a href="">Link Checker</a> or <a href="">'s Link Checker</a> to fix any broken links in your site.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="CodeQuality-RunSpellCheck" type="checkbox"> <strong>Run Spell Check</strong> -
                        Check the spelling on your site for any spelling errors using an <a href="">Online Spell-Checker</a>.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-puzzle-piece"></span> Compatibility</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Compatibility-OldIIS" type="checkbox"> <strong>IIS 7.5/8</strong> -
                        Some <em>web.config</em> settings do not exist in older versions of IIS (7.5 and 8). If you are using an older version, edit the <em>web.config</em> file and remove the <code>dynamicIpSecurity</code> settings.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-user"></span> Authentication &amp; Authorization</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Authentication-Provider" type="checkbox"> <strong>Choose Authentication Provider</strong> -
                        If you want no authentication, then you don't need to do anything. <strong>Do not</strong> build your own authentication provider unless you are a security expert, it is much harder than it looks and even professionals get it wrong. Choose from one of the options below:
                            <li>IdentityServer4 - This is another site that handles all authentication with OAuth and Open ID Connect.</li>
                            <li>ASP.NET Identity - This is basically forms authentication with OAuth and Open ID Connect. This is what you get when you select 'Individual Account' from Microsoft's '<a href="">Change Authentication</a>' dialogue, when you create a new Web Project. Follow <a href="">this</a> tutorial. Don't forget to add the <code>NoLowercaseQueryStringAttribute</code> to the <code>AccountController</code> to enable the <code>RedirectToCanonicalUrlAttribute</code> to work (See comments on these classes for more information about what they do).</li>
                            <li>Windows Authentication - Follow <a href="">this</a> tutorial.</li>

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></span> Resilience and Error Handling</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">

                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ResilienceAndErrorHandling-DosProtection" type="checkbox"> <strong>Denial of Service (DoS) Protection</strong> -
                        There are a number of ways to protect your site from <a href="">Denial of Service (DoS)</a> attacks:
                                <a href="">Cloudflare</a> - You can use the Cloudflare service as a proxy to your site. Cloudflare has sophisticated techniques to block attackers from accessing your site and is used by a large proportion of websites on the internet.
                                <a href="">Dynamic IP Security</a> is a feature of IIS that can be configured using the <code>dynamicIpSecurity</code> section of the <em>web.config</em> file. Dynamic IP Security is set to logging only mode in this site, so IIS will log malicious requests from clients without actually rejecting them. If you decide to use this feature, run your site in this mode for some time and slowly raise the limits until you get no more 403.501 or 403.502 errors. Normal legitimate requests that can look like a DoS attack are:
                                    <li>Google and Bing often make large numbers of requests that can look like a DoS attack and you do not want to block them by accident.</li>
                                    <li>Some organizations put themselves behind a proxy and their requests can look like they are from a single IP address.</li>
                                    <li>Pages on your site that cause a large number of requests to be made your site may trigger the Dynamic IP Security limits to be triggered and the page loading will be treated like a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.</li>
                                You can test this feature by recording a request to your site using <a href="">Fiddler</a> and then replaying it many times.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ResilienceAndErrorHandling-Logging" type="checkbox"> <strong>Add Logging</strong> -
                        This template comes with basic logging enabled in development mode. Consider using <a href="">Serilog</a> or another logging framework in production. Logging can be configured in <em>Startup.cs</em>.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-wheelchair"></span> Accessibility</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Accessibility-CheckSiteWithSEOToolkit" type="checkbox"> <strong>Understand Accessibility Problems</strong> -
                        4% of the world population is estimated to be visually impaired, while 0.55% are blind. Get more statistics <a href="">here</a>. Read a list of common accessibility problems <a href="">here</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Accessibility-AddARIAMarkup" type="checkbox"> <strong>Add ARIA Markup</strong> -
                        Ensure that your site is accessible by adding aria attributes to your HTML markup. Read a practical guide from the W3C <a href="">here</a> and documentation about ARIA from Mozilla <a href="">here</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Accessibility-CheckSiteAccessibility" type="checkbox"> <strong>Check Site Accessibility</strong> -
                        Use <a href="">WebAim</a>, the <a href="">Accessibility Inspector</a> Firefox extension or the <a href="">Web Accessibility Checker</a> to test the accessibility of your site.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Accessibility-CheckSiteColourContrast" type="checkbox"> <strong>Check Site Colour Contrast</strong> -
                        Use <a href=""></a> to check your site for problems with colour contrast. This will help the colour blind.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="Accessibility-CheckSiteWithScreenReader" type="checkbox"> <strong>Check Site With Screen Reader</strong> -
                        Try the free <a href="">NVDA Screen Reader</a> to test the accessibility of your site.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-users"></span> Thank Developers</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ThankDevelopers-ConfigureHumansTxt" type="checkbox"> <strong>Configure Humans.txt</strong> -
                        Edit the <em>humans.txt</em> file at the root of the site. This is totally optional, you can delete this file if you want.
                        Be careful what you put into this file, you could give away clues about potential attack vectors on your site.
                        Even giving contact details can be an attack vector (Most hackers manipulate people to get access).
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ThankDevelopers-ReviewBoilerplate" type="checkbox"> <strong>Review ASP.NET Core Boilerplate</strong> -
                        A lot of work was put into this project template. Show your appreciation by reviewing the project <a href="">here</a> and also star the project on <a href="">GitHub</a>.
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="ThankDevelopers-AdvertiseYourSite" type="checkbox"> <strong>Advertise Your Site</strong> -
                        Raise an issue <a href="">here</a> to advertise your site on the ASP.NET Core Boilerplate 'built with' section.

                <h3><span aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-refresh"></span> Keeping Your Site Up To Date</h3>
                <ul class="list-group">
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="KeepingYourSiteUpToDate-KeepNuGetPackagesUpToDate" type="checkbox"> <strong>Keep NuGet Packages Up To Date</strong> -
                        Most updates can be easily carried out by simply updating <a href="">NuGet</a> packages. See <a href="">this</a> link for more information. However, there are a few things to watch out for before updating a package:
                            <li>It's worth reading the NuGet package release notes to see what has changed and base the urgency of upgrading on this information. Blindly updating, can sometimes cause things to break. Sometimes packages are incompatible with other packages or there are special upgrade steps that need to be carried out.</li>
                            <li>When updating JavaScript or CSS framework Bower Packages, be careful that the particular version you are updating to is also available on the <a href="">CDN</a>. Some CDN's update more often than others. This project template uses the popular Google and Microsoft CDN's as it is likely that their scripts are already preloaded in a browsers cache. However, their CDN service also does not update too often.</li>
                            <li>You need to ensure that you update your JavaScript and CSS framework Bower packages when there are new versions to obtain security patches but also because <a href="">CDN</a>'s sometimes retire very old scripts. This template provides fallback scripts, so if a CDN does retire a script or goes down, it will use the scripts in this template instead. This will result in a slight performance degradation.</li>
                    <li class="list-group-item">
                        <input name="KeepingYourSiteUpToDate-KeepTemplateUpToDate" type="checkbox"> <strong>Keep Template Up To Date</strong> -
                        The ASP.NET Core Boilerplate project template is constantly improving. Keep an eye on the <a href="">release notes</a> and <a href="">commits</a> to the project and update your site accordingly.



    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        (function () {
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            if (!F) { return; }
            if (! { google = {}; }
            if (!google.gears) { google.gears = { factory: F }; }
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            var VERSION = '0.3.1', P, B, esc, init, empty, ec; ec = (function () {
                var EPOCH = 'Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT', RATIO = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, KEYS = ['expires', 'path', 'domain'], esc = escape, un = unescape, doc = document, me; var get_now = function () { var r = new Date(); r.setTime(r.getTime()); return r; }; var cookify = function (c_key, c_val) {
                    var i, key, val, r = [], opt = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : {}; r.push(esc(c_key) + '=' + esc(c_val)); for (var idx = 0; idx < KEYS.length; idx++) { key = KEYS[idx]; val = opt[key]; if (val) { r.push(key + '=' + val); } }
                    if ( { r.push('secure'); }
                    return r.join('; ');
                }; var alive = function () { var k = '__EC_TEST__', v = new Date(); v = v.toGMTString(); this.set(k, v); this.enabled = (this.remove(k) == v); return this.enabled; }; me = {
                    set: function (key, val) {
                        var opt = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : {}, now = get_now(), expire_at, cfg = {}; if (opt.expires) {
                            if (opt.expires == -1) { cfg.expires = -1 }
                            else { var expires = opt.expires * RATIO; cfg.expires = new Date(now.getTime() + expires); cfg.expires = cfg.expires.toGMTString(); }
                        var keys = ['path', 'domain', 'secure']; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (opt[keys[i]]) { cfg[keys[i]] = opt[keys[i]]; } }
                        var r = cookify(key, val, cfg); doc.cookie = r; return val;
                    }, has: function (key) { key = esc(key); var c = doc.cookie, ofs = c.indexOf(key + '='), len = ofs + key.length + 1, sub = c.substring(0, key.length); return ((!ofs && key != sub) || ofs < 0) ? false : true; }, get: function (key) {
                        key = esc(key); var c = doc.cookie, ofs = c.indexOf(key + '='), len = ofs + key.length + 1, sub = c.substring(0, key.length), end; if ((!ofs && key != sub) || ofs < 0) { return null; }
                        end = c.indexOf(';', len); if (end < 0) { end = c.length; }
                        return un(c.substring(len, end));
                    }, remove: function (k) { var r = me.get(k), opt = { expires: EPOCH }; doc.cookie = cookify(k, '', opt); return r; }, keys: function () {
                        var c = doc.cookie, ps = c.split('; '), i, p, r = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < ps.length; idx++) { p = ps[idx].split('='); r.push(un(p[0])); }
                        return r;
                    }, all: function () {
                        var c = doc.cookie, ps = c.split('; '), i, p, r = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < ps.length; idx++) { p = ps[idx].split('='); r.push([un(p[0]), un(p[1])]); }
                        return r;
                    }, version: '0.2.1', enabled: false
                }; me.enabled =; return me;
            }()); var index_of = (function () {
                if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { return function (ary, val) { return, val); }; } else {
                    return function (ary, val) {
                        var i, l; for (var idx = 0, len = ary.length; idx < len; idx++) { if (ary[idx] == val) { return idx; } }
                        return -1;
            })(); empty = function () { }; esc = function (str) { return 'PS' + str.replace(/_/g, '__').replace(/ /g, '_s'); }; var C = { search_order: ['localstorage', 'globalstorage', 'gears', 'cookie', 'ie', 'flash'], name_re: /^[a-z][a-z0-9_ \-]+$/i, methods: ['init', 'get', 'set', 'remove', 'load', 'save', 'iterate'], sql: { version: '1', create: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persist_data (k TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, v TEXT NOT NULL)", get: "SELECT v FROM persist_data WHERE k = ?", set: "INSERT INTO persist_data(k, v) VALUES (?, ?)", remove: "DELETE FROM persist_data WHERE k = ?", keys: "SELECT * FROM persist_data" }, flash: { div_id: '_persist_flash_wrap', id: '_persist_flash', path: 'persist.swf', size: { w: 1, h: 1 }, params: { autostart: true } } }; B = {
                gears: {
                    size: -1, test: function () { return ( && ? true : false; }, methods: {
                        init: function () { var db; db = this.db = google.gears.factory.create('beta.database');; db.execute(C.sql.create).close(); }, get: function (key) { var r, sql = C.sql.get; var db = this.db; var ret; db.execute('BEGIN').close(); r = db.execute(sql, [key]); ret = r.isValidRow() ? r.field(0) : null; r.close(); db.execute('COMMIT').close(); return ret; }, set: function (key, val) { var rm_sql = C.sql.remove, sql = C.sql.set, r; var db = this.db; var ret; db.execute('BEGIN').close(); db.execute(rm_sql, [key]).close(); db.execute(sql, [key, val]).close(); db.execute('COMMIT').close(); return val; }, remove: function (key) { var get_sql = C.sql.get, sql = C.sql.remove, r, val = null, is_valid = false; var db = this.db; db.execute('BEGIN').close(); db.execute(sql, [key]).close(); db.execute('COMMIT').close(); return true; }, iterate: function (fn, scope) {
                            var key_sql = C.sql.keys; var r; var db = this.db; r = db.execute(key_sql); while (r.isValidRow()) { || this, r.field(0), r.field(1));; }
                }, globalstorage: {
                    size: 5 * 1024 * 1024, test: function () {
                        if (window.globalStorage) {
                            var domain = ''; if (this.o && this.o.domain) { domain = this.o.domain; }
                            try { var dontcare = globalStorage[domain]; return true; } catch (e) {
                                if (window.console && window.console.warn) { console.warn("globalStorage exists, but couldn't use it because your browser is running on domain:", domain); }
                                return false;
                        } else { return false; }
                    }, methods: { key: function (key) { return esc( + esc(key); }, init: function () { = globalStorage[this.o.domain]; }, get: function (key) { key = this.key(key); return; }, set: function (key, val) { key = this.key(key);, val); return val; }, remove: function (key) { var val; key = this.key(key); val =[key];; return val; } }
                }, localstorage: {
                    size: -1, test: function () {
                        try {
                            if (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.setItem("test", null) == undefined) {
                                if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
                                    var ffVersion = RegExp.$1; if (ffVersion >= 9) { return true; }
                                    if (window.location.protocol == 'file:') { return false; }
                                } else { return true; }
                            } else { return false; }
                            return window.localStorage ? true : false;
                        } catch (e) { return false; }
                    }, methods: { key: function (key) { return + '>' + key; }, init: function () { = localStorage; }, get: function (key) { key = this.key(key); return; }, set: function (key, val) { key = this.key(key);, val); return val; }, remove: function (key) { var val; key = this.key(key); val =;; return val; }, iterate: function (fn, scope) { var l =, key, keys; for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { key = l.key(i); keys = key.split('>'); if ((keys.length == 2) && (keys[0] == { || this, keys[1], l.getItem(key)); } } } }
                }, ie: {
                    prefix: '_persist_data-', size: 64 * 1024, test: function () { return window.ActiveXObject ? true : false; }, make_userdata: function (id) { var el = document.createElement('div'); = id; = 'none'; el.addBehavior('#default#userdata'); document.body.appendChild(el); return el; }, methods: {
                        init: function () { var id = + esc(; this.el =; if (this.o.defer) { this.load(); } }, get: function (key) {
                            var val; key = esc(key); if (!this.o.defer) { this.load(); }
                            val = this.el.getAttribute(key); return val;
                        }, set: function (key, val) {
                            key = esc(key); this.el.setAttribute(key, val); if (!this.o.defer) {; }
                            return val;
                        }, remove: function (key) {
                            var val; key = esc(key); if (!this.o.defer) { this.load(); }
                            val = this.el.getAttribute(key); this.el.removeAttribute(key); if (!this.o.defer) {; }
                            return val;
                        }, load: function () { this.el.load(esc(; }, save: function () {; }
                }, cookie: { delim: ':', size: 4000, test: function () { return P.Cookie.enabled ? true : false; }, methods: { key: function (key) { return + B.cookie.delim + key; }, get: function (key, fn) { var val; key = this.key(key); val = ec.get(key); return val; }, set: function (key, val, fn) { key = this.key(key); ec.set(key, val, this.o); return val; }, remove: function (key, val) { var val; key = this.key(key); val = ec.remove(key); return val; } } }, flash: {
                    test: function () {
                        try { if (!swfobject) { return false; } } catch (e) { return false; }
                        var major = swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion().major; return (major >= 8) ? true : false;
                    }, methods: {
                        init: function () {
                            if (!B.flash.el) { var key, el, fel, cfg = C.flash; el = document.createElement('div'); = cfg.div_id; fel = document.createElement('div'); =; el.appendChild(fel); document.body.appendChild(el); B.flash.el = swfobject.createSWF({ id:, data: this.o.swf_path || cfg.path, width: cfg.size.w, height: cfg.size.h }, cfg.params,; }
                            this.el = B.flash.el;
                        }, get: function (key) { var val; key = esc(key); val = this.el.get(, key); return val; }, set: function (key, val) { var old_val; key = esc(key); old_val = this.el.set(, key, val); return old_val; }, remove: function (key) { var val; key = esc(key); val = this.el.remove(, key); return val; }
            }; init = function () {
                var i, l, b, key, fns = C.methods, keys = C.search_order; for (var idx = 0, len = fns.length; idx < len; idx++) { P.Store.prototype[fns[idx]] = empty; }
                P.type = null; P.size = -1; for (var idx2 = 0, len2 = keys.length; !P.type && idx2 < len2; idx2++) { b = B[keys[idx2]]; if (b.test()) { P.type = keys[idx2]; P.size = b.size; for (key in b.methods) { P.Store.prototype[key] = b.methods[key]; } } }
                P._init = true;
            }; P = {
                VERSION: VERSION, type: null, size: 0, add: function (o) { B[] = o; C.search_order = [].concat(C.search_order); init(); }, remove: function (id) {
                    var ofs = index_of(C.search_order, id); if (ofs < 0) { return; }
                    C.search_order.splice(ofs, 1); delete B[id]; init();
                }, Cookie: ec, Store: function (name, o) {
                    if (!C.name_re.exec(name)) { throw new Error("Invalid name"); }
                    if (!P.type) { throw new Error("No suitable storage found"); }
                    o = o || {}; = name; o.domain = o.domain || location.hostname || 'localhost'; o.domain = o.domain.replace(/:\d+$/, ''); o.domain = (o.domain == 'localhost') ? '' : o.domain; this.o = o; o.expires = o.expires || 365 * 2; o.path = o.path || '/'; if (this.o.search_order) { C.search_order = this.o.search_order; init(); }
            }; init(); return P;
        $(function () {
            var store = new Persist.Store('ASP NET MVC Boilerplate ReadMe');

            function turnOn($checkbox) {
                if ($checkbox.hasClass('alert-close-checkbox')) {
                else {

            function turnOff($checkbox) {
                if ($checkbox.hasClass('alert-close-checkbox')) {
                else {

            $(':checkbox').click(function () {
                var name =;
                var value = this.value;

                if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
                    store.set(, 'checked');
                } else {

            $(':checkbox').each(function () {
                var isChecked = store.get( == 'checked';
                $(this).prop('checked', isChecked);
                if (isChecked) {
                else {


A server manager that is controlled by a RESTful web API







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