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Student Main edited this page May 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

Experimental Features

Features list here are not fully tested and may be removed in future releases.

Custom GeoSite group setting (v4.1.xx.x)

In gui-config.json file, add geositeGroup string value. Shadowsocks will generate rule using this group. Add geositeBlacklistMode boolean value to control which rule mode Shadowsocks will generate. true for blacklist, false for whitelist. Default behavior is generate blacklist for geolocation-!cn.

Custom GFWList source URL (v4.1.9.0-v4.1.10.0)

In gui-config.json file, add gfwListUrl key-value. Shadowsocks would fetch the GFWList content from this URL.

Replaced with GeoSite.

Listening on local IPv6 interface (v4.1.7)

In gui-config.json file, add isIpv6Enabled key-value. Default value is false.

  "isDefault": false,
  "isIPv6Enabled": true,
  "localPort": 8388,