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jqtop is a tool to analyze json logs or equivalent stream of inputs in realtime.

Full manual is available here:


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go get

What does it do?

For eg, for a stream of logs like:-

  "time_local": "04/Oct/2018:06:30:27 +0000",
  "remote_addr": "",
  "remote_user": "",
  "request": "HEAD /somepath.php HTTP/1.1",
  "status": "200",
  "body_bytes_sent": "0",
  "request_time": "0.000",
  "http_referrer": "",
  "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0+(compatible; UptimeRobot/2.0;"

We can answer questions like:-

  • Stats for request.
  • Stats for derived fields like http_method using request field.
  • Filter lines that should be processed for stats

For the impatient folks, here's a sample usage:-

  • Count stats for a field that exists already, like request.
  • Count stats for a derived field, for ex, http_method. It's derived from request field by applying regex_capture function. more details
  • Filter only lines that have http_method == "GET". more details

Alt Text

Short tutorial

The CLI tool takes 3 basic parameters:-

  • --file: File that needs to be tailed.
  • --fields: Fields that need to be aggregated.
  • --filters: Filters used to filter lines that we want.
  • ... and others
$ ./jqtop -h
Usage: jqtop --file FILE [--interval INTERVAL] [--maxresult MAXRESULT] [--verbose] [--clearscreen] [--fields FIELDS] [--filters FILTERS]

  --file FILE            Path to file that will be read
  --interval INTERVAL, -i INTERVAL
                         Interval at which stats are calculated [default: 1]
  --maxresult MAXRESULT, -m MAXRESULT
                         Max results to show [default: 10]
  --verbose, -v
  --clearscreen, -c      Clear screen each time stats are shown
  --fields FIELDS        Fields that need to shown for stats
  --filters FILTERS      Filters to filter lines that'll be processed
  --help, -h

Existing Fields

Get stats for unique "requests" being made

$ ./jqtop -file ./logfile --fields request
2018/10/04 12:58:47 Seeked ./logfile - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}
✖ Parse error rate: 0
➤ request
└──    3: GET / HTTP/1.1
└──    2: GET /search/label/software%20access%20point?m=1 HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /1hou.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /miao.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /linuxse.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /tomcat.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /she.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /boots.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /qw.php HTTP/1.1
└──    1: POST /test.php HTTP/1.1

By default, stats are aggregated every second. You can change the internal using -i option.

Derived Fields

In the above json docs, we can see that there is no HTTP method field but a full string is available under "request" field.

Get stats on various HTTP methods being hit

We'll use a simple regex to derive the field "http_method" from the "request" field.

$ ./jqtop -file ./logfile --fields 'http_method = regex_capture(request, "(.*?) ")'
2018/10/05 06:45:23 Seeked ./logfile - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}
✖ Parse error rate: 0
➤ http_method
└──   18: GET
└──    4: HEAD

Show stats for multiple fields

We'll now show results for 2 fields, 1 being a regular field and another being a derived field. We can specify multiple fields by just deelimiting them with a semi-colon.

Let's show only top 2 results.

$ ./jqtop -file ./logfile --fields 'http_method = regex_capture(request, "(.*?) "); request' -m 2
2018/10/05 06:46:15 Seeked ./logfile - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}
✖ Parse error rate: 0
➤ request
└──    7: GET / HTTP/1.1
└──    2: GET /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png HTTP/1.1

➤ http_method
└──   18: GET
└──    2: HEAD


This is a complex example that uses both derived fields and filters.

Show top paths with http method as POST.

  • Create fields

There is no field which has context_path as it's value, so we'll have to create a new derived field.

paths = regex_capture(request, "[A-Z]+? (.*?) ")

As we need to filter logs that contain only POST, we'll need to create a new field http_method and filter based on that.

Our new field argument would be:-

paths = regex_capture(request, "[A-Z]+? (.*?) "); http_method = regex_capture(request, "(.*?) ");
  • Create filters

To filter based on http_method, out ---filters argument would look like:-

equals(http_method, "POST")
  • Final CLI options
$ ./jqtop -file ./logfile --fields 'paths = regex_capture(request, "[A-Z]+? (.*?) "); http_method = regex_capture(request, "(.*?) ");' ---filters 'equals(http_method, "POST")'
2018/10/05 07:07:38 Seeked ./logfile - &{Offset:0 Whence:2}
✖ Parse error rate: 0
➤ http_method
└──   18: POST

➤ paths
└──    1: /db__.init.php
└──    1: /wshell.php
└──    1: /xshell.php
└──    1: /qq.php
└──    1: /db_dataml.php
└──    1: /wc.php
└──    1: /xx.php
└──    1: /w.php
└──    1: /db_session.init.php
└──    1: /wp-admins.php


I'm keeping a history of benchmarks as reference.