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Entity Authorization For Laravel 5.2

Simple, Small and Powerful! package for handling an entity authorization in Laravel 5.2. It was part of a big package that I developed for a project (don't worry! I take care of respecting copyright, the project was failed!). Based on the dcn/rbac Package.The RBAC package has an entity authorization solution but because we needed a specialized one we developed our own package.

Entity: based on entity definition! In my package, I considered Page as an entity! A Form, Field, Menu can be considered as an entity. In general, I mean any object that you need to authorize, which can be accessed by a logged-in user.

The Page entity is considered (as a sample) to authorize the user for visiting any pages(routes), either by the middlewares or in views by blade directives.


Sorry,I didn't publish it on any Package Repository. If you find it useful following below steps. Have a good development!

1. Read RBAC document before starting

RBAC GitHub Page.

2. Clone project

3. Update composer.json.

use local adding repo config

4. Add middlewares

To use package middlewares edit app/Http/Kernel.php file.

     * The application's route middleware.
     * These middleware may be assigned to groups or used individually.
     * @var array
    protected $routeMiddleware = [
        'EARole' => \Shahab\EA\Middlewares\EARole::class,
        'EAPermission' => \Shahab\EA\Middlewares\EAPermission::class,

this is a sample of middlware usage:

Route::get('/createpermission', ['as'=>'createpermission','middleware'=>['auth','EAPermission:Shahab\EA\Models\Page,name,createpermission'],'uses'=>'HomeController@create_permission']);

A middlware has 3 parameters:

1- $entityFullyQualifiedName: the namespace of entity(model).

2- $entitySearchField: The name of the entity table field that should be searched(id,name,...).

3- $entitySearchValue: The value of the entity that should be authorized.

In the above example, I am going to authorize the user for accessing to createpermission page.

5. Migration

Publish the package migration file to your application.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shahab\EA\EAServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

And also run migrations.

php artisan migrate

after migrate command was done, Page entity table and two other tables have been added as a sample for testing the package. you can change page word in migration file and create your own entity tables. your entity is a model that can be existing or be placed anywhere that you want to be. also it can have necessary fields based on your design.(it is a model with two related tables that have Many-to-Many relations).

In your model,implement HasRoleAndPermission contract and also Include HasRoleAndPermission & Authorize traits

use DCN\RBAC\Traits\HasRoleAndPermission as HasRoleAndPermissionTrait;
use DCN\RBAC\Contracts\HasRoleAndPermission as HasRoleAndPermissionContract;
use Shahab\EA\Traits\Authorize;

class Page extends Model implements HasRoleAndPermissionContract
    use HasRoleAndPermissionTrait,Authorize;

For relation definition you can override RBAC package definition of userPermissions() and roles() methods: Due to the alphabetical order of the related model names (see laravel doc) I had an exception: page_permission table doesn't exist. By default, query builder makes the query for page_permission but my table name is permission_page.

     * override RBAC trait function
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
    public function userPermissions()
        return $this->belongsToMany(config('rbac.models.permission'),'permission_page')->withTimestamps()->withPivot('granted');

6. Service Provider

Add the package to your application service providers in config/app.php file

'providers' => [

         * Laravel Framework Service Providers...

         * Application Service Providers...

    'aliases' => [

        'EAC'=> Shahab\EA\Facades\EACLass::class,
