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Music Library Backend Server

The application layer for the music library service The corresponding Client side is:

The project is completed using Node.js so you might need to install some packages. Please use node version 8.x or 10.x

Getting started

Clone the project

git clone

Install yarn

npm install -g yarn

Install dependencies

cd music-library-server

Set environment (vars):

cp .env.example .env	(linux)
copy .env.example .env	(windows)

Change the port in .env file if you want to. Add other properties.

Start server:

yarn start

To generate api docs, I have used apidoc:

Install apidoc:

npm install -g apidoc

Generate docs:

yarn apidoc

(The docs are created in the root folder. Just open the index.html file inside the docs folder to see the api documentation)

Information on some files in the project:

	|_ config.js - configuration file to load all the environmental variables from .env. 
                  Parameters are also validated here using Object Scheme Validation(joi)
	|_ express.js - The main app setup
	|_ param_validation.js - All the parameters in the APIs are validated here using Object Scheme Validation(joi)
	|_ winston.js - The project uses winston to log the api or errors in a separate log folder. 
                  Currently, everything is logged in a file in json format. A new file is generated per day. 
                  If you want to change to logging to console, change the transport from winston.transports.File or winston.transports.DailyRotateFile to winston.transports.console
	|_controllers - folder to keep all the controllers
	|_routes - folder to keep all the routes
		|_index.route.js - The entry position for the routes.
		|_search.route.js - The required API is in the search route
	|_services - folder to keep services files if any
	|_helpers - folder to keep helper files
	|_tests - folder to keep the files for unit testing
.env.example - The secret keys and environment variables are present here like the database passwords or the port to run the server
index.js - The main entry point for the project. The server is started in this file
package.json - Contains the scripts and dependencies for the project

API information:

All the APIs are mounted on the /api The following APIs are there:

  1. GET api/health-check - server monitor
  2. POST api/auth/register - User Registration
  3. POST api/auth/login - User login
  4. GET /api/addmusic/search - Search for music
  5. GET /api/addmusic/addToLib - add track to user library
  6. GET /api/dashboard/tracks - Get all tracks for a user More information on the APIs are present in the docs/index.html


Server for the music-library application






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