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Disclaimer: A Demo of this project was hosted on the free dynos on Heroku but now since Herko have stopped the support for free dynos, a demo of the project is no longer available.

An E-commerce website built using Django.


  • Send email verification link to users when they sign up.
  • Render order summary as invoice pdf and send them to users after the transaction has been completed.
  • If there is a server error (code = 500), then an email is sent to the administrator notifying him of the error and the cause of the error.
  • A Library view which contains a list of and gives the ability to download all the digital items that the customer has bought.
  • Display product history in account settings which shows the products that the user has recently viewed.
  • A separate analytics view for admin/staff members which shows a graph of all the product sales over the past days/weeks/months.

To use the payment api of the website, use the following dummy cards:
4242 4242 4242 4242     Visa
5555 5555 5555 4444     Mastercard
Enter any 5-digit number for CVC and any future date for expiry.

Tools Used

  • Python - Django
  • Javascript - jQuery, Ajax, jsrender, Chart.js
  • Bootstrap

Third Party Services Used

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): Stores all static and media files.
  • Heroku: Used to deploy the project in production environment.
  • stripe: Deals with payment related stuff.
  • sendgrid: Used to send transactional emails like email-id verification, order completion etc.
  • mailchimp: Used to send marketing emails to customers.

Instructions for setting up the project

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone

  2. Create a virtual environment and install the requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    After installing the requirements, install this package separately
    pip install --pre xhtml2pdf

  3. Rename the file in src/kart/ to and replace the value of SECRET_KEY with the secret key of your own project. To generate a new secret key

    • Go to terminal and create a new django project django-admin startproject <proj-name>.
    • Now get the value of SECRET_KEY in and use that as the secret key for the kart project.
    • Now delete that new django project.
  4. Stripe setup:

    • Create an account on stripe.
    • Go to the API section on the left.
    • Fetch the values of tokens Publishable key and Secret key and add them to STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY and STRIPE_SECRET_KEY in respectively.
  5. Mailchimp setup:

    • Create an account on mailchimp. While signing up set the company name to the name of the project.
    • Go to the tab Lists and click on a list. Navigate to the Settings tab and click on List name and campaign defaults. Get the List ID on the right and add it to MAILCHIMP_EMAIL_LIST_ID in
    • Get the mailchimp data center. For example: us17 (It will we visible in the url). Add it to MAILCHIMP_DATA_CENTER in
    • Go to account settings, get the API Key and add it to MAILCHIMP_API_KEY in
  6. Sendgrid setup:

    • Create an account on sendgrid and create an API key.
    • Add your sendgrid API key to EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD in respectively.
    • Change the email and name in DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL and MANAGERS in all settings files with your name and email.
  7. Amazon Web Services (AWS) setup:
    Follow this guide to setup AWS in the project: AWS Setup. After settings up AWS, add all the required values to (mentioned under the comment aws keys).

  8. Heroku setup:
    Follow this guide to setup Heroku in the project: Heroku Setup.

  9. Run the following commands
    python makemigrations
    python migrate
    python collectstatic

  10. Now load the products and the tags into the database
    python loaddata products/fixtures/products.json python loaddata tags/fixtures/tags.json


  • The Contact page in the repository has been currently disabled, to enable it uncomment line 17 in src/kart/ and line 30-32 in src/templates/base/navbar.html.
  • The project contains two level git architecture, inner for heroku and outer for GitHub. Thus, the reason for two .gitignore and requirements.txt files.
  • Due to size issues, only one protected media file has been uploaded in GitHub. Add the others by uploading them in the Django Admin, inside the Products section.