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The Crypto Janitor provides a simple interface for aggregating and cleaning crypto account data.


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The Crypto Janitor

Take the trash out of getting crypto account data

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About The Crypto Janitor

The Crypto Janitor provides a simple interface for aggregating transactions from multiple sources and attaching a USD value to them. Few exchanges provide the USD value of your transactions at the time they occured. The Crypto Janitor solves this issue, while providing a unified transaction interface.


  • Get transactions from
    • Bittrex, Coinbase, Coinbase Pro, and Kucoin via API keys
    • Nexo via CSV import
    • Ethereum Blockchain via address
  • Provide unified interface for all transactions

Built With

  • ccxt - Used to fetch data from exchange connections
  • etherscan-api - Used to fetch data from Ethereum Blockchain

Getting Started

Getting started with The Crypto Janitor is very simple! Just install using the node package manager of your choosing and ba-bam!


  • The Crypto Janitor requires Node.js v12+ to run.


Install The Crypto Janitor from npm

npm install crypto-janitor

Or with yarn

yarn add crypto-janitor



  • Get Transactions from an exchange via API.

    import { Coinbase } from "crypto-janitor";
    const apiCredentials = {
        apiKey: "<YOUR-API-KEY>",
        apiSecret: "<YOUR-API-SECRET>",
    const coinbaseJanitor = new Coinbase(apiCredentials);
    await coinbaseJanitor.initialize()
    const txs = await coinbaseJanitor.getAllTransactions()
  • Get Transactions from Ethereum blockchain via address. (Requires Etherscan API key)

    import { Etherscan } from "crypto-janitor";
    const addressCredentials = {
        apiKey: "<ETHERSCAN-API-KEY>",
        address: "<YOUR-ETHEREUM-ADDRESS>",
    const ethJanitor = new Etherscan(addressCredentials);
    await ethJanitor.initialize()
    const txs = await ethJanitor.getAllTransactions()
  • Import transactions from Nexo via CSV.

    import * from fs
    import { Nexo } from "crypto-janitor";
    loadNexoCsv(filename) {
        // read local csv into buffer and stringify
        const buffer = fs.readFileSync(filename); 
        const fileContentStr = buffer.toString();
        // parse file content string and return parsed data
        const results = Papa.parse(fileContentStr, { header: true }); 
    const csvConfig = {
        fileName: "<YOUR-NEXO-TXS.csv>",
        loadFileContents: loadNexoCsv,
    const nexoJanitor = new Nexo(csvConfig);
    await nexoJanitor.initialize()
    const txs = await nexoJanitor.getAllTransactions()
  • (RECOMMENDED) Use the resolveConnection function to easily initialize new janitors.

    import { resolveConnection } from "crypto-janitor";
    const apiCredentials = {
        apiKey: "<YOUR-API-KEY>",
        apiSecret: "<YOUR-API-SECRET>",
        password: "YOUR-API-PASSWORD"
    const coinbaseproJanitor = await resolveConnection("coinbasepro", "api", apiCredentials);
    const txs = await coinbaseproJanitor.getAllTransactions()


The Crypto Janitor Interface exposes

  • Implemented janitors
  • Janitor base classes (so create your own janitors!)
  • Helper function to initial janitors based on inputs

Implemented Janitors

Name Type Params
Bittrex API { apiKey, secret }
Coinbase API { apiKey, secret }
Coinbase Pro API { apiKey, secret, password }
Kucoin API { apiKey, secret, password }
Etherscan Address { address, apiKey }
Nexo CSV { fileName, loadFileContents }

Base Janitors (Extend them!)

Name Type Params
Base any { name, type, params }
CCXT API { name, credentials, params }
CSV API { name, fileName, loadFileContents }

Helper Methods

Name Params
resolveConnection { name, type, params }

Transactions Format Example

        "id": "cb5469f9-5722-59c2-8b81-5f971af4ad19",
        "timestamp": "2020-05-28T18:26:46.000Z",
        "type": "buy",
        "baseCurrency": "BTC",
        "baseQuantity": 0.25929526,
        "baseUsdPrice": 9499.980832661577,
        "quoteCurrency": "USD",
        "quoteQuantity": 2463.3,
        "quotePrice": 9499.980832661577,
        "quoteUsdPrice": 1,
        "feeCurrency": "USD",
        "feeQuantity": 36.7,
        "feeUsdPrice": 1,
        "feeTotal": 36.7,
        "subTotal": 2463.3,
        "total": 2500
        "id": "c161c5d6-cf9c-4cd9-aae1-1f4e68e052e6",
        "timestamp": "2021-01-29T15:49:19.148Z",
        "type": "swap",
        "baseCurrency": "ATOM",
        "baseQuantity": 38,
        "baseUsdPrice": 7.971561449999999,
        "quoteCurrency": "BTC",
        "quoteQuantity": 0.00817,
        "quotePrice": 0.000215,
        "quoteUsdPrice": 37077.03,
        "feeCurrency": "BTC",
        "feeQuantity": 0.00004085,
        "feeUsdPrice": 37077.03,
        "feeTotal": 1.5145966754999998,
        "subTotal": 302.91933509999996,
        "total": 304.43393177549996
        "id": "134839f4-a4c0-4638-a3d1-2e164d1357d8",
        "timestamp": "2021-05-09T19:14:45.500Z",
        "type": "sell",
        "baseCurrency": "GRT",
        "baseQuantity": 135,
        "baseUsdPrice": 1.5253,
        "quoteCurrency": "USD",
        "quoteQuantity": 205.983,
        "quotePrice": 1.5253,
        "quoteUsdPrice": 1,
        "feeCurrency": "USD",
        "feeQuantity": 1.029915,
        "feeUsdPrice": 1,
        "feeTotal": 1.029915,
        "subTotal": 205.9155,
        "total": 204.88558500000002
        "id": "d595c958-cdd6-59e0-a9d9-f01752402d76",
        "timestamp": "2021-06-01T18:50:57.000Z",
        "type": "interest-in-account",
        "baseCurrency": "USDC",
        "baseQuantity": 0.54969,
        "baseUsdPrice": 1.0005639542287472,
        "feeCurrency": "USD",
        "feeQuantity": 0,
        "feeUsdPrice": 1,
        "feeTotal": 0,
        "subTotal": 0.55,
        "total": 0.55
        "id": "f3b21458-0402-5b4d-9ae4-e582a1bc31d4",
        "timestamp": "2021-06-04T01:30:41.000Z",
        "type": "send",
        "baseCurrency": "USDC",
        "baseQuantity": 5000,
        "baseUsdPrice": 0.9999995196098387,
        "feeCurrency": "USDC",
        "feeQuantity": 0.102402,
        "feeUsdPrice": 0.9999995196098386,
        "feeTotal": 0.1024019508070867,
        "subTotal": 4999.997598049194,
        "total": 5000.1


  • Add Usage Examples
  • Add Object Reference Tables
  • Add Transaction Types Table
  • Update code verbiage to reflect janitor theme
  • Add more ccxt janitors

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


The Crypto Janitor is written in TypeScript and tested using jest.

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch
    git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
  3. Commit your Changes
    git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
  4. Push to the Branch
     git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Its a bird...its a plane...its free code!


Riley Stephens -

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