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CLI and REPL for Liyad (Lisp yet another DSL interpreter)


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Liyad CLI

CLI and REPL for Liyad (Lisp yet another DSL interpreter).


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  • Node >= 10


$ npm install -g liyad-cli
$ liyad --version

CLI Usage

Usage: liyad [options] [ -- ] [ -e script | script.lisp | - ] [ -- ] [arguments]
       liyad [options]

  -                     script read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty)
  --                    indicate the end of CLI options / script files
  -p, --profile=...     select interpreter profile
                          S                   S-expression parser
                          L, lisp (default)   lisp interpreter (return single value)
                          LM                  lisp interpreter (return multiple values)
                          L_async, lisp_async lisp interpreter (return single value, enable async)
                          LM_async            lisp interpreter (return multiple values, enable async)
                          LSX                 lisp interpreter (return single value, enable LSX)
                          LSX_async           lisp interpreter (return single value, enable LSX, enable async)
  --lsx-boot lsxboot.js LSX bootstrap JavaScript file; required if profile LSX or LSX_async is selected.
  --safe                run as safe mode (disable '$require' and '$node-require')
  -e, --eval=...        evaluate script
  -i, --interactive     always enter the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal
  -h, --help            print command line options
  -v, --version         print version informations
  --cli-version         print cli version informations

LSX bootstrap file example


const React = require('react');
const ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');

class Hello extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (React.createElement("div", {}, "hello"));

exports.dom = React.createElement;
exports.flagment = React.Fragment;
exports.render = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup;
exports.components = {

Packaging to the single executable file.

Use pkg.

$ npm install -g pkg
$ git clone
$ cd liyad-cli
$ npm ci
$ pkg . --output liyad
$ ./liyad --version

Packaging and publish your codes as the NPM module.

See liyad-lisp-pkg-example and liyad-webapp-example

Usage of package:

$ npm install -g liyad-cli

$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
$ npm install liyad-lisp-pkg-example

$ vi app.lisp


($let ex ($require "liyad-lisp-pkg-example"))

;; Benchmarks
($console-log (::ex:tarai 12 6 0))
($console-log (::ex:fib 10))
($console-log (::ex:fac 10))

;; Run the web server on port 3000.
($let url ($node-require "url"))

(::ex:#get "/" (-> (req res)
    ($let u (::url:parse ::req:url))
    (::res@writeHead 200 (# (Content-Type "text/html")))
    (::res@end ($concat "hit / ," ::req:method "," ::u:path)) ) )

(::ex:serve 3000) ($last "start server")
$ liyad app.lisp

start server

Additional operators and constants


  • ($exit [ code ])
    • Exit the process.
    • returns: never.
    • code: exit code.


  • ($shell command)
    • Run command.
    • returns: command output (stdout) string.
    • command: command and arguments.
      • example: ($shell "ls -al")


  • ($shell-async command)
    • Run command asynchronously.
    • returns: Promise object resolving command output (stdout) string.
    • command: command and arguments.
      • example: ($shell-async "ls -al")


  • ($require id [ profile ])
    • Load lisp code from other file.
    • returns: Exported functions and variables.
    • id: Load from relative path if id starts with ./ or ../. Otherwise load from local or global node_modules.
    • profile: (optional) interpreter profile (S/L/lisp/LM/L_async/lisp_async/LM_async).
      • default value is selected by CLI option -p or --profile.


  • ($node-require id)
    • Load JavaScript code from other file.
    • returns: Exported functions and variables.
    • id: Load from relative path if id starts with ./ or ../. Otherwise load from local or global node_modules.


  • ($render jsxElement callback)
    • Render jsxElement by LSX-bootstrap.render() and pass rendering result string or error to callback.
    • returns: undefined
    • jsxElement: object returned by LSX-bootstrap.dom().
    • callback(error, html): callback function called on end of rendering jsxElement.
      • error: not null if error is occured.
      • html: rendering result html; null if error is occured.

Additional operator on REPL


  • ($pause [ cond ])
    • Pause execution and start debugger
    • returns: undefined
    • cond: if it present, pause if condition is true.



  • parseArgs(args)
    • Parse CLI arguments.
    • returns: config object.
    • args: CLI arguments.
  • example: parseArgs(['-p', 'LSX_async', '--lsx-boot', 'lsxboot.js', 'app.lisp'])


  • cliCore(curDir, params)
    • Evaluate codes.
    • returns: undefined
    • curDir: current directory.
    • params: config object.
  • example: cliCore(fs.realpathSync(process.cwd()), parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2)))


  • cli()
    • Run CLI.
    • returns: undefined


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