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Keep Layout

Keep Layout is project under active development whose purpose is to make Auto Layout easy to use from code! No more clicking in Interface Builder or manual creation of constraints. Think in attributes and their rules. Keep Layout will set all constraints to keep your desired layout.

You should be familiar with Auto Layout topic. How it works and what's the point? Basically you create relations (constraints, or rules) between views and their attributes. When some atribute changes (e.g. bounds on rotation) all related attributes are recalculated to match the rules.

NOTE: I focus on iOS, but support for OSX will be added. In fact, you may add it! Please contribute with your ideas. Thank you!

Short Syntax

Naming of classes and methods is focused on the shortest syntax possible. Because of this there are subclasses that override constructors for your convenience. Defining layout will be reduced to few lines of code.

I will be improving interface of classes, so it would cover most of the uses with one line. Because 90% of time you use only 10% possibilities of Auto Layout (numbers are made up, but you get the point).


Attributes – KeepAttribute subclasses

Representation of an attribute of UIView. They define internal metric or relation to another view:

  • dimensions – width, height, aspect ratio
  • insets – related to superview (top, bottom, left, right)
  • position – relative to superview bounds
  • offsets – padding between views (top, bottom, left, right)
  • alignments – top, bottom, left, right, center, baseline

Rules – KeepRule subclasses

Create multiple rules for each attribute. Rule encapsulates a value, type of the value and its priority. There are 3 types with one subclass for each:

  • equal – attribute should be equal to this value
  • max – attribute should be lower or equal to this value
  • min – attribute should be greater or equal to this value

Rule priorities are four (just like when usinng NSLayoutConstraint) and you specify them by calling appropriate constructor:

  1. must – Highest priority saying this rule must be applied without compromises. Use +must: constructor.
  2. shall – High priority saying this rule should be applied. Use +shall: constructor.
  3. may – Normal priority saying this rule may be applied. Use +may: constructor.
  4. fit – Lowest priority saying this rule is just fallback case to fit. Use +fit: constructor.

You may create rule relative to another view. Not every attribute supports them (only Width and Height), but for example you may set widths of two views to be related, like “always double” or “at least one half”. See examples.

NOTE: You may not like the naming, but I wanted something human-friendly. Since “keep” is verb I choose modal verbs to make it more like natural language.


1. Keep width exactly 150 points.
[view keep:[KeepWidth rules:@[ [KeepEqual must:150] ]];
// view must keep width of 150pt
2. Keep aspect ratio between 4:3 and 16:9.
[view keep:[KeepAspectRatio rules:@[ [KeepMin must:4/3.], [KeepMax must:16/9.] ]];
// view must keep its aspect ratio between 4:3 and 16:9 (4/3 < 16/9)
3. Keep top inset (to superview) flexible with preffered value of 20 points, but it may never be less than 10 points.
[view keep:[KeepTopInset rules:@[ [KeepMin must:10], [KeepEqual may:20] ]];
// view must keep top inset minimum of 10pt and may keep it at 20pt (preffered value)
4. Keep insets 10 points. Keep aspect ration 16:9. Keep centered in 1/3rd of container. See pictures and -example1 included in project.
// Insets
NSArray *rules = @[ [KeepMin must:10], [KeepEqual may:10] ];
[view keep:[KeepTopInset rules:rules]];
[view keep:[KeepBottomInset rules:rules]];
[view keep:[KeepRightInset rules:rules]];
[view keep:[KeepLeftInset rules:rules]];

// Dimensions
[view keep:[KeepAspectRatio rules:@[ [KeepMin must:16/9.] ]]];

// Position
[view keep:[KeepHorizontally rules:@[ [KeepEqual must:1/2.] ]]];
[view keep:[KeepVertically rules:@[ [KeepMax must:1/2.], [KeepMin must:1/3.], [KeepEqual may:1/3.] ]]];

Portrait Example 1 Landscape Example 1

4. Keep insets 20 and inter-view spacing 10. Keep equal widths and heights. See pictures and -example2 included in project.
// Insets
NSArray *insetRules = @[ [KeepMin must:20], [KeepMax may:20] ];
for (UIView *view in @[ red, green, blue ]) {
    [view keep:[KeepTopInset rules:insetRules]];
    [view keep:[KeepBottomInset rules:insetRules]];
    [view keep:[KeepLeftInset rules:insetRules]];
    [view keep:[KeepRightInset rules:insetRules]];
// Offsets
NSArray *offsetRules = @[ [KeepMin must:10], [KeepMax shall:10] ];
[red keep:[KeepBottomOffset to:green rules:offsetRules]];
[red keep:[KeepBottomOffset to:blue rules:offsetRules]];
[green keep:[KeepRightOffset to:blue rules:offsetRules]];

// Dimensions
[green keep:[KeepHeight rules:@[ [KeepEqual mustTo:red] ]]];
[blue keep:[KeepHeight rules:@[ [KeepEqual mustTo:red] ]]];
[blue keep:[KeepWidth rules:@[ [KeepEqual mustTo:green] ]]];

Portrait Example 2 Landscape Example 2

5. Keep views alinged with padding. See picture and -example3 included in project.
// Keep 'magenta' centered
[magenta keep:[KeepHorizontally rules:@[ [KeepEqual must:0.5] ]]];
[magenta keep:[KeepVertically rules:@[ [KeepEqual must:0.5] ]]];

NSArray *padding = @[ [KeepMin shall:10], [KeepMax may:10] ];

// Keep gaps between views
[red keep:[KeepRightOffset to:green rules:padding]];
[cyan keep:[KeepRightOffset to:magenta rules:padding]];
[green keep:[KeepRightOffset to:blue rules:padding]];
[magenta keep:[KeepRightOffset to:yellow rules:padding]];
[green keep:[KeepBottomOffset to:magenta rules:padding]];

NSArray *alignRules = @[ [KeepEqual must:0] ]; // Keep aligned with zero tolerance.

// Horizontal alignment
[red keep:[KeepAlignBottom to:green rules:alignRules]];
[blue keep:[KeepAlignBottom to:green rules:alignRules]];
[cyan keep:[KeepAlignTop to:magenta rules:alignRules]];
[yellow keep:[KeepAlignTop to:magenta rules:alignRules]];

// Vertical alignment
[red keep:[KeepAlignRight to:cyan rules:alignRules]];
[green keep:[KeepAlignCenterX to:magenta rules:alignRules]];
[blue keep:[KeepAlignLeft to:yellow rules:alignRules]];

Example 3

Version 0.3.0

MIT License, Copyright © 2013 Martin Kiss



Making Auto Layout easier to code.







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