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A platform independent command line note app.

Cnote is suitable for rapidly taking and getting note of plain text of tens of words.

With cnote, you can conveniently manage note in command line. You can install a drop-down terminal like Yakuake, so you can instantly call the terminal with a shortcut.

Cnote supports backup and restoring from backup, you can also import notes from backup of others.

Cnote stores all data in a embedded database goleveldb, an implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in the Go programming language. The path of database files is ~/.cnote/ in *nix operating system and C:\Users\Administrator\.cnote\ in Windows 7 for example.


No. Thanks for golang and goleveldb.

Cnote is only an executable binary file without any data or configure files.


Download lastest release from release page.


   cnote command [arguments...]

   new          Create a new note
   del          Delete a note
   use          Select a note
   list, ls     List all notes

   add          Add a note item
   rm           Remove a note item
   tag, t       List items by tags. List all tags if no arguments given
   search, s    Search items with regular expression

   dump         Dump whole database, for backup or transfer
   wipe         Attention! Wipe whole database
   restore      Wipe whole database, and restore from dumpped file
   import       Import note items from dumpped data

   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command


############### Create a new note ###############

$ cnote new fruit
note "fruit" created.
current note: "fruit".
$ cnote new people
note "people" created.
current note: "people".

############### List all notes ###############

$ cnote ls
note: fruit     (#. of items: 0, last update: 2014-07-20 04:07:00 +0800 CST).
note: people    (#. of items: 0, last update: 2014-07-20 04:07:00 +0800 CST). (current note)

############### Choose note fruit ###############

$ cnote use fruit
current note: "fruit" (last update: 2014-07-20 04:07:00 +0800 CST).

############### Delete a new note ###############

$ cnote del test


############### add note item ###############

$ cnote add red,green apple
item: 1 (tags: [red green])     apple
$ cnote add green,yellow pear
item: 2 (tags: [green yellow])  pear
$ cnote add yellow banana
item: 3 (tags: [yellow])        banana

############### Show all tags ###############

$ cnote tag
tag: green      (#. of items: 2).
tag: red        (#. of items: 1).
tag: yellow     (#. of items: 2).

############### Show items by tag ###############

$ cnote tag yellow
item: 2 (tags: [green yellow])  pear
item: 3 (tags: [yellow])        banana

############### Search items by regrexp  ###############

$ cnote s ea
item: 2 (tags: [green yellow])  pear

############### Show all items, just search with .  ###############

$ cnote s .
item: 1 (tags: [red green])     apple
item: 2 (tags: [green yellow])  pear
item: 3 (tags: [yellow])        banana

############### remove a note item ###############

$ cnote s .
item: 1 (tags: [red green])     apple
item: 2 (tags: [green yellow])  pear
item: 3 (tags: [yellow])        banana
$ cnote rm 2
$ cnote s .
item: 1 (tags: [red green])     apple
item: 3 (tags: [yellow])        banana


############### Dump database for backup  ###############

$ cnote dump
config  {"current_note_name":"fruit"}
item_fruit_000000001    {"itemid":"1","tags":["red","green"],"content":"apple"}
item_fruit_000000002    {"itemid":"2","tags":["green","yellow"],"content":"pear"}
item_fruit_000000003    {"itemid":"3","tags":["yellow"],"content":"banana"}
note_fruit      {"noteid":"fruit","sum":3,"last_update":"2014-07-20 04:13:00 +0800 CST","last_id":3,"tags":{"green":{"1":true,"2":true},"red":{"1":true},"yellow":{"2":true,"3":true}}}
note_people     {"noteid":"people","sum":0,"last_update":"2014-07-20 04:07:00 +0800 CST","last_id":0,"tags":{}}

$ cnote dump > dumpdata

############### Wipe whole database, and restore from dumpped file  ###############

$ cnote restore dumpdata
Attention, it will clear all the data. type "yes" to continue:yes

############### Import note items from dumpped data  ###############

$ cnote import fruit fruit dumpdata
3 items imported into note "fruit".
$ cnote dump
config  {"current_note_name":"fruit"}
item_fruit_000000001    {"itemid":"1","tags":["red","green"],"content":"apple"}
item_fruit_000000002    {"itemid":"2","tags":["green","yellow"],"content":"pear"}
item_fruit_000000003    {"itemid":"3","tags":["yellow"],"content":"banana"}
item_fruit_000000004    {"itemid":"4","tags":["red","green"],"content":"apple"}
item_fruit_000000005    {"itemid":"5","tags":["green","yellow"],"content":"pear"}
item_fruit_000000006    {"itemid":"6","tags":["yellow"],"content":"banana"}
note_fruit      {"noteid":"fruit","sum":6,"last_update":"2014-07-20 04:22:00 +0800 CST","last_id":6,"tags":{"green":{"1":true,"2":true,"4":true,"5":true},"red":{"1":true,"4":true},"yellow":{"2":true,"3":true,"5":true,"6":true}}}
note_people     {"noteid":"people","sum":0,"last_update":"2014-07-20 04:07:00 +0800 CST","last_id":0,"tags":{}}


Copyright (c) 2014, Wei Shen (

MIT License