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Releases: shenwei356/seqkit

SeqKit v0.5.2

24 Mar 15:30
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  • seqkit stats -a and seqkit seq -g -G: change default gap letters from '- ' to '- .'

  • seqkit subseq: fix bug of range overflow when using -d/--down-stream
    or -u/--up-stream for retieving subseq using BED (--beb) or GTF (--gtf) file.

  • seqkit locate: add flag -G/--non-greedy, non-greedy mode,
    faster but may miss motifs overlaping with others. Example:

    • greedy mode (default)

         $ echo -e '>seq\nACGACGACGA' | seqkit locate -p ACGA | csvtk -t pretty
         seqID   patternName   pattern   strand   start   end   matched
         seq     ACGA          ACGA      +        1       4     ACGA
         seq     ACGA          ACGA      +        4       7     ACGA
         seq     ACGA          ACGA      +        7       10    ACGA
    • non-greedy mode (-G)

        $ echo -e '>seq\nACGACGACGA' | seqkit locate -p ACGA -G | csvtk -t pretty
        seqID   patternName   pattern   strand   start   end   matched
        seq     ACGA          ACGA      +        1       4     ACGA
        seq     ACGA          ACGA      +        7       10    ACGA

SeqKit v0.5.1

12 Mar 09:33
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  • seqkit restart: fix bug of flag parsing

SeqKit v0.5.0

11 Mar 07:22
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  • new command seqkit restart, for resetting start position for circular genome.
  • seqkit sliding: add flag -g/--greedy, exporting last subsequences even shorter than windows size.
  • seqkit seq:
    • add flag -m/--min-len and -M/--max-len to filter sequences by length.
    • rename flag -G/--gap-letter to -G/--gap-letters.
  • seqkit stat:
    • renamed to seqkit stats, don't worry, old name is still available as an alias.
    • add new flag -a/all, for all statistics, including sum_gap, N50, and L50.

SeqKit v0.4.5

26 Feb 05:05
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  • seqkit seq: fix bug of failing to reverse quality of FASTQ sequence

SeqKit v0.4.4

17 Feb 01:16
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  • seqkit locate: fix bug of missing regular-expression motifs containing
    non-DNA characters (e.g., ACT.{6,7}CGG) from motif file (-f).
  • compiled with go v1.8.

SeqKit v0.4.3

22 Dec 05:06
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  • fix bug of seqkit stat: min_len always be 0 in versions: v0.4.0, v0.4.1, v0.4.2

SeqKit v0.4.2

21 Dec 09:59
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  • fix header information of seqkit subseq when restriving up- and down-steam
    sequences using GTF/BED file.

SeqKit v0.4.1

16 Dec 08:48
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_64-bit versions are highly recommended._


  • enchancement: remove redudant regions for seqkit locate. e.g.:

    previous version:

    $ echo -ne ">test\nAACGcgcA" | seqkit locate -i -P -p "(CG)+"
    seqID   patternName     pattern strand  start   end     matched
    test    (CG)+   (CG)+   +       3       6       CGcg
    test    (CG)+   (CG)+   +       5       6       cg

    current version:

    $ echo -ne ">test\nAACGcgcA" | ./seqkit locate -i -P -p "(CG)+"
    seqID   patternName     pattern strand  start   end     matched
    test    (CG)+   (CG)+   +       3       6       CGcg

SeqKit v0.4.0

07 Dec 05:25
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_64-bit versions are highly recommended._


  • fix bug of seqkit locate, e.g, only find two locations
    (1-4, 7-10, missing 4-7) of ACGA in ACGACGACGA.
  • better output of seqkit stat for empty file.

SeqKit v0.3.9

04 Dec 14:20
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_64-bit versions are highly recommended._


  • fix bug of region selection for blank sequences. affected commands include
    seqkit subseq --region, seqkit grep --region, seqkit split --by-region.
  • compile with go1.8beta1.