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Issue H-1: Extend lock period should never result in a decrease of overall rewards (total length of locked period * shares)

Source: #109

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The current implementation may result in a burn of shares when extendLock(), which may result in a decrease of overall rewards (total length of locked period * shares).

Vulnerability Detail

In the current implementation, when the user calls extendLock() for a deposit with duration1 at time t, with _increaseDuraiton = duration2, it will create a new lock with a lock period of duration1 + duration2 - time.

For example:

If the multiplier for a 6 mos lock is 150% and 200% for a 1 year lock.

  • Alice deposited 100 $MC tokens with the initial lock of 1 year, received 200 shares;
  • 6 mos later, Alice called extendLock() to extend the deposit's lock for 10 more minutes (MIN_LOCK_DURATION), ~50 shares will be burned.

Expected result:

The total rewards should be no less than a 1 year lock;

Actual result:

The total rewards should is only 200 * 6 mos + 150 * 6 mos vs 200 * 12 mos for a 1 year lock;

By extend the lock for 10 more mins, Alice actually reduced the total rewards by 12.5%.


Users may lose rewards by extending the lock.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider introducing a new concept called deferredLock when extendLock() will result in the newEndTime - block.timestamp < currentDuration, in which case, instead of burning shares, it will set a deferred lock to be executable only after the current lock expires:

function extendLock(uint256 _depositId, uint256 _increaseDuration) external {
    // Check if actually increasing
    if (_increaseDuration == 0) {
        revert ZeroDurationError();

    Deposit memory userDeposit = depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId];

    // Only can extend if it has not expired
    if (block.timestamp >= userDeposit.end) {
        revert DepositExpiredError();
    // Enforce min increase to prevent flash loan or MEV transaction ordering
    uint256 increaseDuration = _increaseDuration.max(MIN_LOCK_DURATION);
    // New duration is the time expiration plus the increase
    uint256 duration = maxLockDuration.min(uint256(userDeposit.end - block.timestamp) + increaseDuration);

    uint256 mintAmount = userDeposit.amount * getMultiplier(duration) / 1e18;

    // Multiplier curve changes with time, need to check if the mint amount is bigger, equal or smaller than the already minted
    // If the new amount if bigger mint the difference
    if (mintAmount > userDeposit.shareAmount) {
        depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId].shareAmount =  mintAmount;
        _mint(_msgSender(), mintAmount - userDeposit.shareAmount);

        depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId].start = uint64(block.timestamp);
        depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId].end = uint64(block.timestamp) + uint64(duration);
        emit LockExtended(_depositId, _increaseDuration, _msgSender());

        // reset deferredLock if any
        if (deferredLocks[_msgSender()][_depositId] > 0) {
            deferredLocks[_msgSender()][_depositId] = 0;
    // If the new amount is less then set a deferred lock
    } else if (mintAmount < userDeposit.shareAmount) {
        deferredLocks[_msgSender()][_depositId] = increaseDuration

For expired locks, when there is a deferredLock, extend the lock and burn the differences in shares:

function kick(uint256 _depositId, address _user) external {
    if (_depositId >= depositsOf[_user].length) {
        revert NonExistingDepositError();
    Deposit memory userDeposit = depositsOf[_user][_depositId];
    if (block.timestamp < userDeposit.end) {
        revert TooSoonError();

    uint256 newSharesAmount = userDeposit.amount;

    uint256 deferredLock = deferredLocks[_user][_depositId];
    if (deferredLock != 0) {
        newSharesAmount = userDeposit.amount * getMultiplier(deferredLock) / 1e18;

        depositsOf[_user][_depositId].start = uint64(block.timestamp);
        depositsOf[_user][_depositId].end = uint64(block.timestamp) + uint64(deferredLock);
        emit LockExtended(_depositId, _increaseDuration, _user);

    // burn pool shares
    _burn(_user, userDeposit.shareAmount - newSharesAmount);



After some internal discussion we think it is better to revert if extendLock would result in burn of the tokens.


PR from this issue

Issue H-2: increaseLock() should read userDeposit[_receiver] instead of depositsOf[_msgSender()]

Source: #102

Found by

HonorLt, saian, Zarf, WATCHPUG, hyh, CodingNameKiki, rvierdiiev


TimeLockPool.sol#L203 should read depositsOf[_receiver][_depositId] as userDeposit.

Vulnerability Detail

TimeLockPool.sol#L230 in increaseLock() is loading depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId] as userDeposit, which will later be used to check if the deposit has expired (L206-208) and calculating the remainingDuration (L213).

This remainingDuration will be used to calculate the multiplier for the mintAmount at L215.


As a result, the _receiver can receive a much larger shares.

For example, if the receiver only has 10 mins left in depositsOf[_receiver][_depositId], but depositsOf[_msgSender()][_depositId] have 4 years left. The mintAmount will be 5x than expected.

Or fewer shares than expected when the caller's deposit's remainingDuration is shorter than the receiver's.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Change L203 to:

Deposit memory userDeposit = depositsOf[_receiver][_depositId];



Agree on the recommendation, thanks!


PR from this issue

Issue H-3: Unit isn't recalculated on curve modification with setCurvePoint

Source: #101

Found by

bin2chen, Jeiwan, Lambda, Ch_301, hyh


TimeLockPool's setCurvePoint() can add or remove curve points, changing its length.

It leaves unit variable that governs the duration to multiplier correspondence incorrect as it isn't updated.

Vulnerability Detail

unit becomes incorrect after onlyGov setCurvePoint() updates the curve whenever its size changes.

As setCurvePoint() is an independent operation, the unit will just stay incorrect after it. I.e. setCurve() and __TimeLockPool_init() that update the unit are alternatives to setCurvePoint(), there is no use cases when they run after setCurvePoint(), fixing the variable. So here it is one scenario, where setCurvePoint() is run and unit is incorrect after that.


When unit is incorrect the getMultiplier() calculations become incorrect too.

Suppose curve.length was 6, unit = maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1) = maxLockDuration / 5, then setCurvePoint() shortened the curve, so curve.length becomes 3, but still unit = maxLockDuration / 5. Now getMultiplier(2 * maxLockDuration / 5) yields maximum shares multiplier as the very end of the curve will be used, while the lock is only 2 / 5 of the maxLockDuration.

The impact is duration multiplier logic either removes the shares from users (when setCurvePoint() increased the length) or provides them with extra shares (when setCurvePoint() decreased the length), in violation of the desired logic. As the shares have monetary value and the precondition is just running a routine setup operation, setting the severity to be high.

Code Snippet

setCurvePoint() can change curve length, but leaves unit variable intact:

     * @notice Can set a point of the curve.
     * @dev This function can replace any point in the curve by inputing the existing index,
     * add a point to the curve by using the index that equals the amount of points of the curve,
     * and remove the last point of the curve if an index greated than the length is used. The first
     * point of the curve index is zero.
     * @param _newPoint uint256 point to be set.
     * @param _position uint256 position of the array to be set (zero-based indexing convention).
    function setCurvePoint(uint256 _newPoint, uint256 _position) external onlyGov {
        if (_newPoint > maxBonus) {
            revert MaxBonusError();
        if (_position < curve.length) {
            curve[_position] = _newPoint;
        } else if (_position == curve.length) {
        } else {
            if (curve.length - 1 < 2) {
                revert ShortCurveError();
        emit CurveChanged(_msgSender());

Currently unit is recalculated on initialization:

    unit = _maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1);

And on altering curve length with setCurve(), which rebuilds the entire curve:

        // same length curves
        if (curve.length == _curve.length) {
            for (uint i=0; i < curve.length; i++) {
                curve[i] = maxBonusError(_curve[i]);
        // replacing with a shorter curve
        } else if (curve.length > _curve.length) {
            for (uint i=0; i < _curve.length; i++) {
                curve[i] = maxBonusError(_curve[i]);
            uint initialLength = curve.length;
            for (uint j=0; j < initialLength - _curve.length; j++) {
            unit = maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1);
        // replacing with a longer curve
        } else {
            for (uint i=0; i < curve.length; i++) {
                curve[i] = maxBonusError(_curve[i]);
            uint initialLength = curve.length;
            for (uint j=0; j < _curve.length - initialLength; j++) {
                curve.push(maxBonusError(_curve[initialLength + j]));
            unit = maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1);

unit maps _lockDuration to the point on the curve, breaking this link if curve length had changed, while unit stayed the same:

    function getMultiplier(uint256 _lockDuration) public view returns(uint256) {
        // There is no need to check _lockDuration amount, it is always checked before
        // in the functions that call this function

        // n is the time unit where the lockDuration stands
        uint n = _lockDuration / unit;
        // if last point no need to interpolate
        // trim de curve if it exceedes the maxBonus // TODO check if this is needed
        if (n == curve.length - 1) {
            return 1e18 + curve[n];
        // linear interpolation between points
        return 1e18 + curve[n] + (_lockDuration - n * unit) * (curve[n + 1] - curve[n]) / unit;

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider recalculation unit on the spot each time:

     * @notice Can set a point of the curve.
     * @dev This function can replace any point in the curve by inputing the existing index,
     * add a point to the curve by using the index that equals the amount of points of the curve,
     * and remove the last point of the curve if an index greated than the length is used. The first
     * point of the curve index is zero.
     * @param _newPoint uint256 point to be set.
     * @param _position uint256 position of the array to be set (zero-based indexing convention).
    function setCurvePoint(uint256 _newPoint, uint256 _position) external onlyGov {
        if (_newPoint > maxBonus) {
            revert MaxBonusError();
        if (_position < curve.length) {
            curve[_position] = _newPoint;
        } else if (_position == curve.length) {
+           unit = maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1);
        } else {
            if (curve.length - 1 < 2) {
                revert ShortCurveError();
+           unit = maxLockDuration / (curve.length - 1);
        emit CurveChanged(_msgSender());

setCurvePoint() is rare enough operation and cost of incorrect unit is rather big here, so the additional gas cost is justified.



Agree on the recommendation, thanks!


PR from this issue

Issue M-1: Curve points should be guaranteed to be monotonic increasing

Source: #111

Found by

hickuphh3, minhquanym, WATCHPUG, ElKu, berndartmueller, rvierdiiev


Lack of checks to ensure the points in the curve are monotonic increasing, which can result in a malfunction of deposit() / extendLock() due to underflow when the curve is not set properly.

Vulnerability Detail

In the current implementation, getMultiplier() assume the later point in the curve is always bigger than the previous point, otherwise curve[n + 1] - curve[n] will revert due to underflow.

However, since there is no check in __TimeLockPool_init() / setCurve() / setCurvePoint() to guarantee that, a lower point can actually be set after a higher point.


deposit() / extendLock() may revert due to underflow.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Consider adding a new internal function to validate the curve points:

function checkCurve(uint256[] calldata _curve) internal {
    if (_curve.length < 2) {
        revert ShortCurveError();
    for (uint256 i; i < curve.length - 1; ++i) {
            if (
                curve[i + 1] < curve[i]
            ) {
                revert CurveIncreaseError();



Agree on the recommendation. Using that logic everywhere the curve is set should be sufficient: setCurve(), setCurvePoint() and in __TimeLockPool_init(). Thanks!


PR from this issue

Issue M-2: Expired locks should not continue to earn rewards at the original high multiplier rate

Source: #108

Found by



Expired locks should be considered as same as the deposits with no lock.

Vulnerability Detail

The current implementation allows the deposits with expired locks to continue to enjoy the original high multiplier rate, while they can withdraw anytime they want.

The multiplier of shares amount is essentially a higher reward rate (APR) for longer period of locks.

For example:

If the regular APR is 2%; Locking for 4 years will boost the APR to 10%.

  • Alice deposited 1M $MC tokens and got 10% APR;
  • 4 years later, Alice's deposit's lock was expired.

Expected result:

The new APR for Alice's deposit is 2%;

Actual result:

Alice can continue to enjoy a 10% APR while she can withdraw anytime.


Users with expired locks will take more rewards than expected, which means fewer rewards for other users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Curve's Gauge system introduced a method called kick() which allows the expired (zeroed) veCRV users to be kicked from the rewards.


A similar method can be added to solve this issue:

function kick(uint256 _depositId, address _user) external {
    if (_depositId >= depositsOf[_user].length) {
        revert NonExistingDepositError();
    Deposit memory userDeposit = depositsOf[_user][_depositId];
    if (block.timestamp < userDeposit.end) {
        revert TooSoonError();

    // burn pool shares
    _burn(_user, userDeposit.shareAmount - userDeposit.amount);



Agree on the recommendation, will implement kick function. Noticing that shares go back to a 1:1 ratio and that the function can be called by anyone is a good design choice.


PR from this issue

Issue M-3: escrowedReward will be frozen in the contract if escrowPool == address(0) but escrowPortion > 0

Source: #107

Found by

bin2chen, hickuphh3, saian, Jeiwan, WATCHPUG, ctf_sec, berndartmueller


A portion of users' reward, which is expected to be "escrowed", will be frozen in the pool contract if escrowPool == address(0) but escrowPortion > 0.

Vulnerability Detail

Setting _escrowPool to address(0) is allowed in __BasePool_init():

However, when escrowPortion > 0, if escrowPool == address(0), claimRewards() will still only transferring nonEscrowedRewardAmount to the _receiver and left the escrowedRewardAmount in the contract.


As a result, a portion (escrowPortion) of the rewards will be frozen in the contract, and there is no way for the users or even the admin to retrieve these rewards.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Change to:

function claimRewards(address _receiver) external {
    uint256 rewardAmount = _prepareCollect(_msgSender());
    uint256 escrowedRewardAmount = 0;

    if(escrowPortion != 0 && address(escrowPool) != address(0)) {
        escrowedRewardAmount = rewardAmount * escrowPortion / 1e18;
        if (escrowedRewardAmount != 0) {
            escrowPool.deposit(escrowedRewardAmount, escrowDuration, _receiver);
            rewardAmount -= escrowedRewardAmount;

    // ignore dust
    if(rewardAmount > 1) {
        rewardToken.safeTransfer(_receiver, rewardAmount);

    emit RewardsClaimed(_msgSender(), _receiver, escrowedRewardAmount, rewardAmount);



Conditions stablished in this issue, that is, escrowPool == address(0) and escrowPortion > 0 will never be met because pools are deployed with:

escrowPool != address(0) and escrowPortion > 0 or escrowPool == address(0) and escrowPortion > 0

As a priority we could check on deployment that such conditions are not met.


PR from this issue

Issue M-4: Front run distributeRewards() can steal the newly added rewards

Source: #106

Found by

WATCHPUG, hickuphh3, hyh


A surge of pointsPerShare on each distributeRewards() call can be used by the attacker to steal part of the newly added rewards.

Vulnerability Detail

Every time the distributeRewards() gets called, there will be a surge of pointsPerShare for the existing stakeholders.

This enables a well-known attack vector, in which the attacker will deposit a huge amount of underlying tokens and take a large portion of the pool, then trigger the surge, and exit right after.


While the existence of the MIN_LOCK_DURATION prevented the usage of flashloan, it's still possible for the attackers with sufficient funds or can acquire sufficient funds in other ways.

In which case, the attack is quite practical and effectively steal the major part of the newly added rewards

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider using a rewardRate-based gradual release model, pioneered by Synthetix's StakingRewards contract.




Raising the MIN_LOCK_DURATION from 10 minutes to 1 day.


PR from this issue

Issue M-5: First user can inflate pointsPerShare and cause _correctPoints() to revert due to overflow

Source: #103

Found by

WATCHPUG, bin2chen


pointsPerShare can be manipulated by the first user and cause _correctPoints() to revert later.

Vulnerability Detail

POINTS_MULTIPLIER is an unusually large number as a precision fix for pointsPerShare: type(uint128).max ~= 3.4e38.

This makes it possible for the first user to manipulate the pointsPerShare to near type(int256).max and a later regular user can trigger the overflow of _shares * _shares * in _correctPoints().


  1. deposit(1 wei) lock for 10 mins, mint() 1 wei of shares;
  2. distributeRewards(1000e18), pointsPerShare += 1000e18 * type(uint128).max / 1 == 3e59;
  3. the victim deposit(100e18) for 1 year, mint() 150e18 shares;
  4. _shares * pointsPerShare == -150e18 * 3e59 == -4.5e+79 which exceeds type(int256).min, thus the transaction will revert.

The attacker can also manipulate pointsPerShare to a slightly smaller number, so that _shares * pointsPerShare will only overflow after a certain amount of deposits.


By manipulating the pointPerShare precisely, the attacker can make it possible for the system to run normally for a little while and only to explode after a certain amount of deposits, as the pointsPerShare will be too large by then and all the _mint and _burn will revert due to overflow in _correctPoints().

The users who deposited before will be unable to withdraw their funds.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


  1. Add a minimal mint amount requirement for the first minter and send a portion of the initial shares to gov as a permanent reserve to avoid pointPerShare manipulating.
  2. Use a smaller number for POINTS_MULTIPLIER, eg, 1e12.



Agree with the recommendation. Requiring a minimal amount for first minter/minting on deployment by governance should be enough to prevent the described manipulation.


PR from this issue


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