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Eric Prud'hommeaux committed Jun 7, 2018
2 parents fefd939 + fe69cae commit 426844b
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<title>Algorithms for Static Analysis and Validation of the Shape Expressions Language</title>
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"shex-spec" : {
"authors": ["Eric Prud'hommeaux", "Iovka Boneva", "Jose Emilio Labra Gayo", "Gregg Kellogg"],
"title": "Shape Expressions Language",
"href": "index.html"
"shex-vocab": {
"authors": ["Gregg Kellogg"],
"title": "Shape Expression Vocabulary",
"href": ""
"shape-map": {
"authors": ["Eric Prud'hommeaux", "Thomas Baker"],
"title": "ShapeMap Structure and Language",
"href": ""
specStatus: "CG-DRAFT",
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{ name: "Iovka Boneva",
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company: "University of Lille",
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{ name: "Jérémie Dusart",
company: "Inria",
companyURL: "" },
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<section id="abstract">
The <a href="index.html">Shape Expressions (ShEx) language</a> describes <a>RDF nodes</a> and <a>graph</a> structures, organized in a shapes schema.
A shapes schema must comply to a series of <a href="index.html#schema-requirements">requirements</a>.
This document presents the algorithms that allow to test whether a syntactically correct shapes schema satisfies the requirements.
It also presents algorithms for validating an RDF graph against a ShEx schema that satisfies the requirements.

<section id="sotd">
<p>This document is being developed by the
<a href="">Shape Expressions Community Group</a>.
This version is an editor's draft.

<section id="introduction">

<section id="schema-requirements">
<h2>Algorithms for Checking the Schema Requirements</h2>

<section id="shape-expr-ref">
<h3>Shape Expression Reference Requirement</h3>

The <a href="index.html#shapeExprRef-requirement">definition of this requirement</a> is in the shape expressions language specification.

<p>For a ShEx schema <span class="math">sch</span>, let <span class="math">ShapeExprIds(sch)</span> be the set of shape expression identifiers in <span class="math">sch</span>.</p>

<p>Algorithm checkShapeExpressionReferenceRequirement</p>
Input: sch: a schema
Output: true sch satisfies the shape expression reference requirement, false otherwise
whenever the latter is true, produces also D: the shape expressions dependency graph induced by sch

let ShapeExprIds be the set of all shape expression ids in sch
let ShapeExprRefs be the set of all shape expression references in sch
if shapeExprRefs is not included in shapeExprIds then return false

initiate a directed edge labelled graph D which nodes are all Shape, NodeConstraint, ShapeNot, ShapeOr, ShapeAnd and shapeExprRef elements that appear in sch

foreach ShapeExpr se in the vertex set of D
if se is a ShapeOr or a ShapeAnd then
foreach ShapeExpr sub in se.shapeExprs
add to D an edge from se to sub labelled with pos
else if se is a ShapeNot then
add to D an edge from se to se.shapeExpr labelled with neg
else if se is a shapeExprRef then
add to D an edge from se to shapeExprWithId(se) labelled with pos

if D contains a cycle then
return false
return (true, D)


<section id="triple-expr-ref">
<h3>Triple Expression Reference Requirement</h3>

The <a href="index.html#tripleExprRef-requirement">definition of this requirement</a> is in the shape expressions language specification.


<section id="negation">
<h3>Negation Requirement</h3>

The <a href="index.html#negation-requirement">definition of this requirement</a> is in the shape expressions language specification.

<p>Algorithm for computing the dependency graph of a schema.</p>

Input: schema a ShexSchema
Output: D the shape expressions dependency graph

let DSE be the dependency graph as computed by checkShapeExpressionReferenceRequirement
let DTE be the dependency graph as computed by checkTripleExpressionReferenceRequirement

let atomicTripleConstraints be the map that with every TripleExpression s.expression that appears in schema (for some Shape s) associates the set of TripleConstrants tc s.t. there is a path in DTE between s.expression and tc;

let atomicShapes be the map that with every ShapeExpression tc.valueExpr that appears in schema (for some TripleConstraint tc) associates the set of Shapes s s.t. there is path in DSE from tc.valueExpr to s

initiate a directed edge-labelled graph D with vertex set that contains all the Shapes in schema

foreach Shape s vertex of D s.t. s.expression is in the key set of atomicTripleConstraints
foreach TripleConstraint tc in atomicTripleConstraints(s.expression)
if tc.valueExpr is present then
foreach Shape s2 that belongs to atomicShapes(tc.valueExpr)
if there is at least one path in DSE from tc.valueExpr to s2 that traverses an odd number of neg-labelled edges then
add to D a neg-labelled edge from s to s2
add to D a pos-labeled edge from s to s2

return D

<p>Algorithm for computing the stratification of a schema.</p>
Input: schema a ShexSchema
Output: a map stratum from the set of Shapes in schema to natural numbers, or ERROR if the schema cannot be stratified

let D be the dependency graph of schema

if D contains a strongly connected component stc that contains a neg-labelled edge then
raise an error

let S be a directed graph which set of vertices is the set of strongly connected components of D
let L be a topological sorting of the vertices of S

foreach s node of D
let stratum(s) be the index in L of the unique strongly connected component stc s.t. s belongs to stc

return stratum



<section id="validation">
<h2>Algorithms for Validation</h2>

<section id="refine-validation">
<h3>Refine Validation</h3>

<p>Algorithm for refine validation.</p>

Input: an RDF graph G, a ShexSchema schema which set of shapes is S
Output: the shape map completeTyping(G,sch)

let stratum=stratification(sch)
let k be the greatest number in the range of stratum

let typing be the empty set
for i in 0 .. k do
let shapes-i be the set of Shapes s in S s.t. stratum(s) = i
let typing-i = nodes(G) x shapes-i
changing = false
foreach (n,s) in typing-i do
if not matches(n,s,G,Sch,typing-i union typing)
remove (n,s) from typing-i
changing = true
while (changing)
add typing-i to typing
end for

return typing

<section id="recursive-validation">
<h3>Recursive Validation</h3>

<p>Algorithm isValid(G,sch,n,se) for checking a unique node s against a unique shape expression s.</p>

Input: RDF graph G, ShexSchema sch with set of Shapes S, node n in G, Shape s in sch, hyp: a stack over Nodes(G)xS
Output: true if satisfies(G,sch,n,s,completeTyping(G,sch)), false otherwise

push (n,s) on hyp
let sm be an empty shape map

let atomicTripleConstranits be the set of atomic triple constraints of s.expression
let neighbourhood be the set of (predicate,n2) s.t. either (n, predicate, n2) in G and predicate appears in a triple constraint in allTC, or (n2, predicate, n) in G and ^predicate appears in a triple constraint in allTC

for (pred,n2) in neighbourhood do
foreach tc in allTC
if tc.predicate == pred then
if tc.valueExpr is present then
foreach s2 in atomicShapes(tc.valueExpr)
if isValid(G,sch,n2,s2) then
add (n2,s2) to sm

add all elements of hyp to sm
result = satisfies(n,s,G,sm)
pop from hyp

return result

<p>Recursive validation algorithm.</p>
Input: an RDF graph G, a ShexSchema schema which set of shapes is S, an initial shapeMap map
Output: true if satisfies(n,s,G,sch,completeTyping(G,sch)) for every (n,s) in map, false otherwise

let sm be an empty shape map

foreach (n,se) in map
foreach Shape s in atomicShapes of se
if isValid(s,n,G,sch) then
add (n,s) to sm
if not satisfies(n,se,G,sch,sm) then
return false

return true



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