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shinokada edited this page Oct 6, 2014 · 1 revision

Vim 101: Search and Replace

Search and replace

# first match on the current line
# all matches on the current line
# every match in the file
:%s/search/replace/g # % is the same as 1,$
# search and replace by line numbers
# case insensitive with i
# confirm each match with c

options for confirm

y               Yes; make this change.
n               No; skip this match.
a               All; make this change and all remaining ones without
                further confirmation.
q               Quit; don't make any more changes.
l               Last; make this change and then quit.
CTRL-E          Scroll the text one line up.
CTRL-Y          Scroll the text one line down.

Using register

# substitute with the content of register a

Substitution with multiple files

# open multiple files
vim *.js
# list the buffers

Adding line breaks

:59,$s/$/\r  # add line breaks
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