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Implementing Incremental Learning In Label Studio Using River ML Model


River is a Python library for online machine learning. It is the result of a merger between creme and scikit-multiflow River's ambition is to be the go-to library for doing machine learning on streaming data.

Label Studio is an open source data labeling tool for labeling and exploring multiple types of data. You can perform different types of labeling with many data formats.

What we have done in this project?

  • Use of label studio to annotate data using label studio ml backend.
  • Using river python library to support incremental learning in label studio.
  • Classification of text using naive_bayes MultinomialNB algorithm.

To run this project follow these steps:

Clone the github project

git clone

Note first make virtual environment to avoid packages conflict

Install the necessary packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the label studio

$ label-studio start

Go to localhost:8080 in browser and create new task.

Create a new task

Save project

Now import json file stock_test_data.csv in your working directory to newly created project

Import csv

imported data

Add labeling interface for your task

Go to the Labeling Interface page and in the code section copy paste down below codes:

  <Text name="text" value="$Text"/>
  <View style="box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px #999; padding: 20px; margin-top: 2em; border-radius: 5px;">
    <Header value="Choose text sentiment"/>
    <Choices name="sentiment" toName="text" choice="single" showInLine="true">
      <Choice value="Positive"/>
      <Choice value="Negative"/>

labeling interface

Then run ML backend using docker to support multi-threaded operations(both prediction and training) using command as:

$ cd my-river-new-model
$ docker-compose up --build

Go to localhost:9090 in browser to check whether ml backend is working or not. model status

Now lets connect our newly created project to ml backend as:

Go to the Machine Learning page(home/settings/Machine Learning) of the project and click on Add Model as:

add model

for predictions

After that go to task section and select fields like Prediction scores and results as:

prediction scores

For Incremental Learning

To start train our pretrained model with newly annotated data done by manually, first we have to annotate couple of data as:

annotation results

*Then go to the Machine Learning page and click on Start Training button as:

start training

Go to the logs sections rQ.log

In this log, we can check that our pretrained model is learning our new annotated data done by manually.

As we annotate only 3 tasks, our model is trained by only 3 datas as:

incremental learning


Implementing Incremental Learning In Label Studio Using River ML Model







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