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Appolo Bus Module

bus module for appolo built with rabbot


npm i @appolo/bus


key Description Type Default
id injection id string busProvider
connection AMQP connection string string null
auto true to auto initialize busProvider and start listen to events boolean true
listener true to register queue event handlers boolean true
exchangeName name of the exchange string
queueName name of the queue string
appendEnv append env name to queueName and exchangeName boolean true
exchange exchange options object {}
queue queue options object {}
requestQueue request queue options object {}
replayQueue request queue options or false to disable object {}

Exchange Options

key Description Type Default
type request queue options or false to disable string topic
autoDelete delete when consumer count goes to 0 boolean false
durable survive broker restarts boolean true
persistent persistent delivery, messages saved to disk boolean true
alternate define an alternate exchange string
publishTimeout timeout in milliseconds for publish calls to this exchange 2^32
replyTimeout timeout in milliseconds to wait for a reply 2^32
limit the number of unpublished messages to cache while waiting on connection 2^16
noConfirm prevents rabbot from creating the exchange in confirm mode boolean false

Queue Options

key Description Type Default
autoDelete delete when consumer count goes to 0 boolean false
durable survive broker restarts boolean true
subscribe auto-start the subscription boolean false
limit max number of unacked messages allowed for consumer 2^16 1
noAck the server will remove messages from the queue as soon as they are delivered boolean false
noBatch causes ack, nack & reject to take place immediately boolean false
noCacheKeys disable cache of matched routing keys to prevent unbounded memory growth boolean false
queueLimit max number of ready messages a queue can hold 2^32
messageTt time in ms before a message expires on the queue 2^32
expires time in ms before a queue with 0 consumers expires 2^32
in config/modules/all.ts
import {PubSubModule} from '@appolo/pubsub';

export = async function (app: App) {
   await app.module(new BusModule({redis:"amqp://connection-string"}));



import {define, singleton} from 'appolo'
import {publisher} from "@appolo/bus";

export class SomePublisher {

    async publish(data: any): Promise<any> {
        return data

Or with BusProvider

export class SomePublisher {

    inject() busProvider:BusProvider

    publish(data:any): Promise<any> {
        return this.busProvider.publish("test",data)


if you don not call msg ack or nack it will be called on handler return msg.ack() or msg.nack() on error

import {define, singleton} from 'appolo'
import {handler} from "@appolo/bus";

export class SomeHandler {

    handle(msg: IMessage<data>) {
       //do something

    handle(msg: IMessage<data>) {

           //do some thing



import {define, singleton} from 'appolo'
import {request} from "@appolo/bus";

export class SomePublisher {

    async getData(data: any): Promise<any> {
        return data

    public async handleData(){
        let data = await this.getData({userId:1})


Or with BusProvider

export class SomePublisher {

    inject() busProvider:busProvider

    publish(data:any): Promise<any> {
        let data = await  this.busProvider.request("test",data)

        return data;


import {define, singleton} from 'appolo'
import {handler} from "@appolo/bus";

export class SomeHandler {

    inject() busProvider:busProvider

    handle(msg: IMessage<data>) {
        return {userId:1}

    // or reply methods
    handle(msg: IMessage<data>) {

            //get some data


each handler and reply handler called with message object

  // metadata specific to routing & delivery
  fields: {
    consumerTag: "", // identifies the consumer to rabbit
    deliveryTag: #, // identifies the message delivered for rabbit
    redelivered: true|false, // indicates if the message was previously nacked or returned to the queue
    exchange: "" // name of exchange the message was published to,
    routingKey: "" // the routing key (if any) used when published
    contentType: "application/json", // see serialization for how defaults are determined
    contentEncoding: "utf8", // rabbot's default
    headers: {}, // any user provided headers
    correlationId: "", // the correlation id if provided
    replyTo: "", // the reply queue would go here
    messageId: "", // message id if provided
    type: "", // the type of the message published
    appId: "" // not used by rabbot
  content: { "type": "Buffer", "data": [ ... ] }, // raw buffer of message body
  body: , // this could be an object, string, etc - whatever was published
  type: "" // this also contains the type of the message published


Enqueues the message for acknowledgement.


Enqueues the message for rejection. This will re-enqueue the message.


Rejects the message without re-queueing it. Please use with caution and consider having a dead-letter-exchange assigned to the queue before using this feature.

message.reply( data:any )

Acknowledges the messages and sends the message back to the requestor.

message.replySuccess( data:T )

reply the message with json object {success: true,data}

message.replyError( e: RequestError<T> )

reply the message with json object {success: false,message: e.message,}



initialize busProvider and start listen to events if not in in auto mode

publish(type: string, data: any, expire?: number): Promise<void>

publish event

  • type - event name
  • data - any data
  • expire - timeout until the message is expired in the queue

request<T>(type: string, data: any, expire?: number): Promise<T>

request data by event return promise with event response

  • type - event name
  • data - any data
  • expire - timeout until the request is rejected

close<T>(): Promise<void>

close the connection and clean all handlers

getQueueMessagesCount(): Promise<number>

return number of pending events in the queue


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