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A jQuery plugin that adds color animation support.


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#jQuery.Color() Check out Color Library on jQuery UI Planning Wiki for more information about the new API in this branch

##Animated colors

The main purpose of this plugin to animate color properties on elements using jQuery's .animate()

Supported Properties

backgroundColor, borderBottomColor, borderLeftColor, borderRightColor, borderTopColor, color, outlineColor

Example Use

<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
border:1px solid green;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.color.min.js"></script>
<button id="go">Simple</button>
<button id="sat">Desaturate</button>
  <div id="block">Hello!</div>
      backgroundColor: "#abcdef"
  }, 1500 );
      backgroundColor: $.Color({ saturation: 0 })
  }, 1500 );

##The $.Color Function Object The $.Color() function allows you to create and manipulate color objects that are accepted by jQuery's .animate() and .css() functions via supplied cssHooks.

  • Returns a new Color object, similar to $() or $.Event
  • Accepts many formats to create a new Color object with a $.Color.fn prototype

###Example uses:

// Parsing String Colors:
jQuery.Color( "#abcdef" );
jQuery.Color( "rgb(100,200,255)" );
jQuery.Color( "rgba(100,200,255,0.5)" );
jQuery.Color( "aqua" );

// Creating Color Objects in Code:
// use null or undefined for values you wish to leave out
jQuery.Color( red, green, blue, alpha );
jQuery.Color([ red, green, blue, alpha ]);
jQuery.Color({ red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha });
jQuery.Color({ hue: hue, saturation: saturation, lightness: lightness, alpha: alpha });

// Helper to get value from CSS
jQuery.Color( element, cssProperty );

##jQuery.Color.fn / prototype / the Color Object methods

###Getters / Setters:

red()             // returns the "red" component of the color ( Integer from 0 - 255 )
red( val )        // returns a copy of the color object with the red set to val
green()           // returns the "green" component of the color from ( Integer from 0 - 255 )
green( val )      // returns a copy of the color object with the green set to val
blue()            // returns the "blue" component of the color from ( Integer from 0 - 255 )
blue( val )       // returns a copy of the color object with the blue set to val
alpha()           // returns the "alpha" component of the color from ( Float from 0.0 - 1.0 )
alpha( val )      // returns a copy of the color object with the alpha set to val
hue()             // returns the "hue" component of the color ( Integer from 0 - 359 )
hue( val )        // returns a copy of the color objec with the hue set to val
saturation()      // returns the "hue" component of the color ( Float from 0.0 - 1.0 )
saturation( val ) // returns a copy of the color objec with the hue set to val
lightness()       // returns the "hue" component of the color ( Float from 0.0 - 1.0 )
lightness( val )  // returns a copy of the color objec with the hue set to val
// all of the above values can also take strings in the format of "+=100" or "-=100"

rgba() // returns a rgba "tuple" [ red, green, blue, alpha ]
// rgba() setters: returns a copy of the color with any defined values set to the new value
rgba( red, green, blue, alpha )
rgba({ red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha })
rgba([ red, green, blue, alpha ])

hsla() // returns a HSL tuple [ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha ]
// much like the rgb setter - returns a copy with any defined values set
hsla( hue, saturation, lightness, alpha ) 
hsla({ hue: hue, saturation: saturation, lightness: lightness, alpha: alpha ) 
hsla([ hue, saturation, lightness, alpha ]) 

###String Methods: toRgbString() // returns a css string "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" toHslString() // returns a css string "hsla(330, 75%, 25%, 1)" toHexString( includeAlpha ) // returns a css string "#abcdef", with "includeAlpha" uses "#rrggbbaa" (alpha *= 255)

###Working with other colors: transition( othercolor, distance ) // the color distance ( 0.0 - 1.0 ) of the way between this color and othercolor blend( othercolor ) // Will apply this color on top of the other color using alpha blending is( othercolor ) // Will determine if this color is equal to all defined properties of othercolor

##jQuery.Color properties

##Internals on The Color Object

  • Internally, RGBA values are stored as color._rgba[0] = red, color._rgba[1] = green, color._rgba[2] = blue, color._rgba[3] = alpha. However, please remember there are nice convenient setters and getters for each of these properties.
  • undefined/null values for colors indicate non-existence. This signals the transition() function to keep whatever value was set in the other end of the transition. For example, animating to $.Color([ 255, null, null, 1 ]) would only animate the red and alpha values of the color.

###jQuery.Color.names A list of named colors is stored on the $.Color.names object. The value they contain should be parseable by $.Color(). All names on this object should be lowercased. I.E. $.Color("Red") is the same as doing $.Color( $.Color.names["red"] );

There is also a named color "_default" which by default is white, this is used for situations where a color is unparseable.

###"transparent" A special note about the color "transparent" - It returns null for red green and blue unless you specify colors for these values.

$.Color("#abcdef").transition("transparent", 0.5)

Animating to or from the value "transparent" will still use "#abcdef" for red green and blue.

##HSLA Support

If a color is created using any of the HSLA functions or parsers, it will keep the _rgba array up to date as well as having a _hsla array. Once an RGBA operation is performed on HSLA, however, the _hsla cache is removed and all operations will continue based off of rgb (unless you go back into HSLA). The ._hsla array follows the same format as ._rbga, [hue, saturation, lightness, alpha ]. If you need to build an HSLA color from an HSLA array, $.Color().hsla( array ) works for that purpose.

Colors with 0 saturation, or 100%/0% lightness will be stored with a hue of 0


It is possible for you to add your own functions to the color object. For instance, this function will tell you if its better to use black or white on a given background color.

// method taken from
$.Color.fn.contrastColor = function() {
    var r = this._rgba[0], g = this._rgba[1], b = this._rgba[2];
    return (((r*299)+(g*587)+(b*144))/1000) >= 131.5 ? "black" : "white";

// usage examples:
$.Color("#bada55").contrastColor(); // "black"
element.css( "color", $.Color( element, "backgroundColor" ).contrastColor() );


A jQuery plugin that adds color animation support.



GPL-2.0, MIT licenses found

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