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Nativescript Plugin to perform image manipulation using web-view canvas for Android/iOS.


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Nativescript Plugin to perform image manipulation using web-view canvas for Android/iOS.


From the terminal, go to your app's root folder and execute:

tns plugin add nativescript-canvas-interface

Once the plugin is installed, you need to copy plugin files for webView, into your webView content folder. e.g.

cp -r node_modules/nativescript-canvas-interface/www/ app/www/lib/


For a quick start, you can check this Demo App and Blog Post

Inside Native App

Insert a web-view somewhere in your page. You can keep it hidden, if you don't want to show the image in web-view.

<Page xmlns="" loaded="pageLoaded">
<web-view id="webView" src="~/www/index.html" visibility="collapse"></web-view>

<!-- Native Image View on which image manipulation is performed -->
<Image id="img" src="~/road-nature.jpg"/> 

Initialize Canvas Interface Plugin in your javascript file.

var nsCanvasInterfaceModule = require('nativescript-canvas-interface');
var oNSCanvasInterface;
var imageView;

function pageLoaded(args){
    page = args.object;
    var webView = page.getViewById('webView');
    imageView = page.getViewById('img');

function initCanvasInterface(webView: WebView) {
    oNSCanvasInterface = new nsCanvasInterfaceModule.NativescriptCanvasInterface(webView, 'canvasEle'); // 'canvasEle' is the value of "id" attribute of the canvas element in web-view

Use any API Method of NativescriptCanvasInterface Class

function setCanvasImage(){
    oNSCanvasInterface.setImage('setCanvasImage', imageView, args).then(function(result){
        // contains any value returned from setCanvasImage function in web-view

function createImage(){
    oNSCanvasInterface.createImage('setBrightness', args).then(function(result) {
        imageView.imageSource = result.image;

If you want to set/create image on load of the page, you need to call all such code once webView is loaded

webView.on('loadFinished', (args) => {
    if (!args.error) {
        // call setImage/createImage

Inside WebView

Import nativescript-webview-interface.js, nativescript-canvas-interface.js and es6-promise.min.js in your html page from the folder where you copied www files during installation.
Add canvas element and give it an id.

        <canvas id="canvasEle"></canvas>
        <script src="path/to/es6-promise.min.js"></script>
        <script src="path/to/nativescript-webview-interface.js"></script>
        <script src="path/to/nativescript-canvas-interface.js"></script>
        <script src="path/to/your-custom-script.js"></script>        

Now, create instance of NSCanvasInterface using canvas element. Once the instance is created, we need to register the functions which will handle requests from native app.

function init() {
    var canvasEle = document.getElementById('canvasEle');
    var oCanvasInterface = new window.NSCanvasInterface(canvasEle);

function registerNSCanvasReqHandlers(oCanvasInterface) {
    oCanvasInterface.canvasReqHandlers = {
        setCanvasImage: setCanvasImage,
        setBrightness: setBrightness
function setCanvasImage(canvas, ctx, image){
    // set image to canvas or do anything you want.
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 100, 100);

 * Return promise or value or nothing. 
 * Once the promise is reslved or value is returned, the plugin will create an image 
 * from canvas context and pass it to native app.
function setBrightness(canvas, ctx, value){
    return Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        // do image manipulation on canvas


Native App API


NativescriptCanvasInterface(webView: WebView, canvasId: String)

We need to create a new instance per web-view canvas element.


webView: Nativescript web-view element.
canvasId: Value of "id" attribute of web-view canvas element.


setImage(functionName: string, image: Image | ImageSource | string, args?: any[], format: string = 'png'): Promise<{data: any}>

Call this method to send image from native app to web-view. The image is automatically converted from nativescript ImageView/ImageSource/imagePath to HTML Image element, and that HTML Image is served to the registered function in web-view.


functionName: Registered name of the function in web-view, to handle the image sent.
image: Image to send to web-view. Image can be a Nativescript ImageView or ImageSource or a valid Image Path.
args: (Optional) Any extra argument to pass to function in web-view.
format: (Optional) Format in which we want to send the image to web-view. Possible formats are jpeg or png. Default value is png.
returns: Promise with any data returned from the function in web-view.

createImage(functionName: string, args?: any[], format: string = 'png'): Promise<{image: ImageSource, data: any}>

Call this method to execute function in web-view, which performs canvas manipulation, and get the manipulated image back.


functionName: Function to be executed in web-view, to create image from canvas.
args: Any extra argument to pass to function in web-view.
format: Expected image format from canvas in web-view. Possible formats are jpeg or png. Default value is png.
returns: Promise with nativescript ImageSource and any data returned from the function in web-view.

WebView API (window.NSCanvasInterface Class)


NSCanvasInterface(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement)

Create new instance per canvas element.


canvasReqHandlers: { [fnName: string]: (...args) => Promise | any }

Register all the functions which handles requests from native app for canvas manipulation.

Signature of function which handles setImage API call from native app.
function setCanvasImage(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, image: HTMLImageElement, ...arg: any[]){
    // return nothing or some value or promise
Signature of function which handles createImage API call from native app.
function doSomeCanvasManip(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, ...arg: any[]){
    // return nothing or some value or promise


Nativescript Plugin to perform image manipulation using web-view canvas for Android/iOS.







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