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Saves buffer every time you change it


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Save yourself from typing :w<CR> every time you edit a buffer in Vim, ocd-save will do that for you!

ocd-save autosaves buffers that are listed (:h buflisted), non-readonly (:h readonly), and normal (:h buftype). When filetype plugin on is used (:h add-filetype-plugin), Git buffers such as commit and merge files, are not autosaved.


Use string 'shrpnsld/ocd-save.vim' with your plugin manager and you're good to go.


Excluding buffers

You can disable autosave for specific buffers by setting up an exclusion list g:ocd_save_exclude. Each element in this list is a funcref (:h funcref) that accepts a buffer number as an argument and returns 1 (:h TRUE) if this buffer should not be autosaved.


function CantBeSaved(buffer_number)
    return bufname(a:buffer_number) ==# 'cant-be-saved.txt'

let g:ocd_save_exclude = [function('CantBeSaved')]

Save message

To change or suppress "file 555L, 4567B written" message, set variable g:ocd_save_message with one of the following values:

  • '<text>' – set <text> as save message
  • '' (empty string) – use default save message
  • v:null – suppress message


If you want to turn on autosave for Git buffers, you can do so by putting let g:ocd_save_exclude_git = 0 into your Vim config.

Also, ocd-save pairs well with the noswapfile option (:h noswapfile).

Note for lazy.nvim users

These options should be set within the init function when listing ocd-save inside the lazy.nvim setup:

require("lazy").setup {
    { "shrpnsld/ocd-save.vim",
        init = function()
            vim.g.ocd_save_message = vim.v.null,
        end },


:OcdSaveOn – turn on for all buffers.

:OcdSaveOff – turn off for all buffers.

:OcdSaveOnHere – turn on for current buffer.

:OcdSaveOffHere – turn off for current buffer.