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Journal App

A terminal application to store personal journal log with user management

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Python 3.6
cryptography [Python Package]


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Say what the step will be

1. Install Python from official python documentation.
2. Install pip if not already done.
3. Install python packages using below command:
      "pip install -r requirements.txt"

Running the application

Plese execute the below command to run the application:: python

Break down into end to end tests

********* Please dont use ctrl+c or any other terminal command to exit the application . Please use logout to logout from your account and then use exit command to terminate the application.

After execution the application will show three options : Login |register |exit

1. Exit : to exit the application.

2. Register: User will get an prompt for username and password . If the username is distinct and all the checks were 						succesful, account will be created.

3. Login: User will get an prompt for username and password . If both are correct then login will be successful . After it 				user will get an prompt.
			------> create | list | logout <----- 	

		logout: Application will logout the user.
		list : It will show the user personal journal entry.
		create : It will prompt for new entry from user . Newer entry after 50 should replace the oldest entry.

**** User will not be able to see his journal records without login[Not from any explorer] and user credenttials (username & password) since all the data will be stored in encrypted files.

Codebase Intro:

user_records.txt -> Username and hash password will be stored here.
{username}_journal_details.txt -> This will be created after first login of user. Data will be stored encryptically . -> This contains different functions [register,login etc.]


  • Shubham Kumar


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