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Simple ASP.NET Core API Endpoints - The alternative to Controllers and Mediator patterns.


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Have fun using this lightweight endpoint API library. No more bloated Program.cs files and no more bloated Controllers. This library is in between those two.

Getting Started

1. Install and reference the NuGet package

Install-Package SI.Endpoints

2. Register the Endpoints


3. Create your first Endpoint and have fun

// DTOs
public record SayHelloRequest(string Name);
public record SayHelloResponse(string Message);

// Endpoint
public class SayHello : Endpoint<SayHelloRequest, SayHelloResponse>
    public override ActionResult<SayHelloResponse> Handle(SayHelloRequest request)
        return new SayHelloResponse("Hello " + request.Name);

Check out your first endpoint and navigate to: <uri>/SayHello?Name=World!

Optionally Configure your endpoints

services.AddEndpointsRouting(options =>
    options.UseFeatures();              // Groups endpoints by the same last namespace part
    options.WithPrefix("Ultra-Api");    // Adds the given prefix name to all endpoint routes

The following example shows how endpoints are configured with the given configuration:

MyApp.Endpoints.Messaging.HelloEndpoint            // <uri>/Ultra-Api/Messaging/SayHello
MyApp.Endpoints.Messaging.SayGoodByeEndpoint       // <uri>/Ultra-Api/Messaging/SayGoodBye
MyApp.AnotherEndpointNamespace.Calculate.Multiply  // <uri>/Ultra-Api/Calculate/Multiply
MyApp.AnotherEndpointNamespace.Calculate.Subtract  // <uri>/Ultra-Api/Calculate/Subtract

Use the Swagger integration

If you use swagger, then you will see that every endpoint is grouped separetly. If you want to group them by feature (like a standard controller in mvc), then simply enable the feature filter.

A. Using Swashbuckle

1. Install the NuGet-Package

Install-Package SI.Endpoints.Swagger

2. Add EnableAnnotations() and EnableFeatureFilter() to the Swagger configuration

services.AddEndpointsRouting(options => options.UseFeatures() });

// Add swagger
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
    options.EnableAnnotations();    // Make use of the Annotations
    options.EnableFeatureFilter();  // Automatically group endpoints by the [feature] template
    options.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Sample endpoints", Version = "v1" });

B. Using NSwag

1. Install the NuGet-Package

Install-Package SI.Endpoints.NSwag

2. Add EnableAnnotations() and EnableFeatureFilter() to the Swagger configuration

services.AddEndpointsRouting(options => options.UseFeatures() });

// Add swagger
services.AddOpenApiDocument(options => options.EnableFeatureFilter()); // Option A
services.AddSwaggerDocument(options => options.EnableFeatureFilter()); // Option B

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