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F3UTER - Finding 3' UnTranslated Expressed Regions

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This repository contains the analysis code for F3UTER. Nat Commun (2022) -


Copyright 2020 Astex Therapeutics Ltd.

This repository is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This repository is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file (GNU General Public License) for more details.

Using F3UTER

Use the F3UTER app to query predictions associated with the genes of your interest:

The following snakemake pipelines can be used to Generate ERs, calculate omic features and produce 3'UTR predictions using F3UTER.

Reproducing results presented in the manuscript

The majority of the analysis (including the plots) presented in the manuscript can be reproduced using the following snakemake pipelines below:

Analysis code associated with the F3UTER manuscript

The scripts are listed in the order of performed analysis. The output of these scripts are txt files.

Processing of ER data from Zhang et al 2020

Script Description
er_split_by_tissue.R Split ERs by tissue Add additional gene info to ERs
er_dataset_generate_for_analysis.R Select intergenic ERs for analysis
er_3prime_vs_5prime_analysis.R Compare 3' intergenic ERs with 5' intergenic ERs

An example dataset of processed 3' intergenic ERs is provided within Test_dataset.

Script Description
training_data_regions_generate.R Select and process regions for training

The training data can be downloaded from the F3UTER app:

Calculating omic features, can be applied to training regions and ERs

Script Description
polyA_signal.R Scan for Poly(A) signal (number of features, n=1)
nucleotide_frequency.R Calculate mono- and di-nucleotide frequency (n=20)
sequence_conservation.R Calculate mean phastCons score (n=1)
transposons_overlap.R Calculate overlap with transposons ((n=1)
expression_features.R Calculate entropy efficiency and percentage difference of expression reads (n=2)
dna_structural_features.R Calculate DNA structural properties (n=16)

The training and ER data feature matrix can be downloaded from the F3UTER app:

Univariate and multivariate analysis of omic features

Script Description
make_ml_table.R Compile feature matrix
univariate_analysis.R Perform univariate analysis on features
umap_analysis.R Perform UMAP analysis on features Wrapper for running multinomial classification models
summarise_multinomial_models.R Wrapper for summarising results from multinomial models
plot_multinomial_models.R Plot results from multinomial models
elasticNetMultinomialLR_model.R code for elastic net multinomial logistic regression
randomForestMultinomial_model.R code for multinomial random forest classification
RF_vs_LR_analysis.R Compare multinomial logistic regression and random forest results

Construction and cross-validation of F3UTER

Script Description Wrapper for running F3UTER cross validation evaluation
summarise_f3uter_cv.R Wrapper for summarising cross validation results
f3uter_cv.R Code for training F3UTER
plot_roc_pr_curves.R Plot ROC and precision-recall curves
f3uter_trained_model.R Save F3UTER trained model

Validation of F3UTER predictions using RNA-seq and 3'-seq data in B cells

Script Description
generate_Bcell_predictions.R Generate 3'UTR predictions in B cell ER dataset using F3UTER
merge_erData_with_predictionData.R Merge ER prediction data with ER raw meta-data Generate randomly selected intergenic ERs for permutation test
regions_to_exclude_for_permutation.R Genomic space to mask in order to produce intergenic ER space
compare_knownThreePrime_with_polya.R Compare known 3'UTRs with poly(A) site clusters
compare_BcellErs_with_polya.R Compare 3'UTR predictions in B cells with poly(A) site clusters

Applying F3UTER to ERs derived from GTEx tissues to predict unannotated 3'UTRs. All the ER predictions can be downloaded from the F3UTER app:

Script Description
generate_gtex_predictions.R Use F3UTER on GTEx ERs to produce predictions
merge_gtexErData_with_predictions.R Merge ER prediction data with ER raw meta-data
calculate_gtex_prediction_numbers.R Calculate basic stats/numbers for prediction results across tissues
categorise_er_tissue_specificity.R Split ER predictions based on their tissue-specificity across 39 tissues
generate_categorised_geneLists_and_tables.R Generate data tables and gene lists for each category to be used for downstream analysis
calculate_cncr_score.R Code to calculate CNC scores for a query region
perform_cncr_analysis.R Perform CNCR analysis on all predictions and tissue-specific groups

Calculate RBP motif enrichment within ER predictions. See for details.

Source code for the F3UTER online resource. App URL:

System requirements for data analysis

All the data analysis was performed in R version 3.6.2. For analysis or plotting, the following packages were used: ggplot2_2_3.3.2, ggridges_0.5.2, ggridges_0.5.2, ggsignif_0.6.0, rstatix_0.6.0, derfinder_1.20.0, rtracklayer_1.46.0, GenomicFeatures_1.38.2, GenomicRanges_1.38.0, ggpubr_0.4.0, stringr_1.4.0, dplyr_1.0.2, tidyverse_1.3.0

Citing F3UTER

Please cite this article when using F3UTER:

Sethi, S., Zhang, D., Guelfi, S. et al. Leveraging omic features with F3UTER enables identification of unannotated 3’UTRs for synaptic genes. Nat Commun 13, 2270 (2022).


Finding 3' Untranslated Expressed Regions







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