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Docker Siddhi Release 0.1.0

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@pcnfernando pcnfernando released this 25 Apr 15:26
· 53 commits to master since this release

Siddhi team is excited to announce the release of Docker resources for v0.1.0 of Siddhi Runner, Siddhi Tooling and Siddhi Parser.

Released Docker images are available under siddhiio on the Docker hub, at:

  1. siddhiio/siddhi-runner-alpine
  2. siddhiio/siddhi-runner-ubuntu
  3. siddhiio/siddhi-tooling
  4. siddhiio/siddhi-parser

Docker Siddhi maintains Siddhi Runner, Siddhi Tooling and Siddhi Parser resources.

  • Siddhi-Runner bundles the Siddhi runtime which runs the Siddhi logic in a production environment.
  • Siddhi-Tooling bundles the tooling editor profile which can be used for developing, testing and debugging Siddhi applications before moving to production.
  • Siddhi-Parser bundles the Siddhi services used by the Siddhi Operator for parsing the Siddhi QL.

Please refer the Siddhi official documentation for quick start

Bundled Siddhi Extensions

Name Description Version
execution-json The siddhi-execution-json extension is an extension to Siddhi that provides a rich set of capabilities to retrieve data from JSONs and inserting/modifying elements in JSONs using Siddhi streams. 2.0.0
execution-math The siddhi-execution-math is an extension to Siddhi, which provides useful mathematical functions that can make your siddhi queries more flexible. 5.0.0
execution-regex The siddhi-execution-regex extension is an extension to Siddhi that provides basic RegEx execution capabilities. 5.0.0
execution-string The siddhi-execution-string is an extension to Siddhi that provides basic string handling capabilities such as con-cat, length, convert to lowercase, and replace all. 5.0.1
execution-time The siddhi-execution-time extension is an extension to Siddhi that provides time related functionality to Siddhi such as getting current time, current date, manipulating/formatting dates and etc. 4.1.0
io-cdc The siddhi-io-cdc extension is an extension to Siddhi. It receives change data from MySQL, MS SQL Server, Postgresql, H2 and Oracle in the key-value format. 2.0.0
io-nats The siddhi-io-nats extension is an extension to Siddhi that can be used to communicate (publish/subscribe) with an instance of nats-streaming server. 2.0.1
io-email The siddhi-io-email extension is an extension to Siddhi that receives and publishes events via email. Using the extension, events can be published through smtp mail server and received through 'pop3' or 'imap' mail serves. 2.0.1
io-http The siddhi-io-http extension is an extension to Siddhi that allows you to receive and publish events via http and https transports and also allow you perform synchronous request and response. This extension works with WSO2 Stream Processor and with standalone Siddhi. 2.0.4
io-kafka The siddhi-io-kafka extension is an extension to Siddhi. This implements siddhi kafka source and sink that can be used to receive events from a kafka cluster and to publish events to a kafka cluster. 5.0.0
io-tcp The siddhi-io-tcp extension is an extension to Siddhi that allows to receive and publish events through TCP.
map-binary The siddhi-map-binary extension is an extension to Siddhi that can be used to convert binary events to/from Siddhi events. 3.0.1
map-csv The siddhi-map-csv extension is an extension to Siddhi that supports mapping incoming events with csv format to a stream at the source, and mapping a stream to csv format events at the sink. 2.0.0
map-json The siddhi-map-json extension is an extension to Siddhi which is used to convert JSON message to/from Siddhi events. 5.0.1
map-keyvalue The siddhi-map-keyvalue extension is an extension to Siddhi that supports mapping incoming events with Key-Value map format to a stream at the source, and mapping a stream to Key-Value map events at the sink. 2.0.0
map-text The siddhi-map-text extension is an extension to Siddhi that supports mapping incoming text messages to a stream at the source, and mapping a stream to text messages at the sink. 2.0.0
map-xml The siddhi-map-xml extension is an extension to Siddhi that supports mapping incoming XML events to a stream at the source, and mapping a stream to XML events at the sink. 5.0.0
store-rdbms The siddhi-store-rdbms extension is an extension to Siddhi that can be used to persist events to an RDBMS instance of the user's choice. 6.0.0

Bundled Client JARs

Name Description
mysql-connector-java v5.1.5 MySQL Connector/J is the official JDBC driver for MySQL.
ojdbc8 v12.2.0.1 Official JDBC driver for Oracle.

Reporting Issues
Issues can be reported using at GitHub Issue Tracker.

Contact us
Siddhi-Dev Google Group Group is the main Siddhi project discussion forum for developers.

Users can use Siddhi-User Google Group to raise any queries and get some help to achieve their use cases.

StackOverflow is also can be used to get some support and GitHub for issues and code repositories.