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Kinds of references in Scala

Understanding kinds of references in Scala

What are the differences between saying def df = 2 or val vl = 2 or var vr = 2 ?

Ch32 Futures & Concurrency

Whether it’s instruction or data, it is data eventually. It’s whether we interpret it as either that produces different cases. Can I say to the computer-spirit, I write a blob of code, (could be a literal as 2 or could be a computation as 2*2

Methinks, once the code is compiled, that blob of code is stored somewhere in the runtime(either in the processor or memory) as data. And then I can also say to the computer spirit, either to evaluate that blob of code, or just treat it without evaluation.

And I have a reference in my source code, to that blob of computation, which I use to express those cases, whether to compute it, or to treat it uncomputed.

And then when I compute it, what happens? Let’s say it’s a successful computation

replay points

  • need to exploit multicore architecture
  • java’s shortcomings
  • making a minimal future: ec and
  • probing a future
  • chaining operations
  • creating already completed futures
    • from Try


Actor model

  • that messages may not arrive in the order they are actually sent because there’s a path to travel in between and the time taken by each message to arrive maybe nondeterministic
  • how does an actor start like in the aml first example dr.lewis told that the program was waiting
  • that context can’t be referred on ActorRef that it’s available only on Actor itself



Learning Scala






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