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java -jar spdx-tools-jar-with-dependencies.jar <function> <parameters> 

function                 parameter                         example 
TagToSpreadsheet         inputFile outputFile              Examples/SPDXTagExample.tag TagToSpreadsheet.xls
TagToRDF                 inputFile outputFile              Examples/SPDXTagExample.tag TagToRDF.rdf
RdfToTag                 inputFile outputFile              TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf  RdfToTag.tag
RdfToHtml                inputFile outputFile              TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf  RdfToHtml.html
RdfToSpreadsheet         inputFile outputFile              TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf RdfToSpreadsheet.xls
SpreadsheetToRDF         inputFile outputFile              Examples/SPDXSpreadsheetExample.xls SpreadsheetToRDF.rdf
SpreadsheetToTag         inputFile outputFile              Examples/SPDXSpreadsheetExample.xls SpreadsheetToTag.tag
SPDXViewer               inputFile                         TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf
PrettyPrinter            inputFile                         TestFiles/SPDXRdfExample.rdf
CompareMultipleSpdxDocs  output.xls doc1 doc2 ... docN 
CompareSpdxDocs          doc1 doc2 [output] 
LicenseRDFAGenerator     licenseSpreadsheet.xls outputDirectory [version] [releasedate] 
GenerateVerificationCode sourceDirectory

See the SPDX Tools documentation located at for usage details.

You need Apache Maven to build the project:
mvn clean install

See the NOTICE file for licensing information
including info from 3rd Party Software

See LICENSE file for full license text

SPDX-License-Identifier:	Apache-2.0
PackageLicenseDeclared:		Apache-2.0

Update tools data formats
To update SPDX tools, the following is a very brief checklist:
1. Update the SpdxRdfContants with any new or changed RDF properties and classes
2. Update the Java code representing the RDF model.  
3. Update the properties files in the org.spdx.tag package for any new tag values
4. Update the for any new or changed tag values.  This will implement
both the rdfToTag and the SPDXViewer applications.
5. Update the org.spdx.tag.BuildDocument to implement changes for the TagToRdf application
6. Update the HTML template (resources/htmlTemplate/SpdxHTMLTemplate.html) and contexts in org.spdx.html to 
implement changes for the SpdxToHtml application
7. Update the related sheets and file in the package org.spdx.spreadsheet
8. Update the sheets and SpdxComparer/SpdxFileComparer in the package