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461 lines (405 loc) · 29.1 KB

File metadata and controls

461 lines (405 loc) · 29.1 KB

Bug Reproduction

Before reproducing the bugs, please:

  • Check out to the osdi-ae branch by git fetch origin && git checkout osdi-ae
  • Ensure your local environment meets all the requirements, and set container_registry in your config.json to (the default value).

Note: after upgrading to Go 1.19 we are no longer able to build the version of cass-operator and elastic-operator used in our evaluation. To reproduce the bugs, please refer to osdi-ae branch as mentioned above.

31 intermediate-, stale-, and unobservable-state bugs

Sieve can consistently reproduce all the 31 intermediate-, stale-, and unobservable-state bugs.

intermediate-state bug 1: k8ssandra-cass-operator-1023

python3 -c cass-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

Error from the workload: error: hard timeout: cluster1-cassandra-datacenter-default-sts-0 does not become Running within 1000 seconds

The bug was found in commit dbd4f7a10533bb2298aed0d40ea20bfd8c133da2.

stale-state bug 1: k8ssandra-cass-operator-559

python3 -c cass-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more object fields than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/server-data-cluster1-cassandra-datacenter-default-sts-0["metadata"]["deletionTimestamp"] not seen after reference run, but is 2022-04-01T05:31:17Z after testing run

Note that the timestamp can change. The bug was found in commit dbd4f7a10533bb2298aed0d40ea20bfd8c133da2.

python3 -c cassandra-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more object fields than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-volume-cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1-0["metadata"]["deletionTimestamp"] not seen after reference run, but is 2022-04-01T04:22:06Z after testing run

Note that the timestamp can change. The bug was found in commit fe8f91da3cd8aab47f21f7a3aad4abc5d4b6a0dd.

python3 -c cassandra-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more object fields than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-volume-cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1-1["metadata"]["deletionTimestamp"] not seen after reference run, but is 2022-04-01T04:34:00Z after testing run

Note that the timestamp can change. The bug was found in commit fe8f91da3cd8aab47f21f7a3aad4abc5d4b6a0dd.

unobserved-state bug 1: instaclustr-cassandra-operator-398

python3 -c cassandra-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: pod/default/cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1-1["status"]["containerStatuses"][0]["ready"] is True after reference run, but False after testing run

The bug was found in commit fe8f91da3cd8aab47f21f7a3aad4abc5d4b6a0dd.

intermediate-state bug 1: orange-opensource-casskop-370

python3 -c casskop-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more objects than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-cassandra-cluster-dc1-rack1-1 is not seen after reference run, but seen after testing run
End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: cassandracluster/default/cassandra-cluster["status"]["cassandraRackStatus"]["dc1-rack1"]["cassandraLastAction"]["status"] is Done after reference run, but ToDo after testing run

The bug was found in commit f87c8e05c1a2896732fc5f3a174f1eb99e936907.

python3 -c casskop-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more object fields than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-cassandra-cluster-dc1-rack1-0["metadata"]["deletionTimestamp"] not seen after reference run, but is 2022-04-01T05:46:44Z after testing run

Note that the timestamp can change. The bug was found in commit f87c8e05c1a2896732fc5f3a174f1eb99e936907.

python3 -c casskop-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: poddisruptionbudget/default/cassandra-cluster ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 4 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: poddisruptionbudget/default/cassandra-cluster DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit f87c8e05c1a2896732fc5f3a174f1eb99e936907.

unobserved-state bug 1: orange-opensource-casskop-342

python3 -c casskop-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more objects than reference: 2 pod object(s) seen after reference run ['pod/default/cassandra-cluster-dc1-rack1-0', 'pod/default/casskop-operator-546674cfdd-z486x'] but 3 pod object(s) seen after testing run ['pod/default/cassandra-cluster-dc1-rack1-0', 'pod/default/cassandra-cluster-dc1-rack1-1', 'pod/default/casskop-operator-67fdccf6f4-s6cgt']

Note that the randomly generated pod name can change. The bug was found in commit f87c8e05c1a2896732fc5f3a174f1eb99e936907.

intermediate-state bug 1: percona-server-mongodb-operator-578

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 7 secret object(s) seen after reference run ['secret/default/internal-mongodb-cluster-users', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-encryption-key', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-keyfile', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl-internal', 'secret/default/percona-server-mongodb-operator-token-4pbxq'] but 6 secret object(s) seen after testing run ['secret/default/internal-mongodb-cluster-users', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-encryption-key', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-keyfile', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/percona-server-mongodb-operator-token-rkglb']

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

intermediate-state bug 2: percona-server-mongodb-operator-579

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b intermediate-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 7 secret object(s) seen after reference run ['secret/default/internal-mongodb-cluster-users', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-encryption-key', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-keyfile', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl-internal', 'secret/default/percona-server-mongodb-operator-token-gqtsx'] but 6 secret object(s) seen after testing run ['secret/default/internal-mongodb-cluster-users', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-encryption-key', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-mongodb-keyfile', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/percona-server-mongodb-operator-token-gg455']

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/mongod-data-mongodb-cluster-rs0-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/mongod-data-mongodb-cluster-rs0-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/mongodb-cluster-cfg-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/mongodb-cluster-cfg-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b stale-state-3

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/mongodb-cluster-rs0-arbiter-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/mongodb-cluster-rs0-arbiter-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

unobserved-state bug 1: percona-server-mongodb-operator-585

python3 -c mongodb-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/mongod-data-mongodb-cluster-rs0-4 is seen after reference run, but not seen after testing run

The bug was found in commit c12b69e2c41efc67336a890039394250420f60bb.

python3 -c nifikop-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/simplenifi-1-node* ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 1 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/simplenifi-1-node* DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 0 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 1546e0242107bf2f2c1256db50f47c79956dd1c6.

intermediate-state bug 1: rabbitmq-cluster-operator-782

python3 -c rabbitmq-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: persistentvolumeclaim/default/persistence-rabbitmq-cluster-server-0["spec"]["resources"]["requests"]["storage"] is 15Gi after reference run, but 10Gi after testing run
End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: persistentvolumeclaim/default/persistence-rabbitmq-cluster-server-0["status"]["capacity"]["storage"] is 15Gi after reference run, but 10Gi after testing run

The bug was found in commit 4f13b9a942ad34fece0171d2174aa0264b10e947.

python3 -c rabbitmq-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 4f13b9a942ad34fece0171d2174aa0264b10e947.

python3 -c rabbitmq-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: statefulset/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 4 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: statefulset/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 4f13b9a942ad34fece0171d2174aa0264b10e947.

unobserved-state bug 1: rabbitmq-cluster-operator-758

python3 -c rabbitmq-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 4 pod object(s) seen after reference run ['pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-0', 'pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-1', 'pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-2', 'pod/default/rabbitmq-operator-b7d5945b-tsbpq'] but 3 pod object(s) seen after testing run ['pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-0', 'pod/default/rabbitmq-cluster-server-1', 'pod/default/rabbitmq-operator-757bbb7678-lhmgd']

The bug was found in commit 4f13b9a942ad34fece0171d2174aa0264b10e947.

intermediate-state bug 1: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-896

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b intermediate-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 5 secret object(s) seen after reference run ['secret/default/internal-xtradb-cluster', 'secret/default/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-token-cprgn', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl-internal'] but 4 secret object(s) seen after testing run ['secret/default/internal-xtradb-cluster', 'secret/default/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-token-m8k2j', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl']

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

intermediate-state bug 2: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-897

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b intermediate-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 5 secret object(s) seen after reference run ['secret/default/internal-xtradb-cluster', 'secret/default/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-token-gqhsf', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl-internal'] but 4 secret object(s) seen after testing run ['secret/default/internal-xtradb-cluster', 'secret/default/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-token-6crll', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-secrets', 'secret/default/xtradb-cluster-ssl']

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/datadir-xtradb-cluster-pxc-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/datadir-xtradb-cluster-pxc-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/xtradb-cluster-haproxy-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/xtradb-cluster-haproxy-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b stale-state-3

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/xtradb-cluster-proxysql-0 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/xtradb-cluster-proxysql-0 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

unobserved-state bug 1: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator-918

python3 -c xtradb-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/datadir-xtradb-cluster-pxc-3 is seen after reference run, but not seen after testing run
End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/datadir-xtradb-cluster-pxc-4 is seen after reference run, but not seen after testing run

The bug was found in commit 29092c9b145af6eaf5cbff534287483bec4167b6.

stale-state bug 1: yugabyte-operator-35

python3 -c yugabyte-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/yb-master-yugabyte-tls-cert ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/yb-master-yugabyte-tls-cert DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/yb-tserver-yugabyte-tls-cert ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/yb-tserver-yugabyte-tls-cert DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

This bug was found in commit 966ef1978ed5d714119548b2c4343925fe49f882.

stale-state bug 2: yugabyte-operator-36

python3 -c yugabyte-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: service/default/yb-tserver-ui ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: service/default/yb-tserver-ui DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

This bug was found in commit 966ef1978ed5d714119548b2c4343925fe49f882 with the prerequisite fix.

unobserved-state bug 1 yugabyte-operator-39

python3 -c yugabyte-operator -b unobserved-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - fewer objects than reference: 8 pod object(s) seen after reference run ['pod/default/yb-master-0', 'pod/default/yb-master-1', 'pod/default/yb-master-2', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-0', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-1', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-2', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-3', 'pod/default/yugabyte-operator-86f6465d9b-7vpz2'] but 7 pod object(s) seen after testing run ['pod/default/yb-master-0', 'pod/default/yb-master-1', 'pod/default/yb-master-2', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-0', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-1', 'pod/default/yb-tserver-2', 'pod/default/yugabyte-operator-649c78d854-vms75']

This bug was found in commit 966ef1978ed5d714119548b2c4343925fe49f882.

python3 -c zookeeper-operator -b stale-state-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - more object fields than reference: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-zookeeper-cluster-0["metadata"]["deletionTimestamp"] not seen after reference run, but is 2022-04-01T09:15:46Z after testing run

The bug was found in commit cda03d2f270bdfb51372192766123904f6d88278.

python3 -c zookeeper-operator -b stale-state-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-zookeeper-cluster-1 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: persistentvolumeclaim/default/data-zookeeper-cluster-1 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/zookeeper-cluster-1 ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 3 seen during testing run
State-update summaries inconsistency: pod/default/zookeeper-cluster-1 DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, but 2 seen during testing run

The bug was found in commit cda03d2f270bdfb51372192766123904f6d88278.

8 indirect bugs

Note that Sieve does NOT guarantee to consistently reproduce the following indirect bugs as these bugs are not directly triggered by the test plans generated by our Sieve.

python3 -c cassandra-operator -b indirect-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

Error from the workload: error: hard timeout: cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1-1 does not become Terminated within 600 seconds
python3 -c cassandra-operator -b indirect-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: pod/default/cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1-1["status"]["containerStatuses"][0]["ready"] is True after reference run, but False after testing run
End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: statefulset/default/cassandra-test-cluster-dc1-rack1["status"]["readyReplicas"] is 2 after reference run, but 1 after testing run
python3 -c mongodb-operator -b indirect-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

Exception from controller: Observed a panic: "invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" (runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference)
python3 -c mongodb-operator -b indirect-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference run, but 
3 seen during testing run                                                                                                               
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during reference run, bu
t 2 seen during testing run                                                                                                             
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl-internal ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during reference 
run, but 3 seen during testing run                                                                                                      
State-update summaries inconsistency: secret/default/mongodb-cluster-ssl-internal DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during referenc
e run, but 2 seen during testing run
python3 -c mongodb-operator -b indirect-3

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: perconaservermongodb/default/mongodb-cluster["status"]["state"] is ready after learning run, but error after testing run
End state inconsistency - fewer object fields than reference: perconaservermongodb/default/mongodb-cluster["status"]["replsets"]["rs0"]["added_as_shard"] is True after learning run, but not seen after testing run

indirect bug 1: yugabyte-operator-33

python3 -c yugabyte-operator -b indirect-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

Error from the workload: error: cmd 'kubectl patch YBCluster example-ybcluster --type merge -p='{"spec":{"tserver":{"tserverUIPort": 0}}}'' return non-zero code 1
Error from the workload: error: hard timeout: yb-tserver-ui does not become non-exist within 600 seconds

indirect bug 2: yugabyte-operator-43

python3 -c yugabyte-operator -b indirect-2

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

End state inconsistency - object field has a different value: pod/default/yb-master-2["status"]["containerStatuses"][0]["state"]["runni$g"] is {'StartedAt': '2022-02-04T08:50:21Z'} after reference run, but None after testing run

indirect bug 1: zookeeper-operator-410

python3 -c zookeeper-operator -b indirect-1

If reproduced, you will see errors reported by Sieve including

State-update summaries inconsistency: configmap/default/zookeeper-cluster-configmap ADDED inconsistency: 2 event(s) seen during referenc
e run, but 3 seen during testing run                                                                                                    
State-update summaries inconsistency: configmap/default/zookeeper-cluster-configmap DELETED inconsistency: 1 event(s) seen during refere
nce run, but 2 seen during testing run