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Cedric Beauduffe edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 14 revisions

Holtek BC68F2150 Sigfox library implementation example

1.1. Description

The sigfox-ep-example-holtek-bc68f2150 is a implementation example of Sigfox EP library for BC68F2150. This example implementation was designed for specific hardware for which all the information (schema, gerber, bom, design...) is provided and detailed here.

Application Features Ressource Folder
  • Low-Cost Sigfox device
  • IOT
  • Asset tracking
  • Smart Home
  • 2.3V to 3.3V application
  • Sigfox RC1 power class 2 device
  • Sigfox N=1 to N=3
  • Sigfox Authentication
  • Schematics
  • Layout
  • Bill of Materials
  • Firmware SW Files

1.2. Document References

Reference Description Link / reference
REF1 Holtek documentation pages
REF2 Holtek CE test report
REF3 Holtek FCC test report
REF4 Sigfox Device Radio Specifications sigfox-device-radio-specifications
REF5 Holtek ICE
REF6 Github page with FW example (please ask your Unabiz contact to grant the access) sigfox-ep-example-holtek-bc68f2150
REF7 GitHub repository of the Open source Sigfox Library sigfox-ep-lib
REF9 RC1 Hardware files (PCB, schematics, BOM, gerber)
REF20 Emitech Radio test report ETSI RR-EVE-23E250-1A Ed.0.pdf
REF21 Emitech Radio test report FCC RR-EVE-23E250-2A Ed.0.pdf
REF22 RSA RF & Protocol RC1 100bps low power RFP RC1 100bps low power
REF23 RSA Test report RC1 100bps high power RFP RC1 100bps high power
REF24 RSA Test report RC1 600bps NA
REF25 RSA test report RC2 NA

1.3. Hardware Synoptic