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@sergey-signal sergey-signal released this 02 Mar 01:02
· 135 commits to main since this release
- SVR3 bridge, all clients
- CDSI bridge for FFI
- libsignal-net bridge for Node
- Retire old SVR2 enclaves
- Message backup:
	- Expose message backup purpose as an argument
	- Disallow messages that are expiring soon
- Usernames: Fix missing Cargo feature for curve25519-dalek
- Implement 3HashSDHI-based "passes" in zkcredential
- Java bridging layer changes:
	- Mark all bridge_fns that return Result as `throws Exception`
	- Add the FilterExceptions helper
- Node bridging layer changes:
	- Use JsBigInt for u64 bridging instead of a Buffer
	- Update to Neon 1.0
- General bridging layer changes:
	- Filter out log messages that aren't from libsignal
	- Make ProtocolAddress's getters infallible
	- Improve error messages