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Manage github releases from the command line


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This project aims at streamlining the distribution of releases on Github.

I made it because it sucks to have to download a file from a server, only to upload it to Github from the desktop.

It also sucks to download a file from github to your desktop, and then SCP it to a server.

This thing works nicely from an SSH session.

-- @j0057 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014


from the command-line:

# create a prerelease
$ githubrelease release jcfr/sandbox create 1.0.0 --prerelease

# upload assets
$ githubrelease asset jcfr/sandbox upload 1.0.0 "dist/*"

# publish the release
$ githubrelease release jcfr/sandbox publish 1.0.0

# or all together: create with custom name, upload assets, and publish
$ githubrelease release jcfr/sandbox create 2.0.0 --publish --name "Awesome 2.0" "dist/*"

... or even from python:

from github_release import gh_release_create
gh_release_create("jcfr/sandbox ", "2.0.0", publish=True, name="Awesome 2.0", asset_pattern="dist/*")

That said, if you are looking for a full fledged GitHub API support for Python, you should probably look into project like github3py or PyGithub

Table of Contents


  • create release, pre-release, or draft release
  • update any release metadata including referenced commit
  • support wildcard expression (or list of wildcard expressions):
    • for upload or download of assets
    • for selectively deleting assets
  • report download and upload progress
  • allow deleting individual asset from a release
  • retry upload in case of server failure
  • gracefully handle release with invalid assets (the ones with new state)
  • authentication through GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable or ~/.netrc file
  • pure python, only depends on requests and click


Released stable version can be installed from pypi using:

pip install githubrelease

Bleeding edge version can be installed using:

pip intall githubrelease -f


First, generate a new token. It should have at least the repo scope.

Then, there are three options:

  • Set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable:
  • Pass the --github-token CLI argument. For example:
$ githubrelease --github-token YOUR_TOKEN release jcfr/sandbox create --prerelease 1.0.0
  • Put the key in ~/.netrc, which should have mode 0600 (-rw-------):
password x-oauth-basic

password x-oauth-basic

where YOUR_TOKEN should be replaced with the generated token.

using the cli

The package installs one CLI named githubrelease.

$ githubrelease 
Usage: githubrelease [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A CLI to easily manage GitHub releases, assets and references.

  --github-token TEXT         [default: GITHUB_TOKEN env. variable]
  --progress / --no-progress  Display progress bar (default: yes).
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

  asset    Manage release assets (upload, download, ...)...
  ref      Manage references (list, create, delete, ...)...
  release  Manage releases (list, create, delete, ...)...

Run 'githubrelease COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.

For backward compatibility, it also installs github-release and github-asset

release command

This command deals with releases. The general usage is:

githubrelease release username/reponame command [tag] [options]

It understands the following commands:

command parameters description
list list all releases
info tagname list one release
create tagname [options] create a release
edit tagname [options] Edit a release
delete tagname delete a release
publish tagname [--prerelease] make release public
unpublish tagname [--prerelease] make release draft
release-notes tagname use $EDITOR to edit release notes

Optional parameters:

  • create:
  --name NAME
  --body BODY
  --target-commitish TARGET_COMMITISH
  • edit:
  --tag-name TAG_NAME
  --target-commitish TARGET_COMMITISH
  --name NAME
  --body BODY
  • delete:
  --keep-pattern KEEP_PATTERN
  --type [all, draft, prerelease, release]
  --older-than HOURS

asset command

This command deals with release assets. The general usage is:

githubrelease asset username/reponame command [tag] [filename] [options]

It understands the following commands:

command parameters description
list list all assets
upload tagname filename... upload files to a release
download download all files from all releases to current directory
download tagname download all files from a release to current directory
download tagname filename download file to current directory
delete tagname filename [options] delete a file from a release

Optional parameters:

  • delete:
--keep-pattern KEEP_PATTERN


When specifying filenames, shell-like wildcards are supported, but make sure to quote using single quotes, i.e. don't let the shell expand the wildcard pattern.

For the download command, you also need to specify a tagname of '*'


# upload all example-project-1.4* files in /home/me/pkg
$ githubrelease asset octocat/example-project upload 1.4 '/home/me/pkg/example-project-1.4*'

# download all wheels from all releases
$ githubrelease asset octocat/example-project download '*' '*.whl'

# download all files from release 1.4
$ githubrelease asset octocat/example-project download 1.4

# download all files from example-project
$ githubrelease asset octocat/example-project download

ref command

This command deals with git references. The general usage is:

githubrelease ref username/reponame command [options]

It understands the following commands:

command parameters description
create ref sha create reference (e.g heads/foo, tags/foo)
list [--tags] [--pattern PATTERN] list all references
delete pattern [--tags] [--keep-pattern KEEP_PATTERN] delete selected references

using the module

The python API mirrors the command-line interface. Most of the available function names follows this pattern:


where the first <COMMAND> is either release, asset or ref and the second one is any command respectively documented above.

The parameters accepted by each function also mirrors the command-line interface. The usual signature is:

gh_<COMMAND>_<COMMAND>(repo_name, [param, [param,]] [option, [option]])

For example, here is the signature for gh_release_create:

def gh_release_create(repo_name, tag_name, 
                      name=None, publish=False, prerelease=False, target_commitish=None):

The type of each parameters or options can usually be inferred from its name. If not, consider looking at

repo_name        -> str
tag_name         -> str
name             -> str
publish          -> bool
prerelease       -> bool
target_commitish -> str


There are tests running automatically on TravisCI:

  • coding style checks
  • integration tests

Since the integration tests are expecting GITHUB_TOKEN to be set, they will NOT be executed when pull request from fork are submitted. Indeed, setting GITHUB_TOKEN is required by the tests to reset and update github-release-bot/github-release-test-py2 and github-release-bot/github-release-test-py3.

To execute the integration tests locally, and make sure your awesome contribution is working as expected, you will have to:

  • create a test repository with at least one commit (e.g yourname/github-release-test)
  • set environment variable INTEGRATION_TEST_REPO_NAME=yourname/github-release-test
  • execute python test

To execute a specific test, the following also works:

export INTEGRATION_TEST_REPO_NAME=yourname/github-release-test
$ pytest tests/

Moving forward, the plan would be to leverage tools like betamax allowing to intercept every request made and attempting to find a matching request that has already been intercepted and recorded.

maintainers: how to make a release ?

  1. Configure ~/.pypirc as described here.

  2. Make sure the cli and module work as expected.

  3. Choose the next release version number:

  4. Review, replace Next Release into X.Y.Z, commit and push. Consider using [ci skip] in commit message:

    sed -i -e "s/Next Release/${release}/"
    sed -i -e "s/============/=====/"
    git add
    git commit -m " Replace \"Next Release\" with \"${release}\"
    [ci skip]

    Review commit, then push:

    git push origin master
  5. Tag the release. Requires a GPG key with signatures:

    git tag -s -m "githubrelease ${release}" ${release} origin/master

    And push:

    git push origin ${release}
  6. Create the source tarball and binary wheels:

    rm -rf dist/
    python sdist bdist_wheel
  7. Upload the packages to the testing PyPI instance:

    twine upload --sign -r pypitest dist/*
  8. Check the PyPI testing package page.

  9. Upload the packages to the PyPI instance::

    twine upload --sign dist/*
  10. Check the PyPI package page.

  11. Create a virtual env, and make sure the package can be installed:

    mkvirtualenv test-githubrelease-install
    pip install githubrelease
  12. Create github release and upload packages:

    githubrelease release j0057/github-release create ${release} --name ${release} --publish ./dist/*
  13. Update release notes by copying relevant content from

    export EDITOR=vim
    githubrelease release j0057/github-release release-notes ${release}
  14. Cleanup

    rmvirtualenv test-githubrelease-install

    And update

    sed -i '1i Next Release\n============\n'
    git add
    git commit -m "Begin ${release} development
    * Add \"Next Release\" section
    [ci skip]
    git push origin master


  • Why do I get a requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url ?

    It probably means that the GitHub token you specified is invalid.


Written by Joost Molenaar (@j0057) and Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (@jcfr)

It is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0:

The license file was added at revision 0393859 on 2017-02-12, but you may consider that the license applies to all prior revisions as well.


Manage github releases from the command line







No packages published


  • Python 98.5%
  • Shell 1.5%