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Silex as a Jekyll layout editor

Alex Hoyau edited this page Apr 26, 2019 · 1 revision

Silex is a very good visual editor for Jekyll layouts.

In Jekyll, layouts are templates that wrap around your content.

When you publish for Jekyll, each page in Silex makes a Jekyll layout. A content editor is then used by the end user to edit content, manage pages, and select which layout to apply to which page.


The "Jekyll layout" publication option has to be enabled in Silex, see this docs for more info This is live but in beta, not available yet on

Publication of Jekyll layouts from silex is straightforward: you create a website, and when you publish you select the "Jekyll layout" option. Then you need to select a folder so that the published files will go to _layouts/ and the assets in assets/ etc.

When your site is hosted on github page, your workflow is very easy and you can even plug a headless CMS such as Siteleaf directly to github. Ask in the issues for more info!

This feature "publication to Jekyll layouts" can be discussed here.


This is in development, not yet ready

See these issues in the reoad map

WARNING: Support for Silex v2 has stopped. Try Silex v3 alpha, Read about it, Subscribe to the newsletter

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