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This project is work in progress and not complete, yet. But after all this code runs in the simlar production environment.

Simlar is a cross-platform VoIP App aiming to make ZRTP encrypted calls easy.

Screenshot call Screenshot call

You may start the simlar-server standalone, e.g., for development. For a useful setup you will at least need the following servers. Maybe some alternatives will work, too:

Build dependencies

Java Development Kit 17

Compile (Console)

./gradlew build


As the simlar-server is a spring-boot application you may start it with an embedded tomcat server and an in-memory database.

./gradlew bootRun

Build war

./gradlew bootWar

Check dependencies

The simlar-server uses the owasp-dependency-checker. Execute it with:

./gradlew dependencyCheckAnalyze

The simlar-server uses the gradle versions plugin. Run it with:

./gradlew dependencyUpdates

Run both:

./gradlew dependencyChecks

IntelliJ IDEA CE

We use the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for development. To generate some files for this ide run:

./gradlew idea

Then simply open (not import) the directory in IntelliJ.


Because the simlar-server uses the Project Lombok, IntelliJ requires the Lombok Plugin to compile it. After installing the plugin it is required to enable annotation processing in Settings/Build, Execution,Deployment/Compiler/Annotation Processors.


In order to quiet IntelliJ's inspection warnings import the dictionary. In Settings/Editor/Spelling choose the tab Dictionaries and add ides/intellij/dictionaries/simlar.dic to the list of Custom Dictionaries.


A production environment needs a configuration file /etc/simlar-server/ E.g., to set the domain and the database. Have a look at the example.

For development, you may place your configurations in src/main/resources/ The example configures the database and sets a log pattern with filenames and line numbers. If you do not want to set up a database for development you may change the dependency type of the h2 database to providedRuntime.

Build with docker

A docker file provides a defined build environment. You may create a simlar-server build container like this.

docker build --no-cache -t simlar-server-builder docker-files/

You may use the container to build the war file.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/pwd simlar-server-builder:latest bash -c "cd /pwd && ./gradlew --no-daemon --warning-mode all clean build dependencyUpdates dependencyCheckAnalyze"

However, caching gradle downloads speeds up the build, and some security options do not hurt.

docker run --cap-drop all --security-opt=no-new-privileges --rm -v $(pwd)-docker-gradle-cache:/home/builder/.gradle -v $(pwd):/pwd -e SIMLAR_NVD_API_KEY simlar-server-builder:latest bash -c "cd /pwd && ./gradlew --no-daemon --warning-mode all clean build dependencyUpdates dependencyCheckAnalyze"