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ref!: tabular: Use ElidableList rather than home-grown functions.
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showMixedAmountOneLineB will now return an ElidableList. This will be
padded or trimmed automagically when rendered with grid or
table-producing functions, or with the pad or trim functions.

The return types of showMixedAmount(|Lines|OneLine)B have changed, but
since the return types are still instances of Cell they can be treated
the same: just use buildCell to render as you will.
  • Loading branch information
Xitian9 committed May 2, 2022
1 parent 0cfad33 commit 4f48997
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Showing 14 changed files with 148 additions and 218 deletions.
112 changes: 17 additions & 95 deletions hledger-lib/Hledger/Data/Amount.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
Expand All @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..), decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (find, foldl', intercalate, intersperse, mapAccumL, partition)
import Data.List (find, foldl', intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
Expand All @@ -160,16 +161,16 @@ import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Safe (lastDef, lastMay)
import System.Console.ANSI (Color(..),ColorIntensity(..))
import Text.Layout.Table (right, singleCutMark)
import Text.Layout.Table.Cell.ElidableList (ElidableList, elidableListR)

import Test.Tasty (testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=), assertBool, testCase)

import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
(Cell(..), RenderText, numDigitsInt, textQuoteIfNeeded, trace, colorB,
renderText, visibleLength)
(Cell(..), RenderText, textQuoteIfNeeded, trace, colorB, renderText, trim)

-- A 'Commodity' is a symbol representing a currency or some other kind of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,8 +202,6 @@ data AmountDisplayOpts = AmountDisplayOpts
, displayThousandsSep :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display thousands separators.
, displayColour :: Bool -- ^ Whether to colourise negative Amounts.
, displayOneLine :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display on one line.
, displayMinWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum width to pad to
, displayMaxWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Maximum width to clip to
-- | Display amounts in this order (without the commodity symbol) and display
-- a 0 in case a corresponding commodity does not exist
, displayOrder :: Maybe [CommoditySymbol]
Expand All @@ -218,8 +217,6 @@ noColour = AmountDisplayOpts { displayPrice = True
, displayZeroCommodity = False
, displayThousandsSep = True
, displayOneLine = False
, displayMinWidth = Just 0
, displayMaxWidth = Nothing
, displayOrder = Nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -802,17 +799,17 @@ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColo
-- any \@ prices.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
-- > showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c}
-- > showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = buildCell . showMixedAmountOneLineB noPrice{displayColour=c}
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice :: Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c}
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=c}

-- | Like showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice, but show at most the given width,
-- with an elision indicator if there are more.
-- With a True argument, adds ANSI codes to show negative amounts in red.
-- > showMixedAmountElided w c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- > showMixedAmountElided w c = trim right w . showMixedAmountOneLineB noPrice{displayColour=c}
showMixedAmountElided :: Int -> Bool -> MixedAmount -> String
showMixedAmountElided w c = buildCell . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=c, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
showMixedAmountElided w c = trim right (singleCutMark "..") w . showMixedAmountOneLineB noPrice{displayColour=c}

-- | Get an unambiguous string representation of a mixed amount for debugging.
showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> String
Expand All @@ -831,10 +828,10 @@ showMixedAmountDebug m | m == missingmixedamt = "(missing)"
-- exceed the requested maximum width.
-- - If displayed on multiple lines, any Amounts longer than the
-- maximum width will be elided.
showMixedAmountB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> RenderText
showMixedAmountB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> Either (ElidableList String RenderText) RenderText
showMixedAmountB opts ma
| displayOneLine opts = showMixedAmountOneLineB opts ma
| otherwise = mconcat $ intersperse sep lines
| displayOneLine opts = Left $ showMixedAmountOneLineB opts ma
| otherwise = Right . mconcat $ intersperse sep lines
lines = showMixedAmountLinesB opts ma
sep = "\n"
Expand All @@ -844,96 +841,21 @@ showMixedAmountB opts ma
-- width. This does not honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if
-- displayOneLine were False.
showMixedAmountLinesB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [RenderText]
showMixedAmountLinesB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
map (adBuilder . pad) elided
astrs = amtDisplayList 0 (showAmountB opts) . orderedAmounts opts $
if displayPrice opts then ma else mixedAmountStripPrices ma
width = maximum $ map (visibleLength . adBuilder) elided

pad amt
| Just mw <- mmin =
let w = (max width mw) - visibleLength (adBuilder amt)
in amt{ adBuilder = renderText (T.replicate w " ") <> adBuilder amt }
| otherwise = amt

elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m xs = maybeAppend elisionStr short
elisionStr = elisionDisplay (Just m) 0 (length long) $ lastDef nullAmountDisplay short
(short, long) = partition ((m>=) . visibleLength . adBuilder) xs
showMixedAmountLinesB opts =
map (showAmountB opts) . orderedAmounts opts
. if displayPrice opts then id else mixedAmountStripPrices

-- | Helper for showMixedAmountB to deal with single line displays. This does not
-- honour displayOneLine: all amounts will be displayed as if displayOneLine
-- were True.
showMixedAmountOneLineB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> RenderText
showMixedAmountOneLineB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
pad . mconcat . intersperse sep $ map adBuilder elided
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList (visibleLength sep) (showAmountB opts) . orderedAmounts opts $
if displayPrice opts then ma else mixedAmountStripPrices ma
sep = ", "
n = length astrs

pad = (renderText (T.replicate (fromMaybe 0 mmin - width) " ") <>)

elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m = addElide . takeFitting m . withElided
-- Add the last elision string to the end of the display list
addElide [] = []
addElide xs = maybeAppend (snd $ last xs) $ map fst xs
-- Return the elements of the display list which fit within the maximum width
-- (including their elision strings). Always display at least one amount,
-- regardless of width.
takeFitting _ [] = []
takeFitting m (x:xs) = x : dropWhileRev (\(a,e) -> m < adTotal (fromMaybe a e)) xs
dropWhileRev p = foldr (\x xs -> if null xs && p x then [] else x:xs) []

-- Add the elision strings (if any) to each amount
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing (visibleLength sep) num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
showMixedAmountOneLineB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> ElidableList String RenderText
showMixedAmountOneLineB opts = elidableListR (\n -> show n ++ " more..") ", " . showMixedAmountLinesB opts

orderedAmounts :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [Amount]
orderedAmounts dopts = maybe id (mapM pad) (displayOrder dopts) . amounts
pad c = fromMaybe (amountWithCommodity c nullamt) . find ((c==) . acommodity)

data AmountDisplay = AmountDisplay
{ adBuilder :: !RenderText -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of, including separators
} deriving (Show)

nullAmountDisplay :: AmountDisplay
nullAmountDisplay = AmountDisplay mempty 0

amtDisplayList :: Int -> (Amount -> RenderText) -> [Amount] -> [AmountDisplay]
amtDisplayList sep showamt = snd . mapAccumL display (-sep)
display tot amt = (tot', AmountDisplay str tot')
str = showamt amt
tot' = tot + (visibleLength str) + sep

-- The string "m more", added to the previous running total
elisionDisplay :: Maybe Int -> Int -> Int -> AmountDisplay -> Maybe AmountDisplay
elisionDisplay mmax sep n lastAmt
| n > 0 = Just $ AmountDisplay str (adTotal lastAmt + len)
| otherwise = Nothing
fullString = T.pack $ show n ++ " more.."
-- sep from the separator, 7 from " more..", numDigits n from number
fullLength = sep + 7 + numDigitsInt n

str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = renderText $ T.take (m - 2) fullString <> ".."
| otherwise = renderText fullString
len = case mmax of Nothing -> fullLength
Just m -> max 2 $ min m fullLength

maybeAppend :: Maybe a -> [a] -> [a]
maybeAppend Nothing = id
maybeAppend (Just a) = (++[a])

-- | Compact labelled trace of a mixed amount, for debugging.
ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
ltraceamount s a = trace (s ++ ": " ++ showMixedAmount a) a
Expand Down
48 changes: 21 additions & 27 deletions hledger-lib/Hledger/Reports/BudgetReport.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (find, partition, transpose, foldl')
import Data.List (find, intersperse, partition, transpose, foldl')
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Map (Map)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ combineBudgetAndActual ropts j
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> TL.Text
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
balanceReportTableAsText ropts (budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr)
balanceReportTableAsText ropts (Right <$> budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr)
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case conversionop_ of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,11 +301,13 @@ budgetReportAsTable
-- functions for displaying budget cells depending on `commodity-layout_` option
rowfuncs :: [CommoditySymbol] -> (BudgetShowMixed, BudgetPercBudget)
rowfuncs cs = case layout_ of
LayoutWide width ->
( pure . showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayColour=color_, displayMaxWidth=width}
, \a -> pure . percentage a)
_ -> ( showMixedAmountLinesB noPrice{displayOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing, displayColour=color_}
, \a b -> fmap (percentage' a b) cs)
-- For budget reports we do not use ElidableList, since we need to keep the budget goals displayed nicely
LayoutWide _ -> ( pure . mconcat . intersperse ", " . showMixedAmountLinesB dopts
, \a -> pure . percentage a)
_ -> ( showMixedAmountLinesB dopts{displayOrder=Just cs}
, \a b -> fmap (percentage' a b) cs)
dopts = noPrice{displayColour=color_}

showrow :: [BudgetCell] -> [(RenderText, BudgetDisplayRow)]
showrow row =
Expand All @@ -321,22 +323,21 @@ budgetReportAsTable
budgetCellCommodities (am, bm) = f am `S.union` f bm
where f = maybe mempty maCommodities

cellswidth :: [BudgetCell] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
cellswidth :: [BudgetCell] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
cellswidth row =
let cs = budgetCellsCommodities row
(showmixed, percbudget) = rowfuncs cs
disp = showcell showmixed percbudget
budgetpercwidth = visibleLength *** maybe 0 visibleLength
cellwidth (am, bm) = let (bw, pw) = maybe (0, 0) budgetpercwidth bm in (visibleLength am, bw, pw)
cellwidth (_, bm) = let (bw, pw) = maybe (0, 0) budgetpercwidth bm in (bw, pw)
in fmap (fmap cellwidth . disp) row

-- build a list of widths for each column. In the case of transposed budget
-- reports, the total 'row' must be included in this list
widths = zip3 actualwidths budgetwidths percentwidths
widths = zip budgetwidths percentwidths
actualwidths = map (maximum' . map first3 ) $ cols
budgetwidths = map (maximum' . map second3) $ cols
percentwidths = map (maximum' . map third3 ) $ cols
budgetwidths = map (maximum' . map fst) cols
percentwidths = map (maximum' . map snd) cols
catcolumnwidths = foldl' (zipWith (++)) $ repeat []
cols = maybetranspose $ catcolumnwidths $ map (cellswidth . rowToBudgetCells) items ++ [cellswidth $ rowToBudgetCells tr]

Expand All @@ -345,21 +346,14 @@ budgetReportAsTable
showcell showmixed percbudget (actual, mbudget) = zip (showmixed actual') full
actual' = fromMaybe nullmixedamt actual
budgetAndPerc b = zip (showmixed b) (fmap (renderText . T.pack . show . roundTo 0) <$> percbudget actual' b)

budgetAndPerc b = uncurry zip
( showmixed b
, fmap (renderText . T.pack . show . roundTo 0) <$> percbudget actual' b

| Just b <- mbudget = Just <$> budgetAndPerc b
| otherwise = repeat Nothing
full | Just b <- mbudget = Just <$> budgetAndPerc b
| otherwise = repeat Nothing

paddisplaycell :: (Int, Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> RenderText
paddisplaycell (actualwidth, budgetwidth, percentwidth) (actual, mbudget) = full
paddisplaycell :: (Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> RenderText
paddisplaycell (budgetwidth, percentwidth) (actual, mbudget) = full
toPadded s = renderText (T.replicate (actualwidth - visibleLength s) " ") <> s

(totalpercentwidth, totalbudgetwidth) =
let totalpercentwidth = if percentwidth == 0 then 0 else percentwidth + 5
in ( totalpercentwidth
Expand All @@ -375,7 +369,7 @@ budgetReportAsTable

emptyBudget = renderText $ T.replicate totalbudgetwidth " "

full = toPadded actual <> maybe emptyBudget budgetb mbudget
full = actual <> maybe emptyBudget budgetb mbudget

-- | Calculate the percentage of actual change to budget goal to show, if any.
-- If valuing at cost, both amounts are converted to cost before comparing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,7 +429,7 @@ budgetReportAsCsv
| otherwise =
joinNames . zipWith (:) cs -- add symbols and names
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. map (map buildCell . showMixedAmountLinesB oneLine{displayOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing}
. map (map buildCell . showMixedAmountLinesB oneLine{displayOrder=Just cs}
.fromMaybe nullmixedamt)
$ all
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions hledger-lib/Hledger/Reports/MultiBalanceReport.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian)
import Safe (lastDef, minimumMay)
import Text.Layout.Table
import Text.Layout.Table.Cell.ElidableList (ElidableList)

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -589,15 +590,16 @@ cumulativeSum value start = snd . M.mapAccumWithKey accumValued start
-- made using 'balanceReportAsTable'), render it in a format suitable for
-- console output. Amounts with more than two commodities will be elided
-- unless --no-elide is used.
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text RenderText -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text (Either (ElidableList String RenderText) RenderText) -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} (Table rh ch cells) =
tableStringB colSpec style rowHeader colHeader (map rowG cells) <> TB.singleton '\n'
colSpec = case layout_ of
LayoutBare | not transpose_ -> col left : repeat (col right)
_ -> repeat (col right)
LayoutBare | not transpose_ -> col left Nothing : repeat (col right Nothing)
LayoutWide width -> repeat (col right width)
_ -> repeat (col right Nothing)
col pos = column expand pos noAlign noCutMark
col pos width = column (maybe expand expandUntil width) pos noAlign noCutMark
style = if pretty_ then hledgerPrettyStyle else hledgerStyle
rowHeader = renderText <$> rh
colHeader = renderText <$> ch
Expand Down
25 changes: 12 additions & 13 deletions hledger-lib/Hledger/Utils/Text.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- | Text formatting helpers, ported from String as needed.
-- There may be better alternatives out there.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Hledger.Utils.Text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,23 +210,20 @@ textConcatBottomPadded = concatLines . map mconcat . gridB (repeat def)
-- It clips and pads on the right when the fourth argument is true, otherwise on the left.
-- It treats wide characters as double width.
fitText :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> Bool -> Text -> Text
fitText mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside =
maybe id clip' mmaxwidth . maybe buildCell pad' mminwidth . WideText
fitText mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside = case (mminwidth, mmaxwidth) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> id
(Just m, Nothing) -> pad pos m . WideText
(Nothing, Just n ) -> trim pos cm n . WideText
(Just m, Just n ) -> trimOrPadBetween pos cm m n . WideText
clip' = trimIfWider ellipsify rightside
pad' = pad (if rightside then left else right)

-- | Trim a piece of text if it is wider than given.
trimIfWider :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Text -> Text
trimIfWider ellipsify rightside w t
| visibleLength (WideText t) > w = trim (if rightside then left else right) (if ellipsify then singleCutMark ".." else noCutMark) w $ WideText t
| otherwise = t
pos = if rightside then left else right
cm = if ellipsify then singleCutMark ".." else noCutMark

-- | Double-width-character-aware string truncation. Take as many
-- characters as possible from a string without exceeding the
-- specified width. Eg textTakeWidth 3 "りんご" = "り".
textTakeWidth :: Int -> Text -> Text
textTakeWidth = trimIfWider False True
textTakeWidth n = trim left noCutMark n . WideText

-- | Add a prefix to each line of a string.
linesPrepend :: Text -> Text -> Text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,14 +251,15 @@ unlinesB = foldMap (<> TB.singleton '\n')

-- | A Table contains information about the row and column headers, as well as a table of data.
data Table rh ch a = Table (HeaderSpec LineStyle rh) (HeaderSpec LineStyle ch) [[a]]
deriving (Functor)

-- | Add the second table below the first, discarding its column headings.
concatTables :: Monoid a => LineStyle -> Table rh ch a -> Table rh ch2 a -> Table rh ch a
concatTables :: Cell a => LineStyle -> Table rh ch a -> Table rh ch2 a -> Table rh ch a
concatTables prop (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =
Table (groupH prop [hLeft, hLeft']) hTop (map padRow $ dat ++ dat')
numCols = length $ headerContents hTop
padRow r = replicate (numCols - length r) mempty ++ r
padRow r = replicate (numCols - length r) emptyCell ++ r

-- | An alias for formatted text measured by display length.
type RenderText = Formatted WideText
Expand Down

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