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Improved palette colour visibility
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Added definitions for CLUT indices and palette colours, so make
it clearer where they're being used.
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simonowen committed Jan 16, 2018
1 parent d5d878a commit 3015e0e
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 15 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ pacman.6?
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Makefile
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ sprites.bin: sprites.png -q --tiles 102 --clut $(CLUT) --pal sprites.png 12x12

tiles.bin: tiles.png sprites.bin -q --tiles 252 --clut sprites.pal tiles.png 6x6 -q --tiles 252 --clut $(CLUT) tiles.png 6x6

./ sound.bin
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions make.bat
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if "%1"=="clean" goto clean

set CLUT=0,127,34,123,85,106,110,96,6,68,29,25,99,122,126,119 -q --tiles 102 --clut %CLUT% --pal sprites.png 12x12 -q --tiles 252 --clut sprites.pal tiles.png 6x6 -q --tiles 252 --clut %CLUT% tiles.png 6x6

if not exist sound.bin sound.bin

Expand All @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ pacemu-master.dsk dist\disk.base
goto end

if exist %NAME%.dsk del %NAME%.dsk
if exist tiles.bin del sprites.bin tiles.bin
if exist sound.bin del sound.bin
if exist dist\ del dist\ReadMe.txt dist\Makefile dist\make.bat dist\disk.base
if exist dist\%NAME%.dsk del dist\%NAME%.dsk
if exist dist\ rmdir dist
del /q %NAME%.dsk 2>nul
del /q sprites.bin tiles.bin 2>nul
del /q sound.bin 2>nul
del /q dist\ReadMe.txt dist\Makefile dist\make.bat dist\disk.base 2>nul
del /q dist\%NAME%.dsk 2>nul
rmdir dist 2>nul

55 changes: 48 additions & 7 deletions pacemu.asm
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,29 @@ vmpr: equ 252 ; Video Memory Page Register
border: equ 254 ; Border colour in bits 6, 2-0
keyboard: equ 254 ; Main keyboard matrix

clut_black: equ &00
clut_white: equ &01
clut_red: equ &02
clut_pink: equ &03
clut_cyan: equ &04
clut_orange: equ &05
clut_yellow: equ &06
clut_midyellow:equ &07
clut_dkyellow: equ &08
clut_green: equ &09
clut_midblue: equ &0a
clut_mazeblue: equ &0b ; CLUT index for maze
clut_brown: equ &0c
clut_ltpink: equ &0d
clut_pill: equ &0e ; CLUT index for power pill
clut_grey: equ &0f

; SAM palette names from SAM User Guide
pal_black: equ 0
pal_mediterra: equ 25 ; maze blue
pal_dandruff: equ 119 ; maze white
pal_caucasian: equ 122 ; power pill

rom0_off: equ %00100000 ; LMPR bit to disable ROM 0
mode_4: equ %01100000 ; VMPR bits for mode 4
pac_page: equ 3+rom0_off
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,15 +389,16 @@ scr_page: defb screen_1
flash_maze: ld a,(&4440) ; attribute of maze top-right
cp &1f
ld a,25 ; blue
ld a,pal_mediterra ; maze blue
jr nz,maze_blue

ld a,64 ; blank tile
ld (&420d),a ; clear left of crypt door
ld (&41ed),a ; clear right of crypt door

ld a,119 ; white
maze_blue: ld bc,&0bf8
ld a,pal_dandruff ; maze white
maze_blue: ld b,clut_mazeblue
ld c,&f8
out (c),a

Expand All @@ -383,7 +407,8 @@ maze_blue: ld bc,&0bf8
; pill locations, and checking the current attribute setting.
flash_pills: ld de,&1410 ; &14=pill, &10=pill-on colour
ld hl,&9f7a ; &9f=alternative pill-on colour, &7a=SAM pill colour
ld h,&9f ; &9f=alternative pill-on colour
ld l,pal_caucasian ; pill colour

ld a,(&4064) ; top-right
cp d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,8 +454,9 @@ pill_6: ld a,(&4278) ; bottom attract pill
cp h ; alternative static colour
jr z,pill_on

pill_off: ld l,0 ; black (hidden)
pill_on: ld bc,&0ef8
pill_off: ld l,pal_black ; black (hidden)
pill_on: ld b,clut_pill
ld c,&f8
out (c),l

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -928,7 +954,22 @@ colour_lp: ld a,(hl)
jr tile_drawn

; Look-up masks used to give the correct colour from a Pac-Man attribute
text_cols: defb &00,&22,&99,&33,&99,&44,&99,&55,&99,&66,&99,&99,&99,&99,&cc,&ff
text_cols: defb clut_black * &11
defb clut_red * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_pink * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_cyan * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_orange * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_yellow * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_green * &11
defb clut_brown * &11
defb clut_grey * &11

; The colour of ghost tiles depends on the attribute used
ghost_tile: ld a,b
Expand Down

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