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Tony Bark edited this page May 5, 2024 · 3 revisions

My Simulation is a project aimed at reimagining The Sims Online, leveraging the power of the Zig programming language and building upon the foundations laid by NioTSO's C libraries. While existing alternatives like FreeSO already exist, My Simulation serves primarily as a hobby project, exploring new avenues in game development while paying homage to a beloved classic.

Project Goals

  • Experimental Reimplementation: My Simulation seeks to recreate the essence of The Sims Online in a modern context, experimenting with new technologies and methodologies.

  • Built with Zig: The project is built using the Zig programming language, which offers direct and safe access to NioTSO's C libraries, facilitating seamless integration and enhancing performance.

  • Cross-Platform Accessibility: By leveraging Zig's capabilities, My Simulation aims to create a cross-platform gaming experience, accessible to a wide range of users regardless of their operating system.

Key Features

  • Utilization of NioTSO's C Libraries: My Simulation builds upon the solid foundation provided by NioTSO's C libraries, ensuring compatibility and stability.

  • Modernized Gameplay: While staying true to the original gameplay of The Sims Online, My Simulation introduces modern enhancements and improvements to enrich the gaming experience.

  • Community-Driven Development: The project welcomes contributions from the community, fostering collaboration and innovation to shape the future of My Simulation.

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