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Writable: Support array, map, and set (#726)
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Co-authored-by: Sindre Sorhus <>
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Emiyaaaaa and sindresorhus committed Oct 26, 2023
1 parent 964466c commit b9723d4
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Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ Click the type names for complete docs.
- [`NonEmptyObject`](source/non-empty-object.d.ts) - Represents an object with at least 1 non-optional key.
- [`UnknownRecord`](source/unknown-record.d.ts) - Represents an object with `unknown` value. You probably want this instead of `{}`.
- [`Except`](source/except.d.ts) - Create a type from an object type without certain keys. This is a stricter version of [`Omit`](
- [`Writable`](source/writable.d.ts) - Create a type that strips `readonly` from all or some of an object's keys. The inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
- [`Writable`](source/writable.d.ts) - Create a type that strips `readonly` from the given type. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
- [`WritableDeep`](source/writable-deep.d.ts) - Create a deeply mutable version of an `object`/`ReadonlyMap`/`ReadonlySet`/`ReadonlyArray` type. The inverse of `ReadonlyDeep<T>`. Use `Writable<T>` if you only need one level deep.
- [`Merge`](source/merge.d.ts) - Merge two types into a new type. Keys of the second type overrides keys of the first type.
- [`MergeDeep`](source/merge-deep.d.ts) - Merge two objects or two arrays/tuples recursively into a new type.
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42 changes: 35 additions & 7 deletions source/writable.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,21 @@ import type {Except} from './except';
import type {Simplify} from './simplify';

Create a type that strips `readonly` from all or some of an object's keys. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
Create a writable version of the given array type.
type WritableArray<ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]> =
ArrayType extends readonly [] ? []
: ArrayType extends readonly [...infer U, infer V] ? [...U, V]
: ArrayType extends readonly [infer U, ...infer V] ? [U, ...V]
: ArrayType extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? U[]
: ArrayType;

Create a type that strips `readonly` from the given type. Inverse of `Readonly<T>`.
The 2nd argument will be ignored if the input type is not an object.
Note: This type can make readonly `Set` and `Map` writable. This behavior is different from `Readonly<T>` (as of TypeScript 5.2.2). See:
This can be used to [store and mutate options within a class](, [edit `readonly` objects within tests](, [construct a `readonly` object within a function](, or to define a single model where the only thing that changes is whether or not some of the keys are writable.
Expand All @@ -27,14 +41,28 @@ type SomeWritable = Writable<Foo, 'b' | 'c'>;
// b: readonly string[]; // It's now writable. The type of the property remains unaffected.
// c: boolean; // It's now writable.
// }
// Also supports array
const readonlyArray: readonly number[] = [1, 2, 3];
readonlyArray.push(4); // Will fail as the array itself is readonly.
const writableArray: Writable<typeof readonlyArray> = readonlyArray as Writable<typeof readonlyArray>;
writableArray.push(4); // Will work as the array itself is now writable.
@category Object
export type Writable<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType = keyof BaseType> =
// Pick just the keys that are not writable from the base type.
Except<BaseType, Keys> &
// Pick the keys that should be writable from the base type and make them writable by removing the `readonly` modifier from the key.
{-readonly [KeyType in keyof Pick<BaseType, Keys>]: Pick<BaseType, Keys>[KeyType]}
BaseType extends ReadonlyMap<infer KeyType, infer ValueType>
? Map<KeyType, ValueType>
: BaseType extends ReadonlySet<infer ItemType>
? Set<ItemType>
: BaseType extends readonly unknown[]
// Handle array
? WritableArray<BaseType>
// Handle object
: Simplify<
// Pick just the keys that are not writable from the base type.
Except<BaseType, Keys> &
// Pick the keys that should be writable from the base type and make them writable by removing the `readonly` modifier from the key.
{-readonly [KeyType in keyof Pick<BaseType, Keys>]: Pick<BaseType, Keys>[KeyType]}
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions test-d/writable.ts
Expand Up @@ -26,3 +26,25 @@ expectType<{a: number; b: string; c: boolean}>(variation3);
// Check if type changes raise an error even if readonly and writable are applied correctly.
declare const variation4: Writable<{readonly a: number; b: string; readonly c: boolean}, 'b' | 'c'>;
expectNotAssignable<{readonly a: boolean; b: string; c: boolean}>(variation4);

// Test array
declare const variation5: Writable<readonly string[]>;

// Test tuple
declare const variation8: Writable<readonly [string, number]>;
expectType<[string, number]>(variation8);

// Test tuple with spread
declare const variation6: Writable<readonly [...string[], number]>;
expectType<[...string[], number]>(variation6);
declare const variation7: Writable<readonly [string, ...number[]]>;
expectType<[string, ...number[]]>(variation7);

// Test readonly set
declare const variation9: Writable<ReadonlySet<string>>;

// Test readonly map
declare const variation10: Writable<ReadonlyMap<string, number>>;
expectType<Map<string, number>>(variation10);

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