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Lara - a digital report booklet for trainees and trainers


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Lara is a tool for writing your "Berichtsheft" digitally. In Germany all trainees have to write these kind of weekly reports. This tool gives you the ability to write and share reports with your trainer, get them approved, commented and signed with a digital signature. Lara also allows you to export all your archived reports in one PDF file ready to be handed over to your "Handelskammer". Furthermore Lara sends E-Mail notifications to inform trainees and trainers about outstanding actions and the status change of reports.



In order to run the project we need node=18 installed.

πŸ›  Under the hood

We're using the following dependencies for lara:

  1. yarn as dependency manager
  2. react as view library
  3. styled-components for styling
  4. jest & playwright for testing
  5. apollo-react for fetching GraphQL apis
  6. webpack as module bundler for builds
  7. webpack-dev-server for a development server with HMR
  8. serverless for deployment to AWS
  9. dynamoDB as a database

πŸš€ Getting started and local development

In order to use the frontend, you need an instance of the backend running on port :3000.

From the root of the project call:

  1. yarn
  2. yarn db:install
  3. yarn compile:watch
  4. yarn start

compile:watch starts a file watcher and start starts a dev server which serves the frontend on port :8080


We're linting our files with ESLint in order to achieving a consistent codestyle and preventing simple errors. JavaScript files are linted by ESLint with @typescript-eslint/recommended config.

# Lint source files
yarn lint:verify

# Fixes minor issues e.g indentation
yarn lint

Writing tests

To write a new test with jest, add a file to the packages/frontend/src/test directory with a name like my-new-test.test.ts. Jest will only recognize tests, which are defined in a file with the filename ending on .test.ts or .test.tsx.

To write a new test with playwright, add a file to the packages/e2e/tests directory with a name like my-new-test.spec.ts. Playwright will only recognize tests, wich are defined in a file with the filename ending on .spec.ts.

Developing FE Components

There are two packages for developing components in the frontend. packages/frontend contains the logical structure of components and pages without styling. packages/components contains all stylings for the components.

Using GraphQL (FE)

We use grapql-codegen to generate exact typings from the queries and mutations we write. To add a new query/mutation, do the following:

  1. Create a .gql file in the mutations or queries folder inside the directory packages/frontend/src/graphql.
  2. Give your query/mutation a name. This step is really important as graphql-codegen will use this name to create a higher order component for you. Your query should look something like this: query ArchivePageData { ... }.
  3. Run yarn generate:types.
  4. Import your shiny new graphql higher order component from the graphql directory.

Using GraphQL (BE & API)

There are two directories for developing requests in the backend. packages/api contains all typings for GraphQL queries and mutations. Extend the GraphQL schema in packages/api/schema.gql. In order to keep the local types synchronized, we generate types automatically with graphql-codegen. Run yarn generate:types to generate the new corresponding typedefinitions. In packages/api/src add your typescript types to be used in the backend.

In packages/backend/src/resolvers the resolvers for the GraphQL queries and mutations are written. In addition the database operations themselfs are defined in packages/backend/src/repositories.

Developing E-Mail notifications

E-Mails are developed inside packages/email. Run yarn debug inside this directory to inspect the templates of the mails.

Developing PDF printing

PDF printing is developed inside packages/print. Run yarn debug inside this directory to inspect the template of the generated report PDF.

🚧 Project setup

Deployment Environment variables

    • String containing ?
    • String containing ?
    • String containing AWS IAM User ID used for deployment
    • String containing AWS IAM User Secret Key used for deployment
    • String containing the origin of the environments. Used in emails. E.g.: lara.exampleCompany
    • Shortform of your companies name to create s3-buckets
    • Add these two, if you have mails mapped from an old name to a new name. If not provided, no changes will be applied to usage of email addresses.
    • String containing the URL to avatars. In the end a mailhash from the user is added. If not provided random avatars from dicebear are used.
    • String of aws region (probably eu-west-1)
    • Secret used in creating oauth secrets
    • for deployment set this to something like: "production"

All Environment variables

The following variables can be added to your cloned version of Lara.

    • String containing tenant id
    • String containing client id
    • String containing staging client id used in CI/CD Pipelines.
    • String containing AWS IAM User ID used for deployment
    • String containing AWS IAM User Secret Key used for deployment
    • String containing the value for the authorization header
    • String containing the origin of the environments. Used in emails. E.g.: lara.exampleCompany
    • More information is shown in the console. Not necessary for production.
    • Shortform of your companies name to create s3-buckets
    • Add these two, if you have mails mapped from an old name to a new name. If not provided, no changes will be applied to usage of email addresses.
    • String containing the URL to avatars. In the end a mailhash from the user is added. If not provided random avatars from dicebear are used.
    • String of aws region (probably eu-west-1)
    • String containing frontend development url
    • String containing backend development url
    • Boolean. Tunnel localhost to a publicly available url using ngrok.
    • Boolean. Tunnel localhost to a publicly available url using ngrok.
    • String. Not required
    • String. Not required.
    • String. Not required
    • String. Not required
    • Secret used in creating oauth secrets
    • String containing stage (probably: dev/production/staging)
    • ID of test trainee on the stating environment for e2e tests. If not provided e2e tests are skipped.
    • ID of test trainer on the staging environment for e2e tests. If not provided e2e tests are skipped.


IAM User

  • Create a IAM deployment user and give him admin rights and save the credentials!


  • Fill out the .env file. Everything but FRONTEND_URL and BACKEND_URL (Take a look at "Deployment Environment Variables" for a more detailed description)
  • Run yarn install
  • Run yarn compile
  • Run yarn build
  • Run serverless deploy command
  • Copy Cloudfront distribution urls or custom domains and paste them into .env at FRONTEND_URL and BACKEND_URL and append a /dev behind the BACKEND_URL value
  • Run serverless deploy again.

DB setup

  • In AWS DynamoDB:
    • add a admin user to your user table with:
  "id": "12345exampleID",
  "companyId": "exampleCompanyID",
  "createdAt": "2021-11-23T11:52:01.481Z",
  "email": "",
  "firstName": "Lara",
  "lastName": "Admin",
  "notification": true,
  "type": "Admin"
  • add your company or subcompanies in the company table with:
  "id": "exampleCompanyID",
  "name": "ExampleCompany"

🌳 New Branch

Branchname should shortly describe the changes in your branch.

πŸ’¬ Commitlint

We are using commitlint for consistent commit messages. Example: fix/feat/refactor: -content of commit-

πŸ— Build process

You can run the buildprocess by executing yarn build. The following environments are currently available:

You can add new environments by extending the serverless.yml and also adjusting the deployment in the .github/workflows GitHub Actions.

πŸ‘› Changelog

The changelog is located in the Please add an entry for every change to the next undeployed version. The change should contain the ticket number if there is any.

# Changelog


## 1.0.1 (Semantic version)

- Deployed to production: TODO (Date of deployment / TODO if not deployed)
- Changes:
  - Introduction of changelog ...


MIT Β© Accenture Song