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Releases: sintaxi/harp

security upgrade --deny-symlinks

07 Jun 09:51
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This patch includes a requested security feature for denying symlinks. Enable, using --deny-symlinks flag and symlinks will receive a "Forbidden" response for all files that are symlinks.

Node Security Advisory

HackerOne Reprot

security patch [Unauthorized File Access]

02 Jun 19:18
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Patch release that fixes unauthorized file access via encoded underscore.

Node Security Advisory

HackerOne Reprot

Detailed tests added in terraform@v1.20.1

Basic harp test added...

node v8.x ready

03 Jun 00:31
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  • tested on node v8.x
  • updates node-sass to latest
  • updates jade
  • updates coffeescript mime type

patch release (server & compile)

06 Apr 03:42
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node v4.x compatability

10 Sep 01:35
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node v4.x compat

Implicit Autoprefixing

23 Sep 04:29
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Harp v0.14.0 – Implicit Autoprefixing

A new release of Harp is available today. Harp now takes care of vendor prefixing for you, via the fantastic Autoprefixer.

Create any .sass, .scss, .less, or .styl file…

// main.scss
h1 {
  font-feature-settings: "liga";
  transition: color 0.25s;

…and it will be preprocessed and prefixed automatically.

/* main.css */
h1 {
  -webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga";
  -moz-font-feature-settings: "liga";
  font-feature-settings: "liga";
  -webkit-transition: color 0.25s;
  transition: color 0.25s

Get started

You shouldn’t have to think about vendor prefixing or configuring your preprossors while building static sites and apps. To get this taken care of for you, install the latest version of Harp:

npm install -g harp

Note you may need to preface this with sudo depending on your setup.

You can read the rest of the release notes on the Harp blog.

Sass Indented Syntax Support

12 Aug 00:32
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A new release of Harp is available today. We’re happily adding one of Harp’s most-requested features: built-in preprocessing of Sass’ indented syntax.

Now, you can write .sass files and they will be implicitly preprocessed as .css files, without any configuration necessary. This works exactly the same as with .scss, .styl, and .less files.

Read the rest of the release notes on the Harp blog.

basic auth support

09 Jan 00:43
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Basic Auth support (takes an array in _harp.jsonfile)

  "basicAuth": ["batman:darkknight", "superman:supersecret"]

OR just takes a single user cred as a string

  "basicAuth": "foo:bar"


  • changes !!! to doctype in init to prepare for jade v1
  • CLI impovements

API Breakage


Sass support

19 Dec 21:26
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  • adds sass support
  • cleanup CLI output
  • minor bug fixes


19 Nov 23:33
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Patch release with just LESS updated. Nothing else changed.

Preprocessor updates

  • LESS updated to v1.5.1