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MaixSense-A010 Development

AT Command

Image Signal Processor
:0: turn ISP off
=1: turn ISP on                                                                                                                                                                            
full binning          
=1: output 100x100 pixel frame
=2: output 50x50 pixel frame
=4: output 25x25 pixel frame
display mux          
=0: all off
=1: lcd display on
=2: usb display on
=3: lcd and usb display on
=4: uart display on
=5: lcd and uart display on
=6: usb and uart display on
=7: lcd, usb and uart display on
uart baudrate        
=0: 9600
=1: 57600
=2: 115200
=3: 230400
=4: 460800
=5: 921600
=6: 1000000
=7: 2000000
=8: 3000000                                                                                    
quantization unit    
=0: auto
=1-10: quantizated by unit(mm)                                                                                                                                                                    
frame per second      
=1-19: set frame per second                                                                                                                                                                                    
save config          
: save current configuration                                


input execute comment
AT+ISP? \r Return to current ISP status
AT+ISP=? \r Returns the status of all supported ISPs
AT+ISP=< MODE > \r Select ISP status


< MODE > Meaning
0 "STOP ISP" Close the module ISP immediately, stop the IR transmitter
1 "LAUNCH ISP" It is planned to start the module ISP, and the actual drawing needs to wait 1-2 seconds

BINN instruction


Enter Execute Comment
AT+BINN? \r Return the current BINN status
AT+BINN=? \r Returns all supported BINN states
AT+BINN= < MODE > \r Select BINN state


< MODE > Meaning
1 "1x1 BINN" 1x1 is equivalent to no binning, and the actual output resolution is 100x100.
2 "2x2 BINN" 2×2 binning, 4 pixels are merged into 1, the actual output resolution is 50×50. The module ISP is planned to be activated, and the actual output needs to wait for 1 to 2 seconds.
4 "4x4 BINN" 4×4 binning, 16 pixels are merged into one, and the actual output resolution is 25×25.

DISP instruction

Please enable it as needed to avoid excessive resource usage syntax:

Enter Execute Comment
AT+DISP? \r Return to current DISP status
AT+DISP=? \r Returns all supported DISP states
AT+DISP=< MODE > \r Select DISP state


< MODE > Meaning
0 all off
1 lcd display on
2 usb display on
3 lcd and usb display on
4 uart display on
5 lcd and uart display on
6 usb and uart display on
7 lcd, usb and uart display on

BAUD instruction


Enter Execute Comment
AT+BAUD? \r Return to current BAUD status
AT+BAUD=? \r Returns all supported BAUD states
AT+BAUD=< MODE > \r Select BAUD state


< MODE > Meaning
0 9600
1 57600
2 115200
3 230400
4 460800
5 921600
6 1000000
7 2000000
8 3000000

UNIT directive


Enter Execute Comment
AT+UNIT? \r Returns the current UNIT value
AT+UNIT=? \r Returns all supported UNIT values
AT+UNIT=< UINT > \r Select UNIT value


< UINT > Meaning
0 "DEFAULT UNIT" The default quantization strategy is used. Due to the tof characteristic, the imaging accuracy at near distances is better than that at far distances. Therefore, the difference at short distances is enlarged, and 5.1*sqrt(x) is used to quantify the original data of 16 bits into 8 bits
1...9 "QUANTIZE UNIT" Represents quantization in x mm. The smaller the value, the more details and the shorter the visual distance. Please set it properly

FPS command


Enter Execute Comment
AT+FPS? \r Returns the current FPS value
AT+FPS=? \r Returns all supported FPS values
AT+FPS= \r Select FPS value


< FPS > Meaning
1...19 "frame per second" tof output frame rate, the bigger the better the smoother

SAVE instruction


Enter Execute Comment
AT+SAVE \r The current configuration of the TOF camera is cured, and it needs to be reset afterwards

Multi-machine and AE instructions are recommended to be added

ANTIMMI instruction


Enter Execute Comment
AT+ANTIMMI? \r Returns the current ANTIMMI state
AT+ANTIMMI=? \r Returns all supported ANTIMMI states
AT+ANTIMMI=< MODE > \r Select ANTIMMI state


< MODE > meaning
-1 disable anti-mmi
0 auto anti-mmi
1-41 manual anti-mmi usb display on

Image Packet Description

When power on, the ISP will be activated by default and display the image on the display screen, and output the image data to uart and usb at the same time Image data encapsulated into packets (not stabilized):

  1. Header 2 bytes: 0X00, 0XFF
  2. Packet length 2 bytes: the number of bytes of remaining data in the current packet
  3. Other content 16 bytes: including packet serial number, packet length, resolution, etc.
  4. Image frame
  5. Check 1 byte: the lower eight bits of the "sum" of all previous bytes
  6. 1 byte at the end of the packet: 0XDD

AT+UNIT? Query the UNIT value

Take p as the image frame pixel values, here are two results:

  • If UNIT is not 0,the distance between this pixel and top is p x UNIT ;

  • If UNIT is 0,the distance between this pixel and top is (p/5.1)^2 。