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free fork of jqGrid


jqGrid is a popular jQuery Plugin for displaying and editing data in tabular form. It has some other more sophisticated features, like subgrids, TreeGrids, grouping and so on.

jqGrid was developed mostly by Tony Tomov in the past and it was available under MIT/GPL-licences till the version 4.7.0 published Dec 8, 2014 (see here). Short time after that the license agreement was changed (see here) and new 4.7.1 version was published.

The code from the GitHib repository is the fork of jqGrid 4.7.0 - the latest version available under MIT/GPL-licences. It will be provided under MIT/GPL-licences.

Below you can find short description of new features already implemented in the fork.

Compatibility with jqGrid 4.7.0

  • the default values of some option of jqGrid are changed (see detailed description below).
  • some changes in "local files" from i18n folder are made. One should used the files included in the fork and not combine old "local files" of jqGrid 4.7.0 with new jquery.jqGrid.min.js or jquery.jqGrid.src.js.

The following new features are implemented currently

  • Auto-adjustment of the width on columns based on the content of data in the column and the column headers.

The default values of the following old jqGrid options are changed (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • gridview: true are used now. It improves performance of rendering of the grid. In case of usage afterInsertRow instead of cellatr and rowattr (which is very ineffective) in old projects one will have to need to specify gridview: true explicitly.
  • autoencode: false are used now instead of autoencode: false used before. It corresponds to rendering on the client side. The old default autoencode: false combined with JSON data loaded from the server or local data loaded from the object produces sometimes to strange side effects if the data contains symbols &, ;, > and other used in HTML markup.
  • height: "auto" are used now instead of 150 before. It improves the visibility of small grids or the grids having small number of rows. No scrollOffset: 0 are required to remove unneeded free space which one sees on some grids which have no vertical scrollbar.
  • dynamic default value is used now for rowNum. The default value rowNum: 20 will be changed to 10000 (the value of the new maxRowNum property) if no pager exists in jqGrid (no pager and toppager: true option are used) or if one uses jqGrid option which switches off the pagination (like treeGrid: true). New jqGrid option maxRowNum can be used to change the maximal value of rows displayed in the grid from 10000 default to another value.
  • datatype: "local" are use now instead of datatype: "xml" used before. If one uses "xml" input data then one should add datatype: "xml" option which explicitly specify the type of data.
  • editurl: "clientArray" are use now instead of editurl: null used before. It allows to use local editing without minimal additional efforts and the requirement to have any server part implemented.
  • cellsubmit: "clientArray" are use now instead of cellsubmit: "remote" used before.

The most the changes corresponds the tendency of web development last years. Local JavaScript data and JSON data loaded from the server (especially in combination with loadonce: true) are used now much more frequently. The data

The following new features are implemented (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • support of auto-adjustment of the column width based on the content of data in the column and the content of the column header. To use the feature one should specify autoResizable: true property in the column (one can use cmTemplate: {autoResizable: true} to set the property for all columns). After that the usage of double-click in the resizer (in the column header close to vertical line between columns) the width of the column will be adjusted. One can use autoresizeOnLoad: true jqGrid option to autoresize all columns having autoResizable: true property directly after loading/sorting/paging of the grid.
  • one can specify the alignment of the column headers. See below the description of labelAlign and labelClasses properties of colModel.
  • CSS of jqGrid is changed to simplify integration of jqGrid in projects which uses frameworks other as jQuery UI, for example Bootstrap.
  • jsonmap property of colModel can be used now with datatype: "local". The only exception is the existence of non-empty dataTypeOrg jqGrid option. The option will be set automatically after loading the data from the server and changing datatype: "json" and datatype: "xml" to datatype: "local". The option allows to use jsonmap property for the data loading from the server and skip the property in later processing of the local data.
  • .trigger("reloadGrid") will reload the data from the server automatically in case of the usage remote datatype ("json" and "xml") together with loadonce: true. No additional call of setGridParam to reset datatype to original value are more required (like described in the old answer).
  • including of English localization file grid.locale-en.js is not more required for successful working of jqGrid.

The following new jqGrid options are implemented (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • new lastSelectedData option with sorted and filtered data can be used. See the old answer for details. No "subclassing" of internal $.jgrid.from method are required more. The name of the internal option lastSelected are changed to lastSelectedData.
  • new widthOrg option saves the value of width during creating of the grid. It will be used internally mostly to detect the case when jqGrid was created without specifying of any width explicitly. It will be interpreted so, that the width of the grid could be adjusted on other changes of the width of the columns.
  • new dataTypeOrg option will be used internally in case of the usage remote datatype ("json" and "xml") together with loadonce: true. The option will be deleted by .trigger("reloadGrid").
  • new doubleClickSensitivity option with the default value 250 specify the time in ms. The resizer will stay visible at least the time after the first click. In the time the user can makes the second click and the double-click on the resizer could be detect.
  • new autoresizeOnLoad option used in combination with autoResizable: true property of colModel. If autoresizeOnLoad: true option are used then jqGrid make auto-resizing of all columns having autoResizable: true property direct after loadComplete.
  • new autoResizing option is map of properties like groupingView used in grouping. It allows to tune some behaviour of auto-resizing.
    • compact - default value false. Means the usage of compact calculation of the width of the column header without reservation of the place of sorting icons
    • widthOfVisiblePartOfSortIcon: default value 12. Should be used only if one replaces the default jQuery UI icons to another icons.
    • minColWidth: 33 - minimal width of column after resizing
    • maxColWidth: 300 - maximal width of column after resizing
    • wrapperClassName: "ui-jqgrid-cell-wrapper" - the name of the class assign to <span> included in every cell of the grid
    • adjustGridWidth: true - means that the width of the grid need be adjusted after resizing of the column
    • fixWidthOnShrink: false - fill be removed later. It will be not included in the release

The following new colModel properties are implemented (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • one can use template: "integer", template: "number", template: "actions" in colModel to simplify the usage of formatter: "integer", formatter: "number" and formatter: "actions" in colModel. The list of the standard templates will be extended in the next versions. One can use $.extend(true, $.jgrid.cmTemplate, { myDataTemplate: {...}} to define custom column templates which can be used like template: "myDataTemplate" in colModel. See the post and the old answer for more information about column templates.
  • autoResizable which will be used for auto-adjustment of the column width based on the content of data in the column and the content of the column header
  • autoResizingOption property is an object like editoptions, searchoptions or formatoptions. It can be used to change some common autoResizing grid options to another value which is specific for the column only. The properties of autoResizingOption: minColWidth, maxColWidth, compact.
  • labelAlign property with "left", "center" (default), "right" and "likeData" values,
  • labelClasses property allows to add CSS class to the column header.

The following new methods are implemented (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • setColWidth - allows to change the width of the column after the grid is created.
  • autoResizeColumn - has no parameters. It resize of all columns having autoResizable: true property
  • getGridComponent - allows to get different components of jqGrid like . The method will be extended later.

The following new callbacks and jQuery events are implemented (comparing with jqGrid 4.7)

  • fatalError - new callback which can be used to change displaying of critical error with respect of another function as default JvaScript function alert. One can use the feature in unit tests for example.
  • resizeDblClick callback and jqGridResizeDblClick event will be called on the double-click on the column resizer. It's important to stress that the callbacks will be called even if no autoResizable: true property are defined in colModel. It allows to implement some custom action on double-click on the column resizer. Returning false or "stop" value from resizeDblClick callback or jqGridResizeDblClick event in case of autoResizable: true property set in the column will prevent resizing on the column by calling of autoResizeColumn.

The following bugs are fixed

  • ... to be included soon

Other changes in jqGrid and remarks

  • files from i18n are changes to UTF-8 format. The texts should be always used as Unicode characters if the corresponding characters are visible. Compare for example grid.locale-ja.js with the corresponding file included in jqGrid 4.7.0 (see here).
  • jqGrid display the alert message now if some additional fatal error will be detected. For example if one don't included
  • some common properties which have no relation to the language are moved to
  • we recommend to use getGridParam without additional parameter to get the reference to object with all jqGrid options: var p = $("#grid").jqGrid("gerGridParam"); for example. One can use the p.rowNum to access rowNum option. The usage of $("#grid").jqGrid("gerGridParam", "rowNum") will be supported too, but the usage of $("#grid")[0].p.rowNum could be not work in some of the future version, because the place of the option could be changed in the future.

Some demos which demonstrates new features

  • GetFilteredData - demonstrates how to use new lastSelectedData option which returns, in contrast to data, filtered and sorted data items from all pages of jqGrid. Try to set some filter in the demo, make sorting by some column and set the page size to 2 for example. Click the button above the grid and see the displayed results.
  • autoResizing - demonstrates the default behaviour of auto-resizing feature. Double-click on the column resizer (in the header close to the right border which divides the columns). You will see the default behaviour of column resizing.
  • autoResizingCompact - demonstrates the default behaviour of auto-resizing feature. Double-click on the column resizer (in the header close to the right border which divides the columns). You will see the behaviour of column resizing in case of usage autoResizing: { compact: true }.
  • autoResizingWithShrinkCompact - modification of the previous demo. It uses no shrinkToFit: false option and width: 518 instead.
  • autoresizeOnLoad - demonstrates auto-resizing on loading. Try to use sorting, paging the grid, and see the results.
  • autoresizeOnLoadCompact - the same demo as before (auto-resizing on loading), but with the usage of autoResizing: { compact: true } additionally.
  • autoResizingPerformane1000 - the demo create the grid with 1000 rows. By double-click on resizer you can see the performance of resizing for relatively large number of rows.
  • alignLabel - demonstrates the usage of new labelAlign and labelClasses properties of colModel.


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  • JavaScript 98.7%
  • CSS 1.3%