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sjarvela edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 3 revisions

Notificator plugin is built-in plugin that provides mail notifications when certain events happen.


Configure plugin by adding following into configuration.php:

	"plugins" => array(
		"Notificator" => array(),

Notificator plugin does not have any parameters.

Notificator requires mail notifications enabled


Notificator plugin requires database, so run Kloudspeaker updater after adding configuration.


Following variables are available in the title and message for all event types:

  • %user_id% User id
  • %user_name% User name
  • %user_email% User email
  • %event_time% Time of the event
  • %event_type% Type of the event, for example "filesystem/rename"
  • %event_main_type% Main type of the event, for example "filesystem"
  • %event_sub_type% Sub type of the event, for example "rename"

For filesystem events, following variables are available:

  • %item_id% Id of the file or folder
  • %item_name% Name of the file or folder
  • %item_path% Mollify path of the file or folder
  • %item_internal_path% Internal path of the file or folder (for local filesystem this the actual location in the filesystem)
  • %root_name% Name of the published folder

Following applies only to rename, copy and move events:

  • %to_item_id% Id of the target file or folder
  • %to_item_name% Name of the target file or folder
  • %to_item_path% Kloudspeaker path of the target file or folder
  • %to_item_internal_path% Internal path of the target file or folder (for local filesystem this the actual location in the filesystem)
  • %to_root_name% Name of the target published folder

For session events (login, logout and failed login):

  • %ip% IP address
  • %user% (only for failed login) user name

For registration creation and registration confirmation events:

  • %registration_id% ID of the registration
  • %registration_approve_link% Link for admin approval

For registration creation event also (in addition to previous):

  • %registration_key% Registration key
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