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evanelias committed Jun 6, 2018
1 parent 96d224c commit 22c347a
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Showing 13 changed files with 533 additions and 474 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Godeps/Godeps.json

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Pre-built `skeema` binaries for Linux and macOS will be supplied later in Q2, on

## Compiling

Requires the [Go programming language toolchain]( Go version 1.6 or later is needed in order to properly use vendored dependencies.
Requires the [Go programming language toolchain]( The latest version, Go version 1.10, is currently required. Older versions may be supported in the near future.

To download, build, and install Skeema, run:

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100 changes: 38 additions & 62 deletions cmd_pull.go
Expand Up @@ -109,87 +109,63 @@ func PullHandler(cfg *mybase.Config) error {
if err != nil {
return err

for _, td := range diff.TableDiffs {
stmt, err := td.Statement(mods)
if err != nil {
return err
stmt, stmtErr := td.Statement(mods)
if stmtErr != nil && !tengo.IsUnsupportedDiff(stmtErr) {
return stmtErr
// skip if mods caused the diff to be a no-op
if stmt == "" {
if stmt == "" && stmtErr == nil {
switch td := td.(type) {
case tengo.CreateTable:
sf := SQLFile{
Dir: t.Dir,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", td.Table.Name),
Contents: stmt,
if length, err := sf.Write(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to write to %s: %s", sf.Path(), err)
} else if _, hadErr := t.SQLFileErrors[sf.Path()]; hadErr {
// SQL files with syntax errors will result in tengo.CreateTable since
// the temp schema will be missing the table, however we can detect this
// scenario by looking in the Target's SQLFileErrors
log.Infof("Wrote %s (%d bytes) -- updated file to replace invalid SQL", sf.Path(), length)
} else {
log.Infof("Wrote %s (%d bytes) -- new table", sf.Path(), length)
case tengo.DropTable:
table := td.Table

// For DROP TABLE, we're deleting corresponding table file; vs other
// types we're updating/rewriting the file.
if td.Type == tengo.TableDiffDrop {
sf := SQLFile{
Dir: t.Dir,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", table.Name),
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", td.From.Name),
if err := sf.Delete(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to delete %s: %s", sf.Path(), err)
log.Infof("Deleted %s -- table no longer exists", sf.Path())
case tengo.AlterTable:
table := td.Table
createStmt, err := t.Instance.ShowCreateTable(t.SchemaFromInstance.Name, table.Name)
if err != nil {
return err
sf := SQLFile{
Dir: t.Dir,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", table.Name),
Contents: createStmt,
var length int
if length, err = sf.Write(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to write to %s: %s", sf.Path(), err)
log.Infof("Wrote %s (%d bytes) -- updated file to reflect table alterations", sf.Path(), length)
case tengo.RenameTable:
return fmt.Errorf("Table renames not yet supported")
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported diff type %T", td)

// Tables that use features not supported by tengo diff still need files
// updated. Handle same as AlterTable case, since created/dropped tables don't
// ever end up in UnsupportedTables since they don't do a diff operation.
for _, table := range diff.UnsupportedTables {
createStmt := table.CreateStatement
if table.HasAutoIncrement() && !t.Dir.Config.GetBool("include-auto-inc") {
createStmt, _ = tengo.ParseCreateAutoInc(createStmt)
var reason string
sf := SQLFile{
Dir: t.Dir,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", table.Name),
Contents: createStmt,
FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s.sql", td.To.Name),
Contents: stmt,
var length int
if length, err = sf.Write(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to write to %s: %s", sf.Path(), err)

// For ALTER TABLE, we don't care about the ALTER statement, but we do
// need to get the corresponding CREATE TABLE and process auto-inc properly
if td.Type == tengo.TableDiffAlter {
sf.Contents = td.To.CreateStatement
if td.To.HasAutoIncrement() && !t.Dir.Config.GetBool("include-auto-inc") && td.From.NextAutoIncrement <= 1 {
sf.Contents, _ = tengo.ParseCreateAutoInc(sf.Contents)
reason = "updated file to reflect table alterations"
if tengo.IsUnsupportedDiff(stmtErr) {
log.Warnf("Table %s uses unsupported features", td.To.Name)
} else if _, hadErr := t.SQLFileErrors[sf.Path()]; hadErr {
// SQL files with syntax errors will result in TableDiffCreate since the
// temp schema will be missing the table
reason = "updated file to replace invalid SQL"
} else {
reason = "new table"
log.Infof("Wrote %s (%d bytes) -- updated file to reflect (unsupported) table alterations", sf.Path(), length)
if t.Dir.Config.GetBool("debug") {
log.Warnf("Table %s uses unsupported features", table.Name)

length, err := sf.Write()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to write to %s: %s", sf.Path(), err)
log.Infof("Wrote %s (%d bytes) -- %s", sf.Path(), length, reason)

if dir.Config.GetBool("normalize") {
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26 changes: 13 additions & 13 deletions cmd_push.go
Expand Up @@ -209,15 +209,25 @@ func pushWorker(sps *sharedPushState) {
for n, tableDiff := range diff.TableDiffs {
ddl := NewDDLStatement(tableDiff, mods, t)
if ddl == nil {
// skip blank DDL (due to mods.NextAutoInc, mods.IgnoreTable, etc)
if ddl.IsNoop() {
if err, ok := ddl.Err.(*tengo.UnsupportedDiffError); ok {
log.Warnf("Skipping table %s: unable to generate ALTER TABLE due to use of unsupported features. Use --debug for more information.", err.Name)
if ddl.Err != nil {
log.Errorf("%s. The affected DDL statement will be skipped. See --help for more information.", ddl.Err)
if tengo.IsForbiddenDiff(ddl.Err) {
log.Errorf("%s due to supplied options. The affected DDL statement will be skipped. See --help for more information.", ddl.Err)
} else {
log.Errorf("A fatal error occurred with pre-processing a DDL statement: %s. The affected DDL statement will be skipped.", ddl.Err)
sps.syncPrintf(t.Instance, schemaName, "%s\n", ddl.String())
if !sps.dryRun && ddl.Err == nil && ddl.Execute() != nil {
Expand All @@ -230,16 +240,6 @@ func pushWorker(sps *sharedPushState) {
for _, table := range diff.UnsupportedTables {
if t.Dir.Config.GetBool("debug") {
log.Warnf("Skipping table %s: unable to generate ALTER TABLE due to use of unsupported features", table.Name)
} else {
log.Warnf("Skipping table %s: unable to generate ALTER TABLE due to use of unsupported features. Use --debug for more information.", table.Name)

if targetStmtCount == 0 {
log.Infof("%s %s: No differences found\n", t.Instance, schemaName)
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83 changes: 31 additions & 52 deletions ddlstatement.go
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (

log ""
Expand All @@ -15,10 +14,10 @@ import (
// run directly against a DB.
type DDLStatement struct {
// Err represents errors that occur from applying statement modifiers (which
// can forbid destructive DDL), from building an external command string (which
// could reference invalid template variables), or from executing the DDL
// (errors from the DB directly, or a nonzero exit code from an external
// command)
// can forbid destructive DDL), from tables using unsupported features,
// from building an external command string (which could reference invalid
// template variables), or from executing the DDL (errors from the DB directly,
// or a nonzero exit code from an external command)
Err error

stmt string
Expand All @@ -28,34 +27,27 @@ type DDLStatement struct {
schemaName string

// NewDDLStatement creates and returns a DDLStatement. It may return nil if
// the StatementModifiers cause it to be a no-op. In the case of an error
// NewDDLStatement creates and returns a DDLStatement. In the case of an error
// constructing the statement (mods disallowing destructive DDL, invalid
// variable interpolation in --alter-wrapper, etc), a non-nil DDLStatement will
// still be returned, but its Err field will be non-nil, preventing any
// execution of the DDLStatement.
func NewDDLStatement(diff tengo.TableDiff, mods tengo.StatementModifiers, target *Target) *DDLStatement {
// variable interpolation in --alter-wrapper, etc), the returned value's Err
// field will be non-nil, preventing any execution of the DDLStatement.
func NewDDLStatement(diff *tengo.TableDiff, mods tengo.StatementModifiers, target *Target) *DDLStatement {
ddl := &DDLStatement{
instance: target.Instance,
schemaName: target.SchemaFromDir.Name,
var err error

// Look up size of affected table. This will be 0 for CREATE TABLE statements.
// Gather name and size of affected table. Size will be 0 for CREATE TABLE statements.
var tableName string
var tableSize int64
switch diff := diff.(type) {
case tengo.AlterTable:
tableSize, err = ddl.getTableSize(target, diff.Table)
tableName = diff.Table.Name
case tengo.DropTable:
tableSize, err = ddl.getTableSize(target, diff.Table)
tableName = diff.Table.Name
case tengo.CreateTable:
tableName = diff.Table.Name
err = nil
if diff.From != nil { // ALTER or DROP
tableName = diff.From.Name
tableSize, err = ddl.getTableSize(target, diff.From)
} else { // CREATE
tableName = diff.To.Name

// If --safe-below-size option in use, enable additional statement modifier
// if the table's size is less than the supplied option value
Expand All @@ -68,7 +60,7 @@ func NewDDLStatement(diff tengo.TableDiff, mods tengo.StatementModifiers, target

// Options may indicate some/all DDL gets executed by shelling out to another program.
wrapper := target.Dir.Config.Get("ddl-wrapper")
if _, isAlter := diff.(tengo.AlterTable); isAlter && target.Dir.Config.Changed("alter-wrapper") {
if diff.Type == tengo.TableDiffAlter && target.Dir.Config.Changed("alter-wrapper") {
minSize, err := target.Dir.Config.GetBytes("alter-wrapper-min-size")
if tableSize >= int64(minSize) {
Expand All @@ -92,14 +84,13 @@ func NewDDLStatement(diff tengo.TableDiff, mods tengo.StatementModifiers, target

// Get the raw DDL statement as a string.
// Get the raw DDL statement as a string. This may set stmt to a blank string
// if the statement should be skipped due to mods, or if the diff could not
// be generated due to use of unsupported table features.
ddl.stmt, err = diff.Statement(mods)
if ddl.stmt == "" {
// mods may result in a statement that should be skipped, but not due to
// error. For example, the only change may be to next-auto-inc value, which
// mods specify to ignore. This is represented by a nil DDLStatement.
return nil
return ddl

// Apply wrapper if relevant
Expand All @@ -111,28 +102,13 @@ func NewDDLStatement(diff tengo.TableDiff, mods tengo.StatementModifiers, target
"DDL": ddl.stmt,
"TABLE": tableName,
"SIZE": strconv.FormatInt(tableSize, 10),
"TYPE": diff.TypeString(),
extras["CLAUSES"], _ = diff.Clauses(mods)
if ddl.instance.SocketPath != "" {
delete(extras, "PORT")
extras["SOCKET"] = ddl.instance.SocketPath

switch diff := diff.(type) {
case tengo.AlterTable:
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s ", diff.Table.AlterStatement())
extras["CLAUSES"] = strings.Replace(ddl.stmt, prefix, "", 1)
extras["TYPE"] = "ALTER"
case tengo.CreateTable:
prefix := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s ", tengo.EscapeIdentifier(diff.Table.Name))
extras["CLAUSES"] = strings.Replace(ddl.stmt, prefix, "", 1)
extras["TYPE"] = "CREATE"
case tengo.DropTable:
extras["CLAUSES"] = ""
extras["TYPE"] = "DROP"
default: // currently includes case tengo.RenameTable
ddl.setErr(fmt.Errorf("TableDiff type %T not yet supported", diff))

ddl.shellOut, err = NewInterpolatedShellOut(wrapper, target.Dir, extras)
Expand All @@ -147,12 +123,18 @@ func (ddl *DDLStatement) IsShellOut() bool {
return (ddl.shellOut != nil)

// IsNoop returns true if the DDL statement should be skipped due to the
// statement modifiers supplied to the constructor.
func (ddl *DDLStatement) IsNoop() bool {
return ddl.stmt == "" && ddl.Err == nil

// String returns a string representation of ddl. If an external command is in
// use, the returned string will be prefixed with "\!", the MySQL CLI command
// shortcut for "system" shellout. If ddl.Err is non-nil, the returned string
// will be commented-out by wrapping in /* ... */ long-style comment.
func (ddl *DDLStatement) String() string {
if ddl == nil {
if ddl.stmt == "" {
return ""
var stmt string
Expand All @@ -171,17 +153,14 @@ func (ddl *DDLStatement) String() string {
// or shelling out to an external program, as appropriate.
func (ddl *DDLStatement) Execute() error {
// Refuse to execute no-ops or errors
if ddl == nil {
return nil
if ddl.IsNoop() {
return errors.New("Attempted to execute empty DDL statement")
} else if ddl.Err != nil {
return ddl.Err
if ddl.IsShellOut() {
ddl.Err = ddl.shellOut.Run()
} else {
if ddl.stmt == "" {
return errors.New("Attempted to execute empty DDL statement")
if db, err := ddl.instance.Connect(ddl.schemaName, ""); err != nil {
ddl.Err = err
} else {
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions ddlstatement_test.go
Expand Up @@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ func (s *SkeemaIntegrationSuite) TestNewDDLStatement(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Expected this configuration to result in all DDLs being shellouts, but %v is not", ddl)
var expected string
switch diff := diff.(type) {
case tengo.AlterTable:
if diff.Table.Name == "rollups" {
switch diff.Type {
case tengo.TableDiffAlter:
if diff.To.Name == "rollups" {
// no rows, so ddl-wrapper used. verify the statement separately.
expected = "/bin/echo ddl-wrapper analytics.rollups ALTER"
expectedStmt := "ALTER TABLE `rollups` ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE, ADD COLUMN `value` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL"
if ddl.stmt != expectedStmt {
t.Errorf("Expected statement:\n%s\nActual statement:\n%s\n", expectedStmt, ddl.stmt)
} else if diff.Table.Name == "pageviews" {
} else if diff.To.Name == "pageviews" {
// has 1 row, so alter-wrapper used. verify the execution separately to
// sanity-check the quoting rules.
expected = "/bin/echo alter-wrapper analytics.pageviews ALTER 'ADD COLUMN `domain` varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '\"'\"''\"'\"''"
Expand All @@ -79,11 +79,11 @@ func (s *SkeemaIntegrationSuite) TestNewDDLStatement(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Expected output:\n%sActual output:\n%sErr:\n%v\n", expectedOutput, actualOutput, err)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected AlterTable for %s; perhaps test fixture changed without updating this test?", diff.Table.Name)
t.Fatalf("Unexpected AlterTable for %s; perhaps test fixture changed without updating this test?", diff.To.Name)
case tengo.DropTable:
case tengo.TableDiffDrop:
expected = "/bin/echo ddl-wrapper analytics.widget_counts DROP"
case tengo.CreateTable:
case tengo.TableDiffCreate:
expected = "/bin/echo ddl-wrapper analytics.activity CREATE"
if ddl.shellOut.Command != expected {
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