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Releases: skiphansen/OpenEPaperLink

SubGhz C6 beta #3

21 May 18:09
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SubGhz C6 beta #3 Pre-release
  1. Fixed SubGhz Freq correction bug.
  2. Synced with master OpenEPaperLink repository.
  3. S3 image has latest changes notably "Updating 7.4in/640x384 templates (OpenEPaperLink#308)"

SubGhz C6 beta #2

08 May 21:10
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SubGhz C6 beta #2 Pre-release

Fixed receive CRC error detection.
Added crystal frequency error correction support.
This release should fix the phantom SubGhz nodes could appear from time to time.

The hope is that the addition of frequency error correction will improve range
of APs build with CC1101 modules with off frequency crystals.

See The OEPL Wiki for installation instructions.

First Beta release of Chroma74 firmware for OEPL

13 Apr 13:07
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Warning wet paint!

This release is suitable for developers and advanced users.

NB: v0001 release only sleeps for 5 seconds to facilitate rapid testing so it'll eat batteries.

v0002 uses the standard OEPL timing.

See The OEPL Wiki for installation instructions.