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Sparse matrices

Thomas Bonald edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 1 revision

Our algorithms typically take an adjacency matrix in a sparse CSR format as entry .

It is useful to understand how this format works in order to code basic graph routines:

Assume you have instanciated a csr_matrix A representing the adjacency of the graph G = (V, E) with the usual triplet of np.ndarray:

  • row = np.array([...]) of length |E|,
  • col = np.array([...]) of length |E|,
  • data = np.array([...]) of length |E|,

such that for any k A[row[k], col[k]] = data[k].

The csr_matrix has instanciated three main attributes:

  • indptr = np.array([...]) of length |V|+1,
  • indices = np.array([...]) of length |E|,
  • data = np.array([...]) of length |E|.

indices and data have the same elements as the arguments col and data but sorted such that:

  • indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] are the neighbors of node i,
  • data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] are the weights of the corresponding edges.
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