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Formatting the cheatsheet
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skorks committed Nov 28, 2011
1 parent 421114d commit 379186c
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 79 deletions.
163 changes: 84 additions & 79 deletions
@@ -1,29 +1,88 @@
## Movement commands

h,j,k,l - left, down, up, right
$, - - go to end of line
^, 0 - go to start of line
gg,G - start, end of file
H,M,L - cursor to top, middle, bottom of screen
:5, 5G - go to line 5
w,b,e,ge - next word start, previous word start, next word end, previous word end
(,),{,} - next, previous sentence, next, previous paragraph
n| - nth column of current line
% - jump ot matching bracket (),{},[]
<C-e>, <C-y> - scroll up, down
<C-f>, <C-b> - move up, down one screen at a time
mc - mark current position where c is [a..Z]
`c, 'c - go to mark
`., '. - last edited line
:marks - print all marks
:jumps - print all jumps
n<C-o> - go to nth older position in jump list, scroll forward through jump list
n<C-i> - go to nth newer position in jump list, scroll backward through jump list
g;,g, - jump backwards and forwards through the changelist
f,t,F,T - move forward to,before a specified character, move backward to,before a
specified character(; or , - repeat the command forward or backward)
Movement Commands

* h,j,k,l - left, down, up, right
* $, - - go to end of line
* ^, 0 - go to start of line
* gg,G - start, end of file
* H,M,L - cursor to top, middle, bottom of screen
* :5, 5G - go to line 5
* w,b,e,ge - next word start, previous word start, next word end, previous word end
* (,),{,} - next, previous sentence, next, previous paragraph
* n| - nth column of current line
* % - jump ot matching bracket (),{},[]
* <C-e>, <C-y> - scroll up, down
* <C-f>, <C-b> - move up, down one screen at a time
* mc - mark current position where c is [a..Z]
* `c, 'c - go to mark
* `., '. - last edited line
* :marks - print all marks
* :jumps - print all jumps
* n<C-o> - go to nth older position in jump list, scroll forward through jump list
* n<C-i> - go to nth newer position in jump list, scroll backward through jump list
* g;,g, - jump backwards and forwards through the changelist
* f,t,F,T - move forward to,before a specified character, move backward to,before a
specified character(; or , - repeat the command forward or backward)

Insert Commands

* i,I - insert, start of line
* a,A,ea - append, end of line, end of word
* o,O - blank line below, blank line above
* esc, <C-[>, <C-c> - exit from insert mode
* r - replace a single character (does not use insert mode)
* J - join line below to the current one (pur number before to join several lines)
* s - delete character and substitute text (add number in front to delete x characters)
* cw,cc - replace word, line C - rewrite to end of line
* x,X - delete character right, left
* dw,dd - delete word, line (cut)
* yw, yy - copy word, line (number in front for multiple) (copy)
* p,P - paste after, before
* :x,yd - delete lines x through y
* "ayy, "ap - copy line into register a, paste
* ~,g~m - switch case of char, movement command
* gum, gUm - lowercase, uppercase text of movement command
* <C-w> - backspace over a word while in insert mode
* <C-o> - enter normal mode for one command while in insert mode
* <C-u> - delete to beginning of indent while in insert mode
* <C-x> <C-l> - line completion while in insert mode
* <C-y> - copy letter above the cursor
* <C-e> - copy letter below the cursor
* <C-x> <C-o> - omnicompletion
* < C-r" > - paste from default register in insert mode (probably can substitute the "
to any other register to paste from that one)

Search/Replace Commands

* /,? - search forward, backward
* n,N - repeat search in same direction, opposite direction
* :s/old/new/g - replace only on current line
* :%s/old/new/g - replace old with new in file
* :%s/old/new/gc - replace old with new in file with confirmation
* *, # - search for next instance of word under cursor, previous instance
* :%s/\<foo\>/bar/gc - change only whole words exactly matching 'foo' to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
* :%s/foo/bar/gci - change each 'foo' (case insensitive) to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
* :g/^baz/s/foo/bar/g - change each 'foo' to 'bar' in each line starting with 'baz'
* :%s//bar/g - replace each match of the last search pattern with 'bar'
* :%s/foo/<c-r><c-w>/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the word under the cursor
* :%s/foo/<c-r><c-a>/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the WORD under the cursor
* :%s/foo/<c-r>a/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the contents of register 'a'
* :%s/<c-r>a/bar/g - replace all occurrences of the text in register 'a' with 'bar'

Buffers And Split Windows
* :e file - open file in new buffer
* :bn, :bp, :b3, :bd - next buffer, previous buffer, buffer number 3, close buffer/file
* :sb3 - buffer number 3 split window horizontally
* :split - split current window
* :new file - open new file in split window
* <C+ws> - Split windows
* <C+wv> - Split windows vertically
* <C-w>q - close currently selected split window
* <C-w>_ - maximize current window
* <C-h,j,k,l> - move between split windows

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,62 +317,8 @@ html:xt>div#header>div#logo+ul#nav>li.item-$*5>a

Insert commands
i,I - insert, start of line
a,A,ea - append, end of line, end of word
o,O - blank line below, blank line above
esc, ctrl-[, ctrl-c - exit from insert mode
r - replace a single character (does not use insert mode)
J - join line below to the current one (pur number before to join several lines)
s - delete character and substitute text (add number in front to delete x characters)
cw,cc - replace word, line C - rewrite to end of line
x,X - delete character right, left
dw,dd - delete word, line (cut)
yw, yy - copy word, line (number in front for multiple) (copy)
p,P - paste after, before
:x,yd - delete lines x through y
"ayy, "ap - copy line into register a, paste
~,g~m - switch case of char, movement command
gum, gUm - lowercase, uppercase text of movement command
ctrl-w - backspace over a word while in insert mode
ctrl-o - enter normal mode for one command while in insert mode
ctrl-u - delete to beginning of indent while in insert mode
ctrl-x ctrl-l - line completion while in insert mode
ctrl-y - copy letter above the cursor
ctrl-e - copy letter below the cursor
ctrl-x ctrl-o - omnicompletion
ctrl-r" - paste from default register in insert mode (probably can substitute the " to any other register to paste from that one)

Search/replace commands
/,? - search forward, backward
n,N - repeat search in same direction, opposite direction
:s/old/new/g - replace only on current line
:%s/old/new/g - replace old with new in file
:%s/old/new/gc - replace old with new in file with confirmation
*, # - search for next instance of word under cursor, previous instance
:%s/\<foo\>/bar/gc - change only whole words exactly matching 'foo' to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
:%s/foo/bar/gci - change each 'foo' (case insensitive) to 'bar'; ask for confirmation
:g/^baz/s/foo/bar/g - change each 'foo' to 'bar' in each line starting with 'baz'
:%s//bar/g - replace each match of the last search pattern with 'bar'
:%s/foo/<c-r><c-w>/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the word under the cursor
:%s/foo/<c-r><c-a>/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the WORD under the cursor
:%s/foo/<c-r>a/g - replace each occurrence of 'foo' with the contents of register 'a'
:%s/<c-r>a/bar/g - replace all occurrences of the text in register 'a' with 'bar'

Buffers And Split Windows
:e file - open file in new buffer
:bn, :bp, :b3, :bd - next buffer, previous buffer, buffer number 3, close buffer/file
:sb3 - buffer number 3 split window horizontally
:split - split current window
:new file - open new file in split window
<ctrl+ws> - Split windows
<ctrl+wv> - Split windows vertically
<ctrl-w>q - close currently selected split window
<ctrl-w>_ - maximize current window
<ctrl-h,j,k,l> - move between split windows

Visual mode commands
Expand Down

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