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A Super Simple Lightweight Responsive Grid System created by me,
(Only 768 bytes minified, and 3 KB source code)

What is SKSAR-GRID ?

SKSAR-GRID is a simple responsive grid system for modern web design. It is different from other Grid Systems, as it does not use fixed CSS media queries, but creates them automatically as and when needed.

The very core of the grid contains a simple 12-column layout css grid, (sksar-grid.css) with no media query breaks. Then upon it styles are added dynamically using javascript (sksar-grid.js)..


Import sksar-grid.css in the <head> section of your html file..

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/sksar-grid.css" />

Import sksar-grid.js at the end of your html file..

<script src="path/to/sksar-grid.js"></script>

-- Now you can create grids using the following syntax..

<div class="col col-{min_value}-{max_value}">
        <!--columns here-->

Where {min_value} is the minimum browser width (in px), smaller than which the grid breaks, and {max_value} is the maximum browser width (in px), greater than which the grid breaks again..

To skip a value set it to zero,
For example: col-480-0

This grid will only break if the device width is smaller than 480px,
As it's max_value is set to zero, it will be taken as infinty,
that is, it will never break on any resoultion width greater than the min_value

NOTE: The col-XXX-XXX is the class name javascript is looking for; When it finds such a class, it creates the appropriate css "@media" rules at the end of the page..
The value of min_value should be lower than the max_value


Just like other responsive grid systems, sksar-grid also contains a 12 column layout
with colummn class starting from .col-1 to .col-12


<div class="col-3"> Column of width 3 units</div>
<div class="col-4"> Column of width 4 units</div>
<div class="col-5"> Column of width 5 units</div>

Make sure the column unit values add up to 12 in any column container..

Dynamic Grids

If you create grids dynamically using code, then they will not behave properly,
You have two approaches then,

1) Already define a grid using the appropriate class you want, like col-480-1200,
and use the css class for your dynamically created grids, the browser will automatically do the job,
2) Or, create the grid with whatever class name you like,
and call the sksarGrid.gridify() function to reinintalise all grids on the page..

Sample code

Example 1: A grid that breaks when browser width is less than 480 px, also when its greater than 800px
and it contains a 4 unit and 8 unit columns respectively, which adds up to 12 (4+8)

<div class="col col-480-800">
       <div class="col-4"> Column of width 4 units</div>
       <div class="col-8"> Column of width 8 units</div>

Example 2: A grid that breaks when browser width is less than 480 px, also when its greater than 1200px
and it contains three 4 unit columns respectively, which adds up to 12 (4+4+4)

<div class="col col-480-1200">
       <div class="col-4"> Column of width 4 units</div>
       <div class="col-4"> Column of width 4 units</div>
       <div class="col-4"> Column of width 4 units</div>


It is advised to copy the entire style rules contained inside the sksar-grid.css, to your html's main style sheet,
Also it would be better if you use the minified versions of both sksar-grid.js and sksar-grid.css..


sksar-grid is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) License