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The Responder is a tool that aims to provide a simple framework to respond to any events in the cloud


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


What does Responder do?

Responder listens to events as they occur on your cloud platform and then provides a simple way to determine how to respond to those events. For example, Responder can "respond" to certain events by sending out notifications to your email or slack etc. (for a full list of the current integrations see: Out-of-the-box Actions). Responder is also capable of addressing events by remediating them! For more examples and of Responder's features check out AWS Use Cases to see what Responder comes with right out of the box.

As of now, Responder's functionality is centered around AWS, but we plan to expand it's functionality to other cloud platforms in the future!


Installation, Configuration and Deployment Steps


Set up

Local AWS set up

  1. Clone this repository locally to your machine.

  2. Make sure you must have the AWS CLI installed. For information check out Installing, updating, and uninstalling the AWS CLI. Once the CLI is installed, configure your CLI profile with admin privileges to your target AWS account. Check out Configuring the AWS CLI

  3. You must have have an instance of AWS CloudTrail active on your AWS account in order for Responder to work. For info on setting up CloudTrail, check out Creating a Trail for your AWS Account

  4. Install the Serverless Framework globally

    ` npm install -g serverless `

    Once Serverless is installed, make sure to configure it with your aws credentials

  5. Install all the dependencies

    npm install


AWS Presets/Use cases

By default the projects comes with a few handy preset flows that are presented below. These rules can be disabled or reconfigured easily.

  • Root User has Logged in

This flow will detect any login that the Root accounts makes, it will send a Slack message to notify anyone or anyteam of such event

  • Suspicious log in hour

An IAM has logged in outside of the specified work hours, it will send a Slack message to notify anyone or anyteam of such event

  • Suspicious log in from an unknown IP address

An IAM has logged in outside of the specified IP addresses, it will send a Slack message to notify anyone or anyteam of such event


Important Terms

To get started, it's important to get familiar with the terms rule, action and flow as well as the file actions.yml.

  • rule is a piece of logic that will capture or detect a specific event of interest. For instance, somebody has logged in, a resource has been created, etc.

  • action defines how to "respond" to a (rule) event; it can be sending a Slack message, waiting, sending emails, check something, remove an unauthorized user etc.

  • flow is a combination of a rule, and a series of actions.

  • The actions.yml is a the main file where all your flows are described.


Configuring your actions

Actions are how you can "respond" to cloud events. Several config-default.yml files exist inside the actions/rules folders. The purpose of these files is to setup Responder's default/basic behavior. For each action you use, you must customize it's corresponding config-default.yml as part of the setup process.

Note: These files are part of the base software so while they can be modified, they must not be removed. If you are interested in customizing Responder's behavior, the config-default.yml files are where you should start. A list of out-of-the-box actions can be found here


Action configuration examples:


example: Slack

The module can be found under actions/SendSlack

Create a config.yml file and copy the default-config.yml content to it and configure your own Webhook URL

webhookURL: ''


example: Email

The module can be found under actions/SendEmail

Create a config.yml file and copy the default-config.yml content to it and configure your own emails you want to send a nbotification to. You can assign multiple emails as per the example below

        - Endpoint: ""
          Protocol: "email"
        - Endpoint: ""
          Protocol: "email"


Configuring the flows

Once you have configured your actions, you should configure the flows in the actions.yml file. This is where a lot of the "magic" is happening! The actions.yml is where you may configure a custom sequence of events for each rule


Testing your configuration

You might want to test Responder locally to make sure all of your alerts are set up, configured , and arriving as expected. Local testing will save you from having to re-deploy Responder every single time you want to change/test a configuration.

To do this just cd to the main directory, and run the index.js file with node.

node index.js



Once you have set up your configurations, deploy them to your AWS account:

npm run deploy

This will:

  • Create APIKey in SecretsManager in us-east-1 and its replicas in all enabled regions, this key will be used to secure the events that are sent from various regions to Responder (installed in us-east-1)
  • Deploy the Serverless Cloud Responder application in us-east-1
  • Deploy this EventBridge CloudFormation template into every region



npm run remove

This will:

  • Remove the EventBridge CloudFormation stacks in all regions
  • Remove the Serverless app
  • Remove the APIKey from SecretsManager in every region


How it works:



The EventBridge Rules
On AWS, the installation creates a Rule on EventBridge. This rule capture CloudTrail events and send these events to a Target. The Target is an API Connection that sends the event to the Cloud Responder via a HTTP request. Because the EventBridge is region specific, it has to be done in every region.

The Serverless app
The serverless app exposes a HTTP endpoint that will receive POST requests sent by the API Connections installed in all regions. The the KeyPOST requests are authenticated via an APIKey tha is shared between the API Connection and the Serverless HTTP endpoint (API Gateway). An Authorizer (Lambda function) will authenticate the request by checking the API Key. Once authenticated the detection/capture sequence can start.


Detection/Capture sequence
The capture sequence, is a rule that is going to be run again the incoming event. The rule checks if the event is of interest. The rule must return an array of findings if the the event is of interest. Returning one or more findings will start a flow sequence.

The flow sequence
A flow sequence will start when a finding has been discoverd, it a series of actions that can be taken sequentially or in parallel.



General documentation


Out-of-the-box Actions


The Responder is a tool that aims to provide a simple framework to respond to any events in the cloud




Code of conduct





No releases published
