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2457 lines (2167 loc) · 143 KB

File metadata and controls

2457 lines (2167 loc) · 143 KB


  • Breaking: Rename confusing ScrollXXX(It easily be confused with scroll motions(ctrl-f etc..)
    • ScrollDown(ctrl-e) to MiniScrollDown
    • ScrollUp(ctrl-y) to MiniScrollUp
  • New: Smooth scroll option plus more for MiniScroll(ctrl-y, ctrl-e)
    • smoothScrollOnMiniScroll: default false
    • smoothScrollOnMiniScrollDuration: default 200
    • defaultScrollRowsOnMiniScroll: default 1
  • New: Smooth scroll option for redraw-cursor-line commands.
    • redraw-cursor-line is z begging command like z t, z u, z z, z b etc..
    • Default disabled, I need this when I do demo. With smooth scroll on z u, less chance to leave behind audiences.
    • smoothScrollOnRedrawCursorLine: default false
    • smoothScrollOnRedrawCursorLineDuration: default 300
  • New, Experimental: New scroll motion to scroll 1/4.
    • ScrollQuarterScreenDown: keymap g ctrl-d
    • ScrollQuarterScreenUp: keymap g ctrl-u
    • Smooth scroll options are NOT explicitly provided, it use ScrollHalf's config.
  • Internal: Rename non-straightforward naming
    • From SelectInVisualMode to VisualModeSelect
    • From isAsTargetExceptSelectInVisualMode to isTargetOfNormalOperator


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: Remove spec for now removed feature.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: transform-string-by-select-list throw exception when executed in visual-mode.
    • Regression by operator execution model redesign from v1.13.0.
  • Internal:
    • Improve how transform-string-by-external-command is executed.
    • Remove OperationAbortedError which is vmp specific error used to abort() operation, but now no longer used.
  • New, Experimental: JoinTarget operator(wanted to name just Join but it's already taken by J)


  • Diff: here
  • Improve: Better multi cursors support for toggle-persist-selection.
  • Improve: Refold temporarily opened fold by / and ? when confirmed #931
  • New: z X family to redraw cursor line at upper-middle. #932
    • Keymap and Command
      • z u: redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle
      • z space: redraw-cursor-line-at-upper-middle-and-move-to-first-character-of-line
    • Conflict: z u with pureVim's spellfile related command. But OK, vmp have no plan for this feat.
    • Here is summary table of keymap and where to draw
      | where        | no move | move to 1st char |
      | top          | z t     | z enter          |
      | upper-middle | z u     | z space          |
      | middle       | z z     | z .              |
      | bottom       | z b     | z -              |
  • Breaking: rename confusing ScrollCursorToTop commands. #932
    • z enter: ScrollCursorToTop to RedrawCursorLineAtTopAndMoveToFirstCharacterOfLine
    • z t: ScrollCursorToTopLeave to RedrawCursorLineAtTop
    • z .: ScrollCursorToMiddle to RedrawCursorLineAtMiddleAndMoveToFirstCharacterOfLine
    • z z: ScrollCursorToMiddleLeave to RedrawCursorLineAtMiddle
    • z -: ScrollCursorToBottom to RedrawCursorLineAtBottomAndMoveToFirstCharacterOfLine
    • z b: ScrollCursorToBottomLeave to RedrawCursorLineAtBottom
  • Internal: Remove Operator.prototype.requireTarget, now all operator have target.
    • Use target = "Empty" for old requireTarget = false equivalent.
  • Internal: Remove casual use of isComplete and renamed to isReady as prep for upcoming refactoring. #933
    • Now isReady(was isComplete) is used only in operationStack.
    • For input taking MiscCommand family command such as mark, insert-register now executed in async.
    • All operators which take extra input now executed in async(no longer user requireInput mechanism).
    • At this point, requireInput is used only by Motion, which I cannot make it simply transform to use async execution.
    • Since motion is used as Operator's target and Operator has not yet support target executed in async scenario.


  • Diff: here
  • Improve: duplicate-with-comment-out-original flashes correct range(only changed range).

1.12.0: Internal redesign of replace and surround(no behavior diff).

  • Diff: here
  • New: Operator duplicate-with-comment-out-original(idea by @nwaywood) #929
    • Duplicate targeted lines(always works as linewise) and comment out original target(selected) text.
    • No keymap by default. But available from select-list(ctrl-s for macOS user).
    • This is maybe useful when you change code with keeping original code as reference.
      • e.g. If I keymap g shift-cmd-D to vim-mode-plus:duplicate-with-comment-out-original.
      • g shift-cmd-D p: Duplicate paragraph with original paragraph commentout.
      • g shift-cmd-D z: Duplicate fold with original fold commentout.
      • g shift-cmd-D f: Duplicate function with original function commentout.
  • Improve: Remove operator's supportEarlySelect flag used by surround and replace operator #926
    • This option's purpose is to select target immediately after target provided and before reading user's input.
    • Now achieve same UX with more simpler way.
      • Old: Select target before execute() and skip selectTarget by checking if it's already selected.
      • New: Just execute and await user's input(simple and no complex skip selectTarget scenario).
    • As result of this re-design, surround and replace operator now executed in async.
      • This should be no diff from UX perspective. Just diff in internal execution model(require spec code change).
  • Improve: Respect occurrence wise when updating register
    • When c o p update register's content register's type
      • Old: Save with register's type linewise, immediate paste(cmd-v) in insert-mode surprise user.
        • Since replaced text by c was characterwise, but pasted text add extra newline(\n).
      • New: Save with register's type characterwise, and immediate paste(cmd-v) in insert-mode works as expected.
  • Improve: Spec helper
    • New: ensureWait is like ensure, but it wait till finish operation for async execution
    • Breaking: Remove ensureByDispatch since it's non essential, just wrapper. I want manage minimum set of ensure family.
    • Breaking: Disallow keystroke helper(after confirmed that it's not used by vmp and vmp-plugins).
    • Improve: ensure now recognize 1st arg as keystroke(not like keystroke or ensureOption as old ensure).
      • This is more clearer and explicit, and allow 2nd ensureOption empty to just dispatch keystroke(as replacement of old keystroke helper).


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: move-up-to-edge, move-down-to-edge motion did not work correctly in soft-wrapped editor.
    • Regression from v1.11.0.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: No r with ' or " input properly work on some international keyboard which require TWO keystroke to input these quotes.
    • Fix provided 1.11.4 was just fix issue partially, not perfect.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: No r with ' or " input properly work on some international keyboard which require TWO keystroke to input these quotes.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: No longer throw exception when change-surround-any-pair cannot find surround pair.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: No longer throw exception when demo-mode pkg was activated, regression from v1.11.0.
  • Fix remove-leading-white-spaces operator work properly again regression from v1.11.0.
  • Improve: #701, When wrapLeftRightMotion is enabled and l in vC now can select new-line(can stop at column 0 of next-line).
  • Internal: No longer expect Operator.protoype.setTarget return instance.
    • This eliminate unessential contract between caller/callee.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: z c no longer throw exception, this is regression from v1.11.0.
  • Fix: highlightSearch, fix minor not-highlighted issue where it should be.
    • Fix: Highlight newly opened editor is not highlighted when mainMoudle.globalState was not populated.
      • E.g. pane:split-right, pane:split-down on fuzzy-finder's select-list
    • Fix: Now highlight newly opened editor even when it's not initially activated.(e.g. open on next pane without activating it).


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: toggle-highlight-search command now correctly clear/re-highlight when value changed #918
    • This is regression introduced in v1.10.0 sorry!
  • Improve: toggle-fold now work with multiple cursors.
  • Improve, Breaking: How text-object function detect function scopes
    • Improve: function scope detection for type-script.
    • Improve, Breaking: source.js and source.jsx.
      • Ignore arrow function. Use a-fold(e.g. y z) for arrow-function.
      • Now no longer detect instantiation (new Class) call as function text-object.
  • Breaking: Rename following align operator since it was confusing.
    • Old: align-start-of-occurrence, New: align-occurrence-by-pad-start
    • Old: align-end-of-occurrence, New: align-occurrence-by-pad-end
  • Internal: Convention change, return value of Base.prototype.initialize() is not used, so no need to return this.


  • Diff: here
  • New: numbering-lines operator, which adds line number to each line.
    • No default keymap, accessible via transform-string-by-select-list(ctrl-s for macOS user) command.
  • Improve: z t, z enter works properly when last screen row was visible. @dcalhoun #915.
    • editor.scrollPastEnd need to be true to work these command properly, so show notification if not enabled.
  • Fix: z e did not scroll until next cursor move is happens, but now scroll immediately.
  • Improve, Performance: Lazy load further
  • Improve: Improve integration with demo-mode package by making hover and flash highlight fadeout more in-sync.
  • Internal: Remove intermediate class ScrollWithoutChangingCursorPosition used for misc-scroll commands.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: [CRITICAL] No longer throw exception by lack of semver dependency. Sorry!

1.9.0: Converted to JS, as a result, CoffeeScript based customization is no longer supported.

  • Diff: here
  • Maintenance: Convert from CoffeeScript to JavaScript for operator, motion, text-object codes.
    • Now all running code is written in JavaScript.
    • Still test-spec is written in CoffeScript.
    • Through rewriting to JS, introduced lots of refactoring(architectural simplification, minor bug fixes).
  • Breaking: CoffeeScript based custom-vmp-operation is no longer supported.
    • From this version, all operations are defined as ES6 class which is NOT extend-able by CoffeeScript.,
    • If you have custom-vmp-operation in your, require rewrite to JS. See Wiki.
    • Also all vmp-plugin pkg I'm maintaining is rewritten this time, see #895 for detail.
  • Fix: Broken features broken from Atom-v1.22.0-beta0 now work again.
    • Fold related commands: a-fold, inner-fold, move-to-next-fold-start etc..
    • Comment text-object.
  • New: Operator AlignOccurrence, AlignStartOfOccurrence, AlignEndOfOccurrence. #904 #906
    • No default keymap(set it by yourself if necessary).
    • Available from transform-string-by-select-list(ctrl-s for macOS user) commands.
    • How align operator works.
      • I introduce this operator with great simplicity by intention.
      • It's always add space to start or end of occurrence to align occurrence.
      • Add only, not trim existing spaces, if you want to remove consecutive spaces, use compact-spaces operator(g space for macOS).
    • For general purpose aligning(such as align lines by = assignment), use pkg like aligner.
    • This operator's goodness is explicitness and manual control for pattern to use for align, which make it possible general purpose aligner tools is not good at.
  • New: blackholeRegisteredOperators to disable register update for selected operator commands. #901, #902
    • Old dontUpdateRegisterOnChangeOrSubstitute are deprecated. it's setting is auto-migrated on first startup.
    • Set list of operator commands to blackholeRegisteredOperators.
      • E.g. change, change-to-last-character-of-line, delete-right, delete-left.
    • change*, substitute*, delete* is special value available to specify ALL same family operators.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: TransformStringByExternalCommand operator now correctly shift to normal-mode after operation finished.
    • This operator is specifically used by vim-mode-plus-replace-with-execution pkg(was broken, but recover now).


  • Diff: here
  • Maintenance: Add Base.initClass as alias of Base.extend for upcoming vmp changes.

1.8.0: Expose select operator as normal command

  • Diff: here
  • New: select operator just for select target.
    • select is super essential operator which have been used in every motion in visual-mode.
    • But this select operator was not available as command.
    • Now vmp expose this as select operator with slight modification.
      • Original Select operator used in visual-mode was renamed to SelectInVisualMode.
      • The diff between Select and SelectInVisualMode is
        • Select accept preset-occurrence and persistent-selection but SelectInVisualMode is not so that user can modify selection without being interfered by existing preset-occurrence and persistent-selection.
  • New Config: keymapSToSelect conditional keymap. When enabled, s behaves as select operator.
    • s p: select paragraph. Equivalent to v i p.
    • s i i: select inner-indentation Equivalent to v i i.
    • s o p: select occurrence in paragraph.
    • g o s p: select occurrence in paragraph(use preset-occurrence by g o).
    • s o p o escape: Place cursors to each start position of occurrence in paragraph.
    • s o p I: insert at start position of occurrence in paragraph.
    • s o p A: insert at end position of occurrence in paragraph.
  • Improve: [(move-up-to-edge) and ](move-down-to-edge) now motion stops at first and last row again.
    • Now stoppable as long as target column is exist at first row or last row.
    • This behavior is added at #314(v0.49.0) but removed at #481(v0.66.0).
    • Now re-introduced this feature with avoiding edge case reported in #481.
  • Improve: Confirm on occurrence operation #888, #894
    • Now ask confirmation before starting to create occurrence-markers in g o(preset-occurrence), or c o(using o modifier) operation.
    • Allows cancellation to avoid editor become unresponsive while creating tons of markers.
      • e.g. If you g o accidentally for single-space and editor have huge matches, no longer freeze editor if you cancel confirmation.
    • New: config confirmThresholdOnOccurrenceOperation(default 2000) control confirmation threshold.
  • Keymap: Shorthand keymap for inner-entire in operator-pending-mode for Linux and Windows.
    • Windows and Linux user can ctrl-a as shorthand of i e(inner-entire).
      • Usage example: y ctrl-a to yank all text in buffer.
    • For macOS user cmd-a is provided as shorthand of i e in older version(v0.88.0).
  • New: Operator command insert-at-head-of-occurrence, insert-at-head-of-subword-occurrence.
    • Previously only start and end version of this commands are provided.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: f escape f no longer throw exception when reuseFindForRepeatFind was enabled #883
  • New: insert-at-head-of-target operator, in the past I removed this operator, but I need this now #881.
  • Improve: Cancelling in the middle of operation no longer clear reset multiple-cursors #882, #885
    • Motion: Find family f, F, t, T
    • Operator: Replace r surround family, split-string family, join-by-input family
  • Improve: No longer hide cursor when focus is at mini-editor.
    • /, ?: was hidden in all mode in older version.
    • f, t: was hidden in operator-pending-mode in older version.
  • Improve: cleanup CSS in vim-mode-plus.less.
  • Improve: Respect original selection's reversed state on occurrence-operation operation.
  • Doc: Wrote wiki and update README to for cursor-line modifying syntax-theme issue #887.
    • See FAQ section of README: "Flash effect not appear on cursor-line..."
  • Internal: Add debug code to investigate known issue #875(for cursor jumped unexpectedly).

1.6.0: Occurrence respects operator-bound-wise. #879

  • Diff: here
  • Improve: occurrence-operation now aware of operator-bound-wise.
    • Behavior diff: Diff appears in occurrence-operation.
      • Old: Always worked as characterwise.
      • New: Works as linewise when
        • V operator-modifier is used.
        • linewise-bound-operator(e.g. g /, > in normal-mode, D, Y in visual-mode etc) is used.
    • What is occurrence-operation and operator-bound-wise ?
      • occurrence-operation: Operation with o modifier(e.g. c o f) or operation with preset-occurrence(e.g. g o c f).
      • operator-bound-wise: D, C, Y in visual-mode and V forced operation like d V p.
    • Example(See also animation GIF in PR #879)
      • Assume non consecutive console.log lines scattered in function and you want to bulk appply operation linewise-ly.
      • First place cursor at console of console.log. Then you can do variety of operation linewise-ly.
      • g o v i p D: Mark occurrence(g o), select-paragraph(v i p), then delete-line(D).
      • g / o p: toggle-line-comments(g /) for occurrence(o) in paragraph(p).
      • g U o V p or g U V o p: upper-case(g U) for occurrence(o) with force linewise(V) in paragraph(p).
    • How this works?
      • Most operator doesn't have wise in operator-level, in this case operation's wise is determined by target(motion or text-object).
      • When V operator-modifier or wise-bound-operator is used, operation's wise is forced to this bound wise.
      • When occurrence-operation is forced linewise, it total steps is here.
        1. Select target(1)
        2. select occurrences contains in (1)
        3. range > select linwisely and merge selections with immediately adjacent row.
    • Takeout
      • Some operators(e.g. C, Y, D, g /, >, < etc) have pre-bound to linewise.
        • When you use these operation with o or g o, it works as linewise.
      • You can force wise to linewise by V operator-modifier, in this case occurrence-operation also works linewise.
      • Also remember you can distinguish [c and C], [y and Y], [d and D] in visual-linewise mode.
        • Use lower letter(c, y, d) if you want characterwise behavior.
        • Use capital letter(c, y, d) if you want linewise behavior.

1.5.0: Reconcile visual-mode with outer-vmp command in better way. #878

  • Diff: here
  • Summary: This is ambitious and dangerous change.
    • If success, lots of potential issue would be fixed.
    • But dangerous since it use more frequently fired hook(editor.onDidChangeSelectionRange).
      • I'm not 100% sure if this change works properly for all other commands provided by atom-core and packages.
  • Fix: #874 cmd-d(find-and-replace:select-next) in normal-mode respect SelectNext#wordSelected state for find-and-replace.
    • Original cmd-d select word only(exclude partial matches) if original selection is also created via cmd-d.
    • But this useful feature did not work in vmp's normal-mode.
    • Because when cmd-d is executed in normal-mode, vmp modify selection internally, which breaks state find-and-replace keep internally.
    • Behavior diff with text atom atomic atom.
      • Old: cmd-d twice select 1st and 2nd atom. Here, atom of atomic is selected, bad!.
      • New: cmd-d twice select 1st and 3rd atom.
  • Fix: #872 cmd-f(find-and-replace:show), search word, confirm then escape to clear selection no longer reset cursor position to where cmd-f was started.
    • This happens when cmd-f started with non-empty selection.
  • Fix: #873 Now whenever outer-vmp command modify selection, vmp starts visual-mode accordingly.
    • How vmp handle temporal selection modification done in single-command?
    • When outer-vmp command select some range(1) and clear(2) in single-command.
    • Vmp start visual-mode at (1), then reset to normal-mode at (2).
    • This is NOT elegant solution, but there is no other better way.
    • We cannot determine selection is eventually cleared or not within editor.onDidChangeSelectionRange event.
    • Delaying, debouncing to minimize useless mode-shift is bad for UX, user see slight delay for cursor updated.


  • Diff: here
  • New: Numbered register(0-9) and small delete register(-). #871
    • When are they updated?
      • 0 is for yank, 1-9 is for change and delete.
      • - is for small change and delete, what small means is "content is less-than-one-line".
    • Currently no command to display register's content
      • Package author can access register by vimState.register.get(REGISTER_NAME).
  • Fix: f, r did not work correctly when user modified .plain.text grammar. #869
    • This issue only happens when user set .plain.text grammar to have softWrap to true and softWrapHangingIndent to non-zero value.
  • New, Experimental: SequentialPaste for p, P and replace-with-register.
    • Unnamed register(") maintain history at maximum sequentialPasteMaxHistory.
    • When user execute p sequentially, it pop content from older history.
    • Intended to be used as lazy quick escape hatch from very recent unwanted register mutation.
    • New configuration to control this new feature.
      • Config: sequentialPaste(default false) when enabled, pop history on sequential paste by p, P, and replace-with-register.
      • Config: sequentialPasteMaxHistory(default 3). maintain history specified this value.
  • Improve: f family related
    • Improve: Restore original scrollTop when findAcrossLines enabled and cancelled after scroll.
    • Rename config: keymapSemicolonToConfirmFind to keymapSemicolonToConfirmOnFindInput(auto-migrate)
    • Improve: Empty confirm no longer move cursor when findCharsMax > 1.
    • New: Commands find-next-pre-confirmed and find-previous-pre-confirmed.
      • Scope: Available when f family waiting for input(atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus-input.find).
      • Keymap: tab, and shift-tab is mapped by default.
      • Why?
        • Allow you to adjust landing target BEFORE confirm to skip un-aimed stop interactively.
        • In most case, using ; or , after f finished is OK.
        • But when f is used with operator, such as c t f " and " matched earlier spot than you aimed.
        • This situation is not recoverable/retry-able by . repeat, but manually avoid-able by new commands.
    • New, Experimental: Conditional keymap keymapSemicolonAndCommaToFindPreConfirmedOnFindInput(default false).
      • When enabled, ; and , is mapped to new find-next-pre-confirmed and find-previous-pre-confirmed.
    • Maintenance: Remove [EXPERIMENTAL] tag from description of findAcrossLines settings, since we found it useful.
    • Improve: Fix several highlight inconsistencies.
  • Fix: Incorrect cursor rendering when automaticallyEscapeInsertModeOnActivePaneItemChange is enabled. #855
    • When automaticallyEscapeInsertModeOnActivePaneItemChange is set and active-tab change and back.
    • Cursor rendered odd way.
    • This is started from Atom v1.19.0 with new editor-rendering change.
    • To workaround issue, now use more appropriate onDidStopChangingActivePaneItem hook.
  • New, Experimental: Conditional keymap keymapIAndAToInsertAtTargetWhenHasOccurrence(default false). #862
    • This is revival of old default keymap which is removed because it was too aggressive, confusing as default-keymap.
    • When enabled and edigtor has preset-occurrence marker, I and A behave as operator which take target.
    • e.g. I p, A p to insert at start or end of preset-occurrence in paragraph(p).
  • Improve: Now maximize-pane no longer automatically de-maximized on active pane item change(tab-change). #866
    • So user can switch active tab with keep maximized.
    • This was original behavioral design I intended. Noticed it's broken(not sure when, or initially broken), so fixed.
  • Improve: move-to-next-occurrence, move-to-previous-occurrence now visit in ordered by buffer position. #864
    • Following behavioral change is noticeable only when user create multiple preset-occurrence for different word.
      • old: tab, shift-tab visit preset-occurrence in created order.
      • new: tab, shift-tab visit preset-occurrence in ordered by buffer position.
  • Internal: Cleanup RegisterManager code to reduce my confusion.


  • Diff: here
  • Improve: highlight-find-char now highlight unconfirmed-current-match differently( with thicker border ).
    • You now visually notified "no extra keytype is required to land this position" while typing.


  • Diff: here
  • Improve: highlight-find-char now highlight all chars in next lines when findAcrossLines was set.
    • This gives important feedback for your keystroke when your eye is needling destination keyword while typing.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: Fix confusing description in setting, no behavioral diff.


  • Diff: here
  • Breaking, New: findCharsMax options to find arbitrary length of chars by f.
    • Involves renaming, auto-value-conversion of existing configuration introduced in v1.1.0( yesterday ).
    • New, Rename: findCharsMax: default 1.
      • If find's input reaches this length, confirm without waiting explicit enter.
      • So default f a(move to a char) is behavior when findCharsMax is 1.
      • By setting bigger number(such as 100) with also enabling findConfirmByTimeout, you can expect FIXED timing of confirmation against your input.
        • FIXED-timing-gap for "f > chars-input > wait > land(always by timeout)" flow.
      • Old findByTwoChars = true is equals to findCharsMax = 2, and migrated on first time activation.
    • Rename: findByTwoCharsAutoConfirmTimeout to findConfirmByTimeout( generalize naming )


  • Diff: here
  • New, Experimental: findAcrossLines: default false
    • When true, f searches over next lines. Affects f, F, t, T.
    • [Collecting feedback] twitter: @t9md or t9md#851
      • Not sure if this is really necessary feature since / and ? is available for multi-line search.
  • Breaking: New default: flashOnMoveToOccurrence = true
    • When preset-occurrence( g o ) is exist on editor, you can move between occurrences by tab and shift-tab
    • When set to true, flash occurrence under cursor after move
    • This feature is NOT new, Just "flashing by default" is new change in this release.


  • Diff: here
  • Fix: Fix confusing description in setting, no behavioral diff.

1.1.0: This release is all for better f by making it tunable

  • Diff: here
  • [CAUTION: added at release of v1.3.0]: Config option name changed.
    • I basically don't want update old CHANGELOG, but this is for reducing confusion.
    • Because of short release timing gap with braking config params change.
      • v1.1.0: 2017.9.1
      • v1.3.0: 2017.9.2
    • When you read this below, keep in mind, change in available config params.
      • Parameterized: findByTwoChars = true to findCharsMax = 2
      • Renamed: findByTwoCharsAutoConfirmTimeout to findConfirmByTimeout
  • New: [Summary] Now f is tunable. #852.
  • Config: [Detail] Following configuration option is available to tune f.
    • keymapSemicolonToConfirmFind: default false.
      • See explanation for findByTwoChars.
    • ignoreCaseForFind: default false
    • useSmartcaseForFind: default false
    • highlightFindChar: default true
      • Highlight find char, fadeout automatically( this auto-disappearing behavior/duration is not configurable ).
        • Fadeout in 2 second when used as motion.
        • Fadeout in 4 second when used as operator-target.
    • findByTwoChars: default false
      • When enabled, f accept TWO chars.
        • Pros. Greatly reduces possible matches, avoid being stopped at earlier spot than where you aimed.
        • Cons. Require explicit confirmation by enter for single char-input. You might mitigate frustration by.
          • Confirm by ;, easier to type and well blend to forwarding repeat-find( ; ).
            • Enable "keymap ; to confirm find motion"( keymapSemicolonToConfirmFind ) configuration.
            • e.g. f a ; to move to a( better than f a enter?). f a ; ; to move to 2nd a(well blended to default repeat-find(;)).
          • Enable auto confirm by timeout( See. findByTwoCharsAutoConfirmTimeout )
    • findByTwoCharsAutoConfirmTimeout: default 0.
      • "When findByTwoChars was enabled, automatically confirm single-char input on timeout( msec ).
      • 0 means no timeout.
    • reuseFindForRepeatFind: default false
      • When true you can repeat last-find by f and F(also t and T).
      • You still can use , and ;.
      • e.g. f a f move cursor to 2nd a.
    • My configuration( I'm still in-eval phase, don't take this as recommendation ).
      keymapSemicolonToConfirmFind: true
      findByTwoChars: true # [converted] to `findCharsMax = 2`
      findByTwoCharsAutoConfirmTimeout: 500 # [converted] to `findConfirmByTimeout = 500`
      reuseFindForRepeatFind: true
      useSmartcaseForFind: true

1.0.0: New default stayOn all true.

  • Diff: here
  • Version: Decided to bump major version.
  • Breaking: Default config change/Renamed config name.
    • Summary:
      • Now all stayOn prefixed configuration have new default false.
      • New default behavior is NOT compatible with pure-Vim.
        • Set all stayOn prefixed configuration to false to revert to previous behavior.
      • Some configuration parameter name is renamed to have stayOn prefix.
        • Automatically migrate existing config on activation of vmp.
      • What is stayOnXXX configuration?
        • Respect original cursor position as much as possible after operation( select, move, operate ).
        • It keep both cursor's row and column or column only( if vertical move was necessary ).
    • Config params renamed and changed default value
      • New default: incrementalSearch = true
      • New default: stayOnTransformString = true
      • New default: stayOnYank = true
      • New default: stayOnDelete = true
      • Renamed/New default: keepColumnOnSelectTextObject > stayOnSelectTextObject = true
      • Renamed/New default: moveToFirstCharacterOnVerticalMotion !> stayOnVerticalMotion = true
        • Renamed with meaning inverted: !moveToFirstCharacterOnVerticalMotion === stayOnVerticalMotion


  • Fix: Attempt to user non-yet-supported register( such as " 0 y ) no longer throw exception.
    • This is regression introduced in v0.98.0. #844.
  • Fix: Quickly switching active tab and back no longer re-start remaining flash animation #846.
    • In previous version of vmp, You can see remaining flash re-triggered by(just an example)
      1. y i p see yanked paragraph is flashed.
      2. cmd-shfit-]( pane:show-next-item ), cmd-shfit-]( pane:show-previous-item ) quickly.
      3. When you come back to original editor, once fadeout-ed flash is re-started. But no longer from this version.


  • Fix: Incorrect mouse selection when editor was soft-wrapped.
  • Improve: Make conditional keymaps config's title and description more user friendly.
  • New: Conditional keymap config keymapYToYankToLastCharacterOfLine(default false).
    • By default Y behaves as y y.
    • This is not consistent with C and D which behaves c $ and d $.
    • By enabling this Y behaves as y $.
  • New: Screen line based column motion commands g 0, g ^ and g $. Commands:
    • move-to-beginning-of-screen-line( keymap g 0 )
    • move-to-first-character-of-screen-line( keymap g ^ )
    • move-to-last-character-of-screen-line( keymap g $ ) Config: allowMoveToOffScreenColumnOnScreenLineMotion( vim-mode-plus original, intentionally differentiate default behavior from pure-Vim ).
    • Affects how g 0, g ^ and g $ find destination position.
    • When a line is wider than the screen width(no-wrapped line a)
      • true(default): move to off-screen column.
      • false: move to on-screen(visible) column( = Vim default ).
    • Behavioral difference appears only when
      • Line is not wrapped.
      • Destination column is off-screen(invisible because of the line is wider than screen width).
        • for g 0: column-0 is off-screen
          • true: move to column-0.
          • false: move to first-visible-column.
        • for g ^: first-char-column is off-screen
          • true: move to first-char-column.
          • false: move to first-visible-char-column.
        • for g $: last-char-column is off-screen
          • true: move to last-char-column.
          • false: move to last-visible-char-column.


  • Improve: Now r, f, F, t, T and surround use mini-editor to read user-input. #838
    • Benefit?
      • Old: User cannot input non ascii char. It used keybinding to read user-input.
      • New: User can input non ascii char and also can paste from clipboard( cmd-v ).
    • Limitation
      • When user set keymap like f a, original f command no longer work properly( You cannot use f b, f c, etc... ).
      • This is Atom's keymap system's limitation which cannot follow activeElement change when replaying keystroke on partial-match.
    • Still m, `, ' read char through keybinding intentionally.
    • These command use ascii char only.
    • To allow user to set m prefix keymap like m X without breaking whole m feature.


  • Fix: Clicking find-and-replace's project-find result view throw exception when projectSearchResultsPaneSplitDirection set to none(default). #830.
    • Because, it opens matched entry on same pane and fire mouseup only(without preceeding mousedown event) on newly opened editor.
    • Now vmp guard wired mouse-event by explicitly manage next expecting mouse-event.


  • Fix: When startInInsertMode was true clicking editor in insert-mode throw exception but no longer. #830.


  • Maintenance: Rewrite big amount of part from CoffeScript to JavaScript.
    • Spec files are not re-written yet(and no plan at this point).
    • Now files under lib/ directory are 29(JavaScript) vs 9(CoffeScript).
    • Rewritten is done in following processare
        1. Translate by decaffeinate command provided by decaffeinate project(thanks!).
        1. Manual cleanup.
    • Sorry If I create some regression.
  • Improve: Hide mode-string in status-bar while non-editor-item become active item(e.g. settings-view).
  • Breaking: Rename and change behavior of vim-mode-plus:clear-persistent-selection to vim-mode-plus:clear-persistent-selections.
    • How?
      • Old: clear persistent selections for all editors in workspace.
      • New: clear persistent selections for current active editor.
    • Why I changed
      • Old behavior is inconsistent with other similar command.
      • I couldn't imagine practical scenario where old behavior shines.
  • Improve: maximize-pane #828, #829
    • New: Config option centerPaneOnMaximizePane ( default true ). by @dcalhoun
      • Old behavior: Text in editor is always centered.
      • New behavior: Text in editor is centered if centerPaneOnMaximizePane is true.
    • New: Command vim-mode-plus:maximize-pane-without-center(default keymap: ctrl-w Z).
    • Confusing?
      • If you never need centering effect, set centerPaneOnMaximizePane to false and use vim-mode-plus:maximize-pane command.
      • If you sometime want to centering, but sometime don't want centering
        • Leave centerPaneOnMaximizePane to true( default )
        • Use maximize-pane(cmd-enter or ctrl-w z) and maximize-pane-without-center(ctrl-w Z) command respectively."
  • Internal, Dev, Breaking: Remove introspection report generating command, which was important in early phase of vmp, but no longer.
  • Dev: write-command-table no longer throw exception on first use after restart.
  • Tweak: Change normal operator flash duration from 0.3s to 0.5s.
  • Improve: Mouse #826
    • Fix: click in visual.blockwise mode no longer move cursor to first line of editor.
    • Now mouse action appropriately modify selection and enter visual-mode if necessary.
      • shift-click
      • click(mousedown -> mouseup)
      • drag(mousedown -> mousemove -> mouseup).
      • double click: Atom select clicked word, vmp update visual-mode.
      • triple click: Atom select clicked row, vmp update visual-mode.


  • Improve: #819 TextObject function for language-rust now also works on Windows platform.

  • Fix: g q q now work again. g w w also work now.


  • Fix: g q q now work again. g w w also work now.


  • New, Breaking: Operator reflow-with-stay. #818
    • reflow-with-stay is g q equivalent feature. but unlike g q, g w keep cursor at same position.
    • It auto-format each lines to fit with editor.preferredLineLength.
    • Breaking: Existing command for g q was auto-flow, but renamed to reflow at this timing.
    • If you enabled, stayOnTransformString config, g q and g w behave exactly same way.
  • Improve: #819 TextObject function now work for both language-rust and atom-language-rust.


  • New: Pane manipulation commands ctrl-w H, ctrl-w J, ctrl-w K, ctrl-w L.
    • These feature are merged from my paner package.
    • Following keymaps are provided in atom-workspace scope.
      • ctrl-w ctrl-x or ctrl-w x: vim-mode-plus:exchange-pane
      • ctrl-w K: vim-mode-plus:move-pane-to-very-top
      • ctrl-w J: vim-mode-plus:move-pane-to-very-bottom
      • ctrl-w H: vim-mode-plus:move-pane-to-very-left
      • ctrl-w L: vim-mode-plus:move-pane-to-very-right
  • Fix: No longer throw exception when accessing unsupported register via insert-mode's ctrl-r(insert-mode) #812.
  • Support: set minimum engines to 1.18.0.


  • Improve: Improve Fold handling in several operations. #809.
    • y y, d d now yank/delete whole fold.
    • o now start insertion from next line of end-of-fold(OLD-ver was next line of start-of-fold).
    • V on folded row select whole fold, so V d delete multiple lines which was folded.
      • No longer show cursor at incorrect row when V on folded row(long lived cosmetic issue now FIXED).
    • p on folded row paste next line of end-of-fold(OLD-ver was next line of start-of-fold).
  • New: Add several Fold manipulation commands. #807
    • Commands:
      • z c: fold-current-row
      • z C: fold-current-row-recursively
      • z o: unfold-current-row
      • z O: unfold-current-row-recursively
      • z a: toggle-fold
      • z A: toggle-fold-recursively
    • Previously z c, z o was mapped to following Atom's native fold commands. But now replaced with vmp's one.
    • Why? for consistency, and vmp's one is multi-cursor aware, linewise selection aware(not manipulate next line of selected row).
      • z c: editor:fold-current-row
      • z o: editor:unfold-current-row
  • Improve, Experimental: Hide, left/right dock when maximized-pane.
  • Improve: Disable maximized-pane keymap(cmd-enter) in tree-view scope.
  • Keymap, Breaking: Remove default ctrl-v keymap in search-mini-editor to avoid conflicts. #791
    • Previous version have following keymap(was experimental, you can recover this by set manually).
      • scope: atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus-search
      • keystroke: ctrl-v to vim-mode-plus:search-activate-literal-mode
  • Fix: Protect from p throw exception in some uncertain situation p #802.
  • Fix: [Atom-v1.19-beta] Smooth scroll now work again.
    • This issue is introduced by the big change in editor-rendering rewrite in v1.19.
  • Fix: [Atom-v1.19-beta], ctrl-y on first line of editor incorrectly mutate that row(do nothing is correct behavior) #808
  • Fix: [Atom-v1.19-beta] ctrl-y, ctrl-e now correctly use 2 lines offset.
  • Keymap: Make numpad0-9 behave same way as normal 0-9 key #806
  • Improve?, Breaking: Remove angle-bracket(<,>) matching for % motion. refs #700
    • Still work in progress to improve behavior.
  • Spec: Fix spec failure in v1.19.0-beta.


  • New: count support for g t to activate Nth pane item(= tab).
    • 3 g t activate 3rd pane item.
    • 7 g t activate 7th pane item.
    • g t just activate next pane items as previous version.
    • When specified pane items was not exist, do nothing.
    • Limitation: vim-mode-plus's command only works on normal text-editor.
      • You can not do g t on non editor pane Item such as setting-view.
  • Fix: #766 executing maximize-pane on single-pane workspace make screen blank.
    • This was happening only when pane have not yet split once after atom launch.
  • Fix: #777 J at last buffer row no longer clear text.
  • Doc: mention ex-mode link on since it's now support vim-mode-plus.


  • Improve: #782 Skip creating marker/decoration for empty range in hlsearch and incsearch.
    • E.g.
      • When user searched () literally, it matches empty-range between each char.
      • In previous release, invisible hlsearch/incsearch marker/decoration was created.
      • By skipping this empty range highlight, improve responsiveness when user repeat n or N for that search.


  • Fix: blockwise-selection was not cleared correctly in some situation(but I noticed via code review)
  • Fix: #780 No longer throw exception when close editor in the middle of smooth scrolling.
  • New: #770, #774 Add fold manipulation commands based on PR by @weihanglo.
    • Commands: Put non-NEW commands here for thoroughness.
      • z a: toggle-fold, toggle( fold or unfold ) cursor's fold.( NEW )
      • z r: unfold-next-indent-level, unfold deepest folded fold. support count.( NEW )
      • z m: fold-next-indent-level, fold deepest unfolded fold. support count.( NEW )
      • z M: fold-all, unfold all fold.( not NEW )
      • z R: unfold-all, fold all fold.( not NEW )
    • Setting: maxFoldableIndentLevel( default 20 )
      • Folds which startRow exceeds this level are not folded on zm and zM
      • e.g.
        • If you have 3 folds in editor, each fold starts following indentLevel.
          • fold-a: 0
          • fold-b: 1
          • fold-c: 2
        • maxFoldableIndentLevel = 20:
          • z M fold all
          • z m fold fold-c, fold-b, fold-a on each time.
        • maxFoldableIndentLevel = 1:
          • z M fold fold-a
          • z m fold fold-b, fold-a on each time.
        • maxFoldableIndentLevel = 0:
          • z M fold fold-a only.
          • z m fold fold-a.
    • Implementation is NOT exactly same as pure-Vim.
      • Pure-vim: explicitly manage foldlevel value and zm, zr is done based on foldlevel kept.
      • vmp: Does not manage foldlevel explicitly, instead it detect fold state from editor.
        • This approach gives better compatibility for Atom's native fold commands like cmd-k cmd-1
  • Improve: Don't auto-load vimState.highlightSearch when nothing to highlight.
  • Internal: #768 Support upcoming new decoration type: 'cursor' for cursor visibility in visual-mode.
  • Internal: #763 add spec for ensure minimum required file on vmp startup.


  • Improve, Performance: Reduce amount of IO( number of files to read ) on startup further. #760
    • Avoid require on initial package activation. Especially following widely-used libs is not longer required on startup.
      • lib/
      • lib/
      • underscore-plus
    • Now swrap and utils are accessible via lazy-prop( vimState.utils and vimState.swrap ).
  • Developer: When debug setting was set to true, log lazy-require info when atom inDevMode.


  • Fix: For search on initial active-editor after startup, highlightSearch did not happened.
    • This is regression introduced as part of lazy instantiation of HighlightSearchManager.


  • Fix: Sorry, removed leftover console.log in atom running in dev mode.


  • Improve: Reduce activation time of vim-mode-plus to reduce your frustration on Atom startup. #758
    • About 2x faster activation time( Full detail is on #758 ).
    • With Two technique
      • Define all vmp-command from pre-populated command-table and lazy-require necessary command file on execution.
      • Defer instantiation of xxxManager referred by vimState.
        • E.g. vimState.highlightSearch is instance of HighlightSearchManager and it's now set on-demand.
    • [For vmp developer only] If command signature was changed, need update command-table.
      • Command signature it's name and scope(e.g. vim-mode-plus:move-down and atom-text-editor )
      • [Caution] write-command-table-on-disk command is available only when atom running in dev-mode.
      • [Caution] Directly update lib/ if populated-table was changed from loaded one.
  • New, Breaking: Default keymap update #753
    • macOS user only
      • ctrl-s mapped to transform-string-by-select-list in normal-mode and visual-mode
    • All user
      • z in operator-pending is short hand of a z(a-fold).
        • You can do y z instead of y a z. E.g. When you yank foldable whole if block.
        • You can do c z instead of c a z. E.g. When you change foldable whole if block.
      • g r mapped to reverse
      • g s mapped to sort
      • g c mapped to select-latest-change which correspond to g v ( select-previous-selection )
      • g C mapped to camel-case
    • What was broken? Before: g c was for camel-case, g C was for pascal-case. Now: g c is for select-latest-change, g C is for camel-case. No default pascal-case.
  • New: Target alias for surround #751, #755
    • Now b, B, r, a char is aliased to corresponding target.
      • b is alias for ( or )
      • B is alias for { or }
      • r is alias for [ or ]
      • a is alias for < or >( I don't like this, just followed how surround.vim is doing ).
    • These alias can be used in surround, delete-surround, change-surround.
      • When have these keymap: surround( y s ), delete-surround( d s ), change-surround(c s)
        • y s i w b is equals to y s i w (.
        • y s i w B is equals to y s i w {
        • y s i w r is equals to y s i w [
        • y s i w a is equals to y s i w <
  • New: InnerPair pre-targeted rotate command
    • Commands:
      • rotate-arguments-of-inner-pair
      • rotate-arguments-backwards-of-inner-pair
    • No keymap by default.
    • E.g.
      • When you map g > to rotate-arguments-of-inner-pair and g < to backwards
      • You can rotate arg of parenthesis by g > and . if necessary, g < for backwards.
  • Internal: Cleanup and remove unused dev commands.


  • New: Text-object for arguments
    • Keymap:
      • i ,: inner-arguments
      • a ,: a-arguments
      • ,: inner-arguments( shorthand keymap available only in operator-pending-mode )
    • Example:
      • c i ,( you can do c ,)
      • d i ,( you can do d ,)
      • d a ,
      • v a ,
    • From where this text-object find arguments?
      • Auto-detect inner range of (), [], {} pairs and parse argument and select.
      • When it failed to find inner-pair range, it fallbacks to current-line range.
    • How to determine separator of arguments?
      • Heuristically determine separator from comma , or white-space.
        • When some separator contains comma, it treat comma as separator.
        • When no separator contains comma, it treat white-space as separator.
  • New, Setting: #747 Conditional keymap setting keymapPToPutWithAutoIndent.
    • When enabled, p, and P paste with-auto-indent for linewise paste.
    • Why I added this helper setting?
      • You can set keymap by yourself in your keymap.cson
        • But you need to be careful to not overwrite p in operator-pending-mode.
      • In normal-mode, p is mapped to put.
      • In operator-pending-mode, p is mapped to inner-paragraph, as shorthand of i p.
      • When set p keymap in your keymap.cson without breaking predefined shorthand p.
      • You need to exclude operator-pending-mode scope like this.
          'p': 'vim-mode-plus:put-after-with-auto-indent'
      • But I don't think I can expect normal user to do so. So
  • New: rotate, rotate-backwards operator
    • No keymap by default.
    • ChangeOrder family operator, which rotate line in linewise, argument in charactewise.
  • New: #748 ChangeOrder family( child ) operator now work differently for charactewise-target.
    • Affects: reverse, rotate, rotate-backwards, sort, sort-case-insensitively, sort-by-number
    • [Same]: When linewise target, it change order of line.
    • [New]: When characterwise target, it auto-detect arguments and change order of arguments within characterwise-range.
  • New: Operator split-arguments and split-arguments-with-remove-separator
    • Commands:
      • split-arguments: split arguments into multiple-lines within specified target without removing separator.
      • split-arguments-with-remove-separator: behave same as split-arguments but it remove separator(sugh as , ).
    • Keymap g , to split-arguments by default( aggressive decision ).
      • Pure-Vim's g , is "move to newer cursor position of change list", but vmp have no changelist anyway.
  • New: [Experimental] Added inner-pair pre-targeted version of split-arguments and reverse to evaluate it's usefulness.
    • No keymap
    • Commands:
      • split-arguments-of-inner-any-pair
      • reverse-inner-any-pair
  • Breaking: Remove showCursorInVisualMode setting
    • Notify and ask confirmation for auto-remove from config.cson if it set to non-default value.
  • Improve: r enter to replace with new-line now correctly auto-indent inserted new-line.
  • Improve: When surround linewse-target, now auto-indent surrounded lines more accurately than previous release.


  • Doc: New wiki page
    • DifferencesFromPureVim
    • VmpUniqueKeymaps
  • Keymaps: Normal keymap addition
    • New: Now subword text-object have default keymap, you can change subword by c i d.
      • i d: inner-subword
      • a d: a-subword
    • cmd-a is mapped to inner-entire in operator-pending and visual-mode for macOS user.
      • So macOS user can use cmd-a as shorthand of i e(inner-entire).
      • E.g. Change all occurrence in text by c o cmd-a instead of c o i e
  • Keymaps: Shorthand keymaps in operator-pending mode
    • Prerequisite
      • In operator-pending-mode, next command must be text-object or motion
      • So all operator command in operator-pending-mode is INVALID.
      • This mean, we can safely use operator command's keymap in operator-pending-mode as shorthand keymap of text-object or motion.
      • But using these keymap for motion is meaningless since motion is single-key, but text-object key is two keystroke(e.g. i w).
      • So I pre-defined short-hand keymap for text-object which was work for me.
    • What was defined?
      • c as shorthand of inner-smart-word, but c c is not affected.
        • You can yank word by y c instead of y i w. ( change by c c if you enabled it in setting )
        • To make c c works for change inner-smart-word, set keymapCCToChangeInnerSmartWord to true( false by default )
        • smart-word is similar to word but it's include - char.
      • C as shorthand of inner-whole-word
        • You can yank whole-word by y C instead of y i W. ( change by c C )
      • d as shorthand of inner-subword, but d d is not affected.
        • You can yank subword by y d instead of y i d. ( change by c d )
      • p as shorthand of inner-paragraph
        • You can yank paragraph by y p instead of y i p. ( change by c p )
  • Keymaps: Conditional keymap enabled by setting.
    • Prerequisite
      • Added several configuration option which is 1-to-1 mapped to keymap.
      • When set to true, corresponding keymap is defined.
      • This is just as helper to define complex keymap via checkbox.
      • For me, I enabled all of these setting and I want strongly recommend you to evaluate these setting at least once.
      • These keymaps are picked from my local keymap which was realy work well for a log time.
    • Here is new setting, all false by default. Effect(good and bad) of these keymap is explained in vmp's setting-view.
      • keymapUnderscoreToReplaceWithRegister
      • keymapCCToChangeInnerSmartWord
      • keymapSemicolonToInnerAnyPairInOperatorPendingMode
      • keymapSemicolonToInnerAnyPairInVisualMode
      • keymapBackslashToInnerCommentOrParagraphWhenToggleLineCommentsIsPending
  • Breaking: Default setting change:
    • clearPersistentSelectionOnResetNormalMode: true( false in previous version )
    • clearHighlightSearchOnResetNormalMode: true( false in previous version )
    • highlightSearch: true( false in previous version )
    • useClipboardAsDefaultRegister: true( false in previous version )
  • New: #743, #739 New config option dontUpdateRegisterOnChangeOrSubstitute( default false ).
    • When set to true, all c, s, C, S operation no longer update register content.
    • If you want keep register content unchanged by c i w, set this to false.
  • New: TextObject comment-or-paragraph for use of easy comment-in/out when g / is pending.
  • Fix: For commands set-register-name-to-* or set-register-name-to-_, now show hover and correctly set with-register CSS scope on editorElement.
  • Fix, Improve: #744 Make vmp work well with other atom-pkg or atom's native feature.
    • Update selection prop on command dispatch of outer-vmp command
      • Now correctly update cursor visibility and start visual-mode after cmd-e then cmd-g.
    • Update selection prop if editor retake focus.
      • Now correctly start visual-mode after cmd-f result was confirmed by enter.
  • Improve: Better integration with demo-mode package
    • Postpone destroying operator-flash while demo-mode's hover indicator is displayed.
  • Improve: When undo/redoing occurrence operation, flash was suppressed when all occurrence start and end with same column, but now flashed.
  • Improve: Improve containment check for togggle-preset-occurrence
    • When cursor is at right column of non-word char(e.g. closing parenthesis )), not longer misunderstand that cursor is on occurrence-marker.
  • Internal: #742 Rewrite RegisterManager, reduced complex logic which make me really confuse.


  • New: #732 Add integration with demo-mode package.
    • demo-mode is new Atom package I've released recently, it was originally developed as part of vim-mode-plus.
    • When demo-mode is activated via demo-mode:toggle, vmp do special integration to
      • Make operator flash duration longer than normal duration
      • Demo-mode hover indicator show keystorke, command and kind(extra info added by vmp) on each keybinding dispatch.
        • kind is one of operator, text-object, motion, misc-command
  • New: #722 New version of put command which paste content to suggested indent level with keeping pasting text layout.
    • PR by @apazzolini
    • Normal p, P paste content as-is, so ignores desirable( or suggested ) indent level.
    • Following two command respect suggested indent level on linewise paste( no diff for characterwise paste ).
      • vim-mode-plus:put-before-with-auto-indent: Same as put-before(P) with respect suggested indent level.
      • vim-mode-plus:put-after-with-auto-indent: Same as put-after(p) with respect suggested indent level.
    • No keymaps provided by default
  • Improve: o, O to adjust IndentLevel when o, O is executed from empty row #723
    • PR by @apazzolini
    • To provider further pure-Vim compatible behavior.


  • Improve: #727 Tweak incremental-search match highlight style to not hide covering text in some syntax-theme.


  • Fix: #725 Now v( or V or ctrl-v) then escape g v correctly re-select previously selected range.
  • Improve: #726 Relax selection-property assertion.
    • Fix: #716 No longer throw error when confirming color via color-picker then escape.

0.86.0, 0.86.1(just changelog-typo-fix):

  • New: insert-at-start-of-subword-occurrence and insert-at-end-of-subword-occurrence command.
    • Start insert at start or end of subword occurrence.
    • E.g
      • When I map {, and } to these command in normal-mode.
        • { f: start insert at each start of subword-occurrence within function.
        • } f: start insert at each end of subword-occurrence within function.
        • { p: start insert at each start of subword-occurrence within paragraph.
  • Internal, Breaking: Remove did-restore-cursor-positions hook which was used in Operator code but no longer used.
  • Internal, Breaking: Remove many of simple accessor method like getName, getOperator, now just use @name, @operator to access these values.
  • Improve: Hide cursor on early select
    • For supportEarlySelect = true operator( surround, replace ).
    • These operator began to shows cursor on early-select from Atom v1.15, but now hide again for early-select timing.
  • Internal, Dev: #719 No longer use HTMLElement as search-input for speedy dev by hot-reload vmp.
  • Internal, Breaking: Move InsertMode(was in operations under MiscCommands( in
  • Improve: Keep original multi-cursor on occurrence operation by migrating mutation info.
  • Improve: Simplify mark manager and destroy all marker on vimState.onDidDestroy.
  • Improve: Clean up mutationManager.
  • Fix, Internal: Now do TYPE check for spec-helper's ensure function's argument, some test was silently skipped in previous release.


  • Fix, SUPER Critical: #175 Moving cursor in visual-mode make Atom editor really slow.
    • vmp's mark is stored as marker and was created limitlessly without destroying previous-marker.
    • As number of marker increased, editor get really slow.
    • This is old Bug from original vim-mode, but impact get really significant from v0.58.0.
      • Since from v0.58.0, to track previousSelection(used for g v) < and > mark is updated on every visual-mode movement.


  • Fix: When stayOnYank was enabled, y 0, y h no longer move cursor.
  • Fix: [Cosmetic but important] Fix very small cursor position jump( cosmetic ) when activating vL ( because of gap between px and em? )
  • Fix: Respect v operator-modifier for t( Till ) motion.
    • e.g. In text "ab" when cursor is at "a"
      • Old: d t b delete "a"( Good ), d v t b delete "a"( Bad ).
      • New: d t b delete "a"( Good ), d v t b don't delete "a"( Good ).
  • Improve: Now can select line ending new line char in visual-mode.
    • E.g. Move right by l at end of line select new-line.
  • Fix: #699 Lost goalColumn in visual.blockwise when move across blank-row.
    • This is regression in v0.84.0.
  • Fix: #119 When j, k is used as operator's target, don't apply operation when failed to move.
    • Now more compatible with pure Vim.
    • Example:
      • d j from last line do nothing. ( In previous version, delete last line ).
      • d k from first line do nothing. ( In previous version, delete first line ).
  • Improve: g v after vL( visual-linewise ) to restore characterwise column.
  • Fix: v i p d then . repeat from different cursor position now works correctly
  • Internal:
    • Overhaul: CursorStyleManager, SelectionWrapper, TextObject, BlockwiseSelection
    • Rename characterwiseHead to propertyHead in
    • Remove lots of unnecessary null guard.
  • Breaking: Remove All text-obect, it's alias of Entire but not used.
  • Breaking: Remove Edge text-object, it's experimentally added in the past, but not maintained and not as useful as I originally thought.
  • Improve: TextObject
    • Improve: No longer iterate selectTextObject over each memberSelection of blockwise selection( blockwiseSelection consists of multiple selection ).
    • Improve: Fold , Function text-object now always expand if possible by checking containment against selected buffer range
    • Improve: Pair text-object now always find from cursor position.
    • Improve: Executing text-object from vL mode now works as expected in most of text-object.
    • Internal: Set wise explicitly in most of text-obect rather than dynamically determine from selection range.
    • Internal: Auto generate Inner, or A prefixed classes and AllowForwarding suffixed classes( reduced lots of boilerplate code ).
  • Improve: visual-blockwise ( vB-mode )
    • #699 Fix: Now respect goalColumn in vB when move across blank row by j or k.
      • Regression introduced in v0.84.0.
    • #704 Rewrite vB-mode related code.
      • vB selection is normalized before selecting text-object.
      • So no longer iterate selectTextObject over each memberSelection of blockwise selection.
    • Improve: #438 when vB selection respect goalColumn
      • Original goalColumn is respected as long as selection-head is right-most column.


  • Fix: To fix vim-mode-plus-move-selected-text degradation.


  • Fix, Improve: #689 Occurrence was not worked for the word which include non-word char such as $ and @.
    • E.g. $var in Perl, PHP.
    • This was because when finding occurrences, it searched by \bword\b pattern.
    • But \b\$var\b never match $var, in this case find by \$var\b pattern from this release( auto relax \b boundary ).
  • Improve: Preserve fold on g v
  • Internal:
    • Cleanup selection-wrapper code.
    • Remove unused functions from


  • Support: set minimum engines to ^1.14.0
  • Fix: When o was executed in vL mode, didn't correctly restore column on shift to vC or normal.
    • Now correctly restore characterwise column after o in linewise mode.
  • Improve: g . correctly restore subword-occurrence-marker
    • g .( vim-mode-plus:add-preset-occurrence-from-last-occurrence-pattern ) is command to restore last cleared preset-occurrence.
    • It is useful when you mistakenly cleared it by escape and quickly recover last preset-occurrence marker.
    • Previously preset-subword-occurrence was not correctly restored by g ., but now fixed.
  • Improve: Use faster displayMarkerLayer::clear() for hlsearch, occurrence-manager, search-model etc.
  • Internal: add dev prefix for setting for dev-use.
  • Internal: Remove lots of unused function in
  • Internal: add vimState::getConfig to access package settings.


  • Fix: move-to-previous-subword stops boundary of white-space unnecessarily( upstream issue auto-fixed)
    • Spec to accommodating wrong behavior removed.
  • Fix: B moves to beginning of file when invoked from begging of line.
    • Introduced by upstream change in Atom v1.14.0( or v1.14.1?).


  • Fix: No longer throw exception when showHoverSearchCounter is enabled and editor was closed immediately after hover counter was shown.


  • Fix: p, P in vB-mode no longer throw exception #672
    • This bug was introduced in v0.80.0.


  • New: command move-up-wrap, move-down-wrap, j, k with line wrap( top-to-bottom/bottom-to-top ).
    • No keymap by default. intended to use from atom-narrow package(now I'm actively developping).


  • Improve, Breaking: Remove fallbackTabAndShiftTabInNormalMode
    • This was necessary since tab, shift-tab was mapped to move-to-next-occurrence and move-to-previous-occurrence.
    • When true, fallback tab, shift-tab to editor:indent or editor:outdent-selected-rows when no occurrence-marker exist.
    • But now, these mapping is defined in has-occurrence scope, which means occurrence-marker exists on editor.
    • So your tab, shift-tab is no longer conflict if no occurrence-marker exits.


  • Breaking: Disable I, A special keymap in has-occurrence scope.

    • To avoid surprising user. Now behave as normal I amnd A.
    • To insert start/end of each occurrences, use visual-mode select then I or A.
    • Or set keymap in your keymap.cson to restore previous verison's keymap.
        'I': 'vim-mode-plus:insert-at-start-of-target'
        'A': 'vim-mode-plus:insert-at-end-of-target'
  • Fix: No longer throw exception when specified register has no value(=text) on p, P operation. #656.

  • Fix: Now selection properties cleared on each normal-mode operation finish to avoid hover counter is shown at incorrect position.

  • Developer: Spec helper ensureMode no longer mutate passed array itself.

  • Developer: reload-packages command now reload depending packages in correct order.


  • Fix: #653 Immediately close search-mini-editor when main editorElement was clicked to avoid stale decorations remains on editor.
  • Fix: Move to next subword no longer throw error in some ending string pattern.
  • Improve: move-to-next-word and it's child motion now skip white-space only row(compatible with pure-Vim).


  • Fix: #647 Ensure clearing blockwise selection after . repeating blockwise operation.
  • Fix: #537 When persistent-selection is exists, I in visual-blockwise, make selected range get wired.
  • Fix: In atom 1.14-beta, when IncrementalSearch was enabled, / throw exception #652
  • Improve: #646 Improve TagFinder to find enclosed range first
  • Internal: Extract normalization/denormalization of linewise, characterwise selection to selection-wrapper
  • Internal: Improve spec helper
    • Introduce cursorScreen for spec-helper for explicitness
    • Now cursor: is bufferPosition-wise
    • #650 textC no longer ensure order of cursors appear

0.78.0: Happy New Year 2017!

  • New: TransformString Operator sort-case-insensitively by @thancock20 #640
  • Fix: v * then n or N in different editor no longer throw error #641.
  • Improve: Pair text-object
    • Internal: Use new PairFinder class to find pair range(extracted from
    • Improve: Bracket TextObject: (, ), {, }, [, ], <, >
      • Find range by considering syntax-scope. #644.
    • Improve: Quote TextObject: ', " etc..
      • Simply find quote if cursor is NOT in quote char #173, #638
      • If cursor is ON quote char consider inside/outside of double-quote #556, #642
  • Improve: Fold text-object(i z, a z) no longer ignore fold on cursor's row. #636
  • Internal: New Base::scanForward, Base::scanBackward and use it
  • Internal: Lots of internal code cleanup(, etc.)


  • New: Subword support #634
    • Motion: move-to-next-subword, move-to-previous-subword, move-to-end-of-subword'
    • TextObject: a-subword, inner-subword(no keymaps by default)
    • OperatorModifier: O works as like o, except O works for subword.(e.g. c O p)
    • g O(toggle-preset-subword-occurrence) mark subword, subword-version of g o.
  • New: TransformString family operator split-string-with-keeping-splitter, sort-by-number( no keymap )
  • New g q(auto-flow) operator, g q q or g q g q works for current line #187
    • Implementation-wise, it just dispatch to core autoflow package. So might not be compatible with pure-Vim.
  • Improve: maximize-pane #633
    • Tweak: Now set left-margin(20%) when maximized, so that code comes front of your eye.
    • Now hide statusbar.
    • New: option hideStatusBarOnMaximizePane(default true).
  • Tweak: Support #627 earlySelect for operator replace
  • Improve: Early settle insertion count for insertion operator(i a) to avoid taking count for motion.
  • Fix: Now v enter then . repeated correctly create 1 column persistent #630
  • Fix: ctrl-v enter . no longer throw error #630
  • Spec: Improve coverage for TransformString children(join etc..)
  • Internal: Rewrite ctrl-a, ctrl-x, g ctrl-a, g ctrl-x
    • Breaking: No longer beep when failed.


  • Breaking, Cosmetic: Remove showHoverOnOperate feature #626
    • Reason:
      • This is fancy feature added at very early phase of vim-mode-plus as experiment.
      • But this feature getting in a way to improve, cleanup vim-mode-plus.
    • Removed Configuration: Following parameters are removed, remove it manually from config.cson if necessary.
      • showHoverOnOperate
      • showHoverOnOperateIcon
  • New: [Experimental] surround now select target immediately then get user input.
    • Better UI feedback, to reduce what-I-have-to-do-next, where-am-I situation in complex keystroke operation.
    • When change-surround fail at first character, it immediately stop execution( No need to input useless next char ).
  • Fix: maximize-pane now work for many many split pane #623.
  • Improve: Hover performance is greatly improved #625
    • Hover shown in 1 0 j, " a y y, change-surround is now responsive than before.
    • HoverElement is renamed to HoverManager(no longer HTMLELement).
  • Improve: undo/redo flashing humanization further.
  • Improve: Tweak search flashing to win over existing highlight-search.
  • Internal: Cleanup occurrence-spec, avoid using editor.element for mini-editor.


  • New: setCursorToStartOfChangeOnUndoRedoStrategy(default smart) #620, #621
  • New: remove-leading-white-spaces( no defautl keymap ): work always linewise.
  • New, Breaking: replace is now normal operator which enter operator-pending-mode, old replace command was renamed.
    • OldName: vim-mode-plus:replace( mapped from r )
    • NewName: vim-mode-plus:replace-character( mapped from r )
  • Fix: m command was inappropriately repeatable by .
  • Fix: No longer throw exception for V tab or V shift-tab #619
  • Improve: Respect operator specific stayOn option when stayOnOccurrence was true and fail to select occurrence-marker.
  • Improve: d o p moves cursor to end of mutation as normal d #611
  • Improve: undo/redo
    • Cursor placement on undo/redo further.
      • o and O undo/redo is now behave same as pure-Vim.
    • Flashing is further suppressed to be un-noisy. Also humanize new line(\n) change flash to feel naturally.
      • Skip flash for leading white spaces change
      • Skip flash when multiple range start and end with exactly same column(e.g. toggle-line-comments).
  • Improve: transform-smart-word-by-select-list now respect precomposed target of each string transformer.
    • E.g. SplitString have precomposed target( = MoveToRelativeLine ), respect it over smart-word target.
  • Internal: Remove manual checkpoint and change grouping management from normal operator as like before(was not necessary).


  • Improve: More accurate cursor placement after undo/redo. #603
    • IMPORTANT, new approach to restore cursor position after undo/redo.
      • Previous release: Did manual-cursor-position-adjustment after undo/redo
      • From this release: Create text-buffer's checkpoint at correct timing then restore on undo/redo.
      • Checkpoint mechanism was being used for long time for i, a, c, from this release used operator globally.
      • This shift is not completed, will continue gradual improvement.
  • Improve: Use different color on flashOnUndoRedo #610
    • Single change: subtle color flash with duration 0.3s(singe delete-only change is no longer flashed).
    • Multi change add: green flash with duration 0.8s
    • Multi change delete: red flash with duration 0.8s
  • Improve: p, P #615
    • Improve: Flash color differentiation on p, P(use longer flash to make it obvious mutation boundary).
    • Breaking: Simplified linewise paste, when line have no ending newline, it add newline automatically
    • Improve: Pasting characterwise register now place cursor at start of pasted text if text was not single-line-text.
  • Improve: Now Indent(>), Outdent(<) indent/outdent count times in visual-mode #614
  • Improve, Breaking: Improve insert-at-start/end-of-smart-word, now no longer stop at whitespace boundary. #613
    • Breaking: Renamed command name(as same as previous release, no default-keymap)
      • insert-at-start-of-inner-smart-word -> insert-at-start-of-smart-word
      • insert-at-end-of-inner-smart-word -> insert-at-end-of-smart-word
  • FIX: Incorrectly used occurrence-flash if occurrence-marker exists but not selected by operation.
  • Breaking: Remove experimental put-after-and-select, put-before-and-select command #612
  • Internal: When fail to select occurrence did-select-occurrence event no longer fired(was fired in previous release).
  • Internal: Rename register type name from character to characterwise for consistency.


  • Fix: C and D in vB(visual-block) mode was broken from v0.70.0. #602.
  • Fix: d o tab then . repeat no longer fail #598
  • Improve: Simplify flash for undo/redo, red color is used for remove-only-change #601


  • Improve, New: fallback for tab, shift-tab in normal-mode.
    • By default in normal-mode, tab and shift-tab is mapped to move-to-occurrence and move-to-previous-occurrence
    • When no occurrence-marker was exists on editor, it fallbacks to Atom's default editor:indent, editor:outdent-selected-rows.
    • For user don't want this fallback, set fallbackTabAndShiftTabInNormalMode to false(default true).


  • New: Close empty search-mini-editor by backspace from @gittyupagain. #567
  • New, Breaking: Keep occurrence-marker after operation. #572
    • Improve: Destroy occurrence-marker remains after invalidated.
    • Breaking: Operate on normal-target when fail to select occurrence-marker. #578, #579
    • Improve: Destroy occurrence-marker in-sync if possible #592
  • New: [experimental] Operator add-blank-line-below, add-blank-line-above, No defaut keymap. #574
  • New, Breaking: I, A keymap in operator-pending(d I for d ^, d A for d $).
  • New: Simplify tab, shift-tab, #581, #594
    • Keymap, Breaking: Mapped in all mode except insert-mode, opinionated decision.
      • tab: move-to-next-occurrence
      • shift-tab: move-to-previous-occurrence
    • New: Setting flashOnMoveToOccurrence, default false.
    • Improve: Now correctly skips cleared or invalidated(=invisible) occurrence-marker. #594
    • Improve: . repeat support for move-to-occurrence targeted operation #591
    • Improve: Spec coverage.
  • Fix: text-objects function now work properly in language-elixir syntax by @dillonkearns. #585
  • Fix: To undo repeat-of-change need u twice in v0.72.0.
  • Fix: When has-occurrence, I, A was incorrectly keymapped in insert-mode.
  • Fix: Prevent Atom editor freezes by passing BIG count. #560, #596
    • For Motion(9999999j), TextObject: v9999999ip and Insert: 9999999i
  • Improve: Flashing
    • Use red flash color for delete operation #573
    • Longer flash for undo/redo(by keyframe tweaking).
    • Improve: Reduce chance to re-flash immediately split after undo by reducing duration(1sec to 500ms).
  • Improve: Documentation, description
    • Improve config description
    • Add FAQ for charactersToAddSpaceOnSurround
    • Mention vim-mode-plus-keymaps-for-surround keymap only package in
  • Internal, Breaking: [experimental] No longer directly call Motion::select() from operator #595
  • Internal: Spec improved
    • textC spec DSL which declare cursor position by | and !(last-cursor)
    • Rewrite several specs by improving granularity by checking cursor position(was not checked before)
    • Allow partialMatchTimeout options for ensure and keystroke spec helper


  • New: Command add-preset-occurrence-from-last-occurrence-pattern default g . keymap.
  • New: Command insert-at-start-of-occurrence, insert-at-end-of-occurrence
  • New: Config parameter stayOnOccurrence to specify stayOn behavior on occurrence-operation. #569.
  • New: unused and unnecessary indirection
  • Improve: Efficiency improved for cursorStyleManager. Skip cursor style modification if it can,
  • Improve, Breaking: AngleBracket now can work with multi-line #552
    • TextObject Tag is no longer member of AnyPair. Since its conflict with AngleBracket
  • Improve, Fix: No longer unwanted remaining flash by flashOnOperate since now it's invalidate when touched.
  • Improve: Flash color is more stand-out when occurrence-operation #566
  • Improve: For flashing undo/redo, no longer red/green color blended when whichever is contained other #562
  • Improve: Place cursor more accurately for undo/redo when occurrence is involved.
  • Improve: Respect last cursor position when multiple cursor is cleared by escape in normal-mode. #557, #562
  • Improve: When occurrence is involved in operation, respect original cursor position after operation finished. #557
  • Improve: highlight when highlightSearch changed like on, off, on
  • Fix: toggle-preset-occurrence should not accept persistentSelection but it was in previous release.
  • Fix: highlightSearch no longer extend highlight marker on appending text on tail #555
  • Internal: All vimState instances are managed by VimState class itself.
  • Internal: New convention. Ensure ActivateInsertMode and it's child call @selectTarget() before starting any mutation.


  • New: moveToFirstCharacterOnVerticalMotion options #550, #549
    • Default: true, if you disable, column position is kept after these motion.
    • Similar to startofline option in pure-Vim.
    • Affects following motion(Unlike pure-Vim, d, < <, > > is not affected)
      • G, g g, H, M, L, ctrl-f, ctrl-b, ctrl-d, ctrl-u
    • For d, < <, > >, use stayOnXXX option if you want to keep column.
  • Improve: Don't close search mini-editor on blur event. (e.g. app-switch by cmd-tab) #539
  • Internal: Base::getCount() can take offset.
  • Internal Bug: Now properly detect duplicate class Name among operations.
  • Internal: Rename Misc.Scroll to ScrollWithoutChangingCursorPosition for explicitness.


  • New: Option automaticallyEscapeInsertModeOnActivePaneItemChange #535
  • New: Option keepColumnOnSelectTextObject to keep original column in v i p etc. #541, #543
  • Fix: Cursor no longer become out-of-screen when move upward in vB #546
  • Fix: I and A should work on occurrence when has-occurrence #488, #518
  • Fix: select-occurrence in vL does not correctly select occurrence(spec missed to catch) in previous release.
  • Improve: flash-UI feedback when Y in vC mode.
  • Improve: Cleanup and suppress flash for r command
  • Improve: As general rule selection target can override pre-composed target #531
    • e.g transform-smart-word-by-select-list works on selection if selection was not empty.
  • Improve: Persistent-selection treated as-if real-selection further #532, #534
  • Improve: Tweak what syntax scope is treated as function for TextObject.Function
  • Improve: delete-line is now available in all mode(visual mode only for default keymap)
  • Improve: Now pair text-object change mode to vC regardless of current mode. #542
    • Remove internally used TextObject::allowSubmodeChange property
  • Breaking: Remove experimental but un-used operators and text-objects.
    • Operator DeleteOccurrenceInAFunctionOrInnerParagraph, ChangeOccurrenceInAFunctionOrInnerParagraph, ChangeOccurrenceInAPersistentSelection
    • TextObject UnionTextObject, AFunctionOrInnerParagraph, ACurrentSelectionAndAPersistentSelection, TextObjectFirstFound
  • Internal: Rename useMakerForStay to stayByMarker and no longer track marker unless needStay()
  • Internal: Cleanup mutationManger #530
  • Internal, Spec: New textC set/ensure option, validate exclusive option. #528, #533


  • New: Command equalize-panes(ctrl-w =) by @mattaschmann
  • New, Breaking: g I support, breaking because old I mapped command was renamed(harmless for most users).
    • Renamed because of naming-bug.
    • Renamed old insert-at-beginning-of-line to insert-at-first-character-of-line(mapped to I).
    • Then now insert-at-beginning-of-line is mapped to g I.
  • New: vim-niceblock compatible behavior #488
    • Now visual-mode's I, A works differently depending on vC, vB, vL modes.
    • See YouDontKnowVimModePlus page on vmp's wiki for detail.
  • New: [experimental] search-occurrence motion. #519
    • When you can see dotted-underlined-occurrence-marker, tab, shift-tab can be used as motion.
    • You can use space to deselect occurrence-marker while moving next/prev of occurrence-marker.
    • [keymap]
      • tab: vim-mode-plus:search-occurrence
      • shift-tab: vim-mode-plus:search-occurrence-backwards
  • Fix: When yank into named register for input-taking-motion(e.g " a y f )), it fail to save to register. #520
  • Improve: now vimState.globalState is resettable for all or specific field
  • Dev: open-in-vim now open buffer with at same cursor position.
  • Fix: Improve: y i p now move to start of paragraph after operator finished. #507
  • Fix: Improve: Further compatible resulting cursor position after operator finished. #529
  • Fix: Hover used to show count and register was not correctly positioned, really was bad degradation. #406
  • Improve: No longer share inputUI across operation, as a result vimState.input become unavailable. #525.
  • New: C in vC mode change whole-line #527


  • New: project-find-from-search command which have being provided as separate package #508.
    • cmd-enter is default keymap for macOS user.
  • Fix: when flashScreenOnSearchHasNoMatch was false, throw error when search item was not found #510.


  • Support: set minimum engines to ^1.13.0-beta1.
  • Fix: Remove use of ::shadow. #485
  • Fix: cmd-d didn't start visual-mode suffered by the side-effect of shadowDOM removal #490
  • Experimental, Improve: Better flashing effect using keyframe CSS animation
    • Breaking: Removed flashing duration config params.
    • Now flashingDuration is fixed to 1 sec at maximum(duration until marker be destroyed)
    • User can tweak by css within this duration. Refer styles/vim-mode-plus.less if you want.
  • Fix: Scroll motion failed to put cursor at firstChar of screen line when it’s wrapped.
  • Breaking: Remove cursor line flashing effect on smoothScrolling. #502
  • UI: Modify style of search match to modern(??) style.
  • Fix: No longer remove non-vmp-css-class from editorElement temporarily while waiting-user-input #497.


  • Fix: Flash only one instance at a given moment when search /, ?, #, ?. #494
  • Fix: % motion now work again #493 by @mattaschmann
  • Fix When both operation and target take user input, it didn't work correctly. #491


  • New: Following motion commands by @bronson.
    • move-to-previous-end-of-word(g e)
    • move-to-previous-end-of-whole-word(g E)
  • New: Sugar command set-register-name-to-* to use system-clipboard. #272
  • Breaking: Rename set-register-name-to-blackhole to set-register-name-to-_ #478, #473, #482
  • Breaking: move-up-to-edge and move-down-to-edge no longer move to first-line and last-line if it's not stoppable.
    • This means, eliminated special handling for first-line and last-line. Just behave same as other line. #481
  • Doc: Fix typo and grammar for by @jimt #483.


  • Improve: Incremental-search / enter and ? enter(confirm with blank imput) repeat last-search #474, #464
  • New: Update backtick(`) and ' mark on jump-motion #476, #384
    • So keystroke ` ` and ' ' jump back to previous position.
  • New: Support ' mark.
  • New: set-register-name-to-blackhole command(no default keymap) to make blackhole-register(_) easy-to-use #478, #473


  • Fix: cursor-style-manager no longer throw error when executing find-and-replace:select-next in wholeline selection. #406
  • Fix: No longer destroy first cursor after incremental-search is executeded with multi-cursors #461
  • Fix: In visual-blockwise, unnecessary add selection in bottom direction when bottom selection start at column 0 #454
  • Fix: e(move-to-end-of-word) on blank row at the end of file freezes Atom #469


  • New: Config option statusBarModeStringStyle(default short) #451
  • New, Improve: Repeate(.) command now can repeat insert-mode's delete/backspace operation #322


  • Improve: Improve performance for f, F, t, T, Surround #448, #435.


  • Doc: Simplify
  • New: Sentence motion by @bronson
    • move-to-next-sentence: default keymap )
    • move-to-previous-sentence: default keymap (
    • move-to-next-sentence-skip-blank-row: no default keymap
    • move-to-previous-sentence-skip-blank-row: no default keymap
  • New: tab to space, space to tab conversion operator by @zhaocai #432, #433
    • convert-to-soft-tab: no default keymap
    • convert-to-hard-tab: no default keymap
  • Improve: No longer actually select to display target range for change-surround-any-pair, so cursor position is not changed when canceled.
  • Breaking, Improve: Use shorter, minimum length mode indcator string on status-bar #428.
  • Improve: More pure-vim-like behavior for # and #.
  • Improve: Cleanup search motion(/, ?). #440.
  • Breaking: Remove experimental motion and operator which was intended to replacement of f, F but was not such useful.
    • SearchCurrentLine
    • SearchCurrentLineBackwards
    • InsertAtStartOfSearchCurrentLine
    • InsertAtEndOfSearchCurrentLine
  • Fix: Don't pass empty array to editor.setSelectedBufferRanges, and collectly restore cursor when occurrence opeation was failed on . repeat.


  • Fix: ;, , throw error if orignal-find-command-executed-editor was destoyed. #434


  • Improve: Fix minor inconsistency for amount of rows to scroll between normal and visual for ctrl-f, b, d, u.
  • New: Smooth scroll for ctrl-f, b, d, u. Disabled by default. New config option to enable and tweak animation duration.
  • New, Experimental: TextObject a-edge and inner-edge(no diff for now), which select from up-edge to down-edge. No keymap by default.


  • Breaking: j, k now always works as bufferRow-wise(screenRow-wise in previous version).
    • Previous j, k behavior is available as g k, g j as like pure Vim.
  • New: Operator InsertAtStartOfInnerSmartWord, InsertAtEndOfInnerSmartWord no keymap by default #424
  • Fix: p, P mutation tracked again(was not tracked by degradation) to select-latest-changes #426
  • Fix: f repeat by ;, , clear existing selection where it should extend selection #425
  • Improve: g n and g N works more pure-vim-like.
  • Internal: Cleanup cursor position normalization required in visual-mode.


  • Improve: delete-surround, change-surround no longer trim spaces when open-pair-char and close-pair-char was same(e.g 'text', "text").


  • Fix, Degradation: Again guard in case mutation information was unavailable when tracking changes.


  • Internal, Improve: , and ; is no longer instance of operator to avoid complexity.
  • Fix: Throwing error in V D keystroke. #416, #417.


  • Fix: Guard in case mutation information was unavailable when tracking changes.


  • Improve: Clear multiple-selection when create-persistent-selection #414
  • Keymap: Remove cmd-d in has-persistent-selection scope to work well with default cmd-d #413
  • Keymap: Add [, ] to vim-mode-plus:move-up-to-edge, vim-mode-plus:move-down-to-edge #412


  • New: preset-occurrence #395, #396
    • Allow user to set occurrence BEFORE operator.
    • Keymap: In normal, visual, g o to toggle-preset-occurrence.
      • It add/remove preset-occurrence at cursor position.
      • When removing, it remove one by one, not all.
    • Keymap: In incsearch input, cmd-o to add-occurrence-pattern-from-search
      • It add preset-occurrence by search-pattern.
    • Following two operation do the same thing, but former is operator-modifier, later is preset-occurrence(g o).
      • c o $: change cursor-word till end-of-line.
      • g o c $: change cursor-word till end-of-line.
  • New: PersistentSelection: (former RangeMarker)
    • Allow user to set target BEFORE operator.
    • Used as implicit target of operator. As like selection in visual-mode is used as implicit target.
    • Config: autoSelectPersistentSelectionOnOperate(default=true) control to disable implicit targeting.
    • Updated style to seem like selection.
    • Keymap: In visual, enter to create-persistent-selection.
    • If you map c s to change-surround, I recommend you to disable it including other keymap starting with c.
    • Following two operation do the same thing, but former target is normal selection, later target is persistent-selection.
      • V j j c: change two three line.
      • V j j enter c: change three line.
    • Common use case is
      • Work on multiple target without using mouse: set multiple target by persistent-selection then mutate.
      • Narrow target range to include particular set of occurrence.
  • New: Highlight occurrence when occurrence modifier(o) is typed. #377
  • API Breaking, Improve: globalState is no longer simple object, use get, set method instead. Now observable it's change.
  • Breaking, Improve: When H, and L motion is used as target of operator, ignore scrolloff to mutate till visible-top or bottom row.
  • Breaking: clearMultipleCursorsOnEscapeInsertMode is now default false, this was changed in v0.57.0, but now reverted. #376
  • Fix: PreviousSelection(g v) was incorrectly shared across editor.
  • Fix: No longer use @syntax-result-marker-color instead use @syntax-text-color.
  • Improve: Gradual clearing different kind of marker(persistent-selection, occur, hlsearch).
  • Improve, Fix: stayOnDelete is now work properly on every situation.
  • Improve: Use marker to track original cursor position to stay. #380
  • Improve: When stayOnOperate family feature are enabled, adjust cursor position to not exceeds end of mutation #380
  • Improve: Crean up OperationStack. #400
  • Improve: Many TextObject now follow new convention(return range of text-object by getRange()).
  • Improve: word text-object family to select more vim-like range(don't select adjoining non-word-char like Atom's default selection.selectWord()).
  • Internal: Debug codes and cleanup
  • Internal: OperationStack::subscribe now return subscribed handler.
  • Internal: Split out highlightSearch concerning code as HighlightSearchManager class #398
  • Internal: Split out mutation concerning code in operator as MutationTracker class
  • Internal: Split out rangeMaker concerning code as PersistentSelectionManager class
  • New: VisibleArea text-object. keymap i v.
  • New: UnionTextObject and AFunctionOrInnerPair
  • Rename: Operator replace to replace-and-move-right and replace is general replace operator.


  • Fix: a-word and a-whole-word now select leading white-space when trailing space was not exist #355
  • Fix: Paste(p) non-linewise text to empty line now insert text to same line, not next-line like previous version. #359.
  • New: When o modifier is used in operator-pending-mode, with-occurrence css scope is set to provide keymap scope.
  • New: Now Operator Pending status is shown on status-bar.
  • Internal, Improve: is split out into three files and overhauled greatly #370.
  • New: Stay preference support for Delete, and StayOnDelete config options control this behavior.
  • Breaking: Removed SetCursorsToStartOfTarget, SetCursorsToStartOfRangeMarker since not used.
  • Improve: . repeat is no longer depend Repeat wrapper operation. Simply replayed recorded operation by operationStack.
  • Breaking, New: clearMultipleCursorsOnEscapeInsertMode config option with true by default.
  • Breaking, Experimental, New: Default keymap only available in o modifier is specified. #379
    • To change occur in inner-paragraph: Can type c o p, instead of c o i p
    • To change occur in a-function: Can type c o f, instead of c o a f
    • To change occur in a-range-marker: Can type c o r, instead of c o a r
    • To change occur in inner-current-line: Can type c o l, instead of c o i l
    • To change occur in a-fold: Can type c o z, instead of c o a z
    • Off course: you can do with operator other than c. e.g. d o f, g U o z.
  • Breaking, Degradation, Improve: To fix stale selection properties, I disabled special support for outer-vmp command which create selection.
    • When outer-vmp command create selection and enter visual-mode, original cursor position is no longer preserved. e.g. cmd-l.


  • New: Operator insert-at-start-of-occurrence, insert-at-end-of-occurrence to start insert at occurrence.
  • New: Operator sort #365
  • New: Motion search-current-line, search-current-line-backwards #366
  • Fix: f, F, t, T was broken, no longer focus input on repeat by ; or , #367


  • Internal: Avoid circular referencing for string transformers store.
  • Doc: Update doc-string of many operator for better command report for vmp wiki.
  • Breaking, Improve: AddSelection no longer get word from visual-mode #351
  • New: All TextObject as alias of Entire. #352
  • Improve?, Breaking?: Change range-marker style as-if selection #357
  • Improve, Rename: Cleanup operator-modifier mechanism. Renamed command #357
    • v: force-operator-characterwise to operator-modifier-characterwise
    • V: force-operator-linewise to operator-modifier-linewise
  • New: Occurrence operator-modifier #357
    • o in operator-pending-mode
    • As like v or V modifier force the wise of operator.
    • o modifier re-select cursor-word from target range.
      • e.g. g U o i p upper case all occurrence of cursor-word in paragraph
      • e.g. c i p change whole paragraph, c o i p change occurrence of cursor word in paragraph.
    • This modifier is available for all operator.
    • select-occurrence, map-surround is created based on this occurrence modifier.
  • New: Narrowed selection state #357
    • is-narrow state is automatically activated/deactivated when visual-mode and last selection is multi-line.
    • Available shortcut in scope.
      • ctrl-cmd-c: change-occurrence to change occurrence of cursor word in selection.
      • cmd-d: select-occurrence to select occurrence of cursor word in selection.
  • New: RangeMarker new command.
    • toggle-range-marker: remove or add range-marker
    • toggle-range-marker-on-inner-word: inner-word pre-targeted version
    • convert-range-marker-to-selection: add selection on all range-marker and remove range-marker after select.
  • New: IncrementalSearch specific /, ? special feature #357
    • Direct command from search-input mini editor.
      • ctrl-cmd-c: change-occurrence-from-search to change occurrence of search pattern matched.
      • cmd-d: select-occurrence-from-search to select occurrence of search pattern matched.
      • When above command is applied operator target is automatically set in following priority.
        1. In visual-mode use current selection as target.
        2. If there is range-marker then use it as target.
        3. None of above match, then enter operator-pending state to get target from user.
  • Rename: add-selection to select-occurrence
  • Improve: reset-normal-mode clear hlsearch and range-marker more thoughtfully. No longer clear in following situation.
    • Internal invocation of vimState.resetNormalMode().
    • When having multiple cursor.
  • Internal: Define Base::initialize to be eliminate uncertainty of super call in child class. #361


  • Breaking: Revert change introduced in 0.54.0(Was not good). insert-mode escape return to normal-mode regardless os autocomplet popup #339.


  • Improve, Breaking: When autocomplete's popup is active, escape in insert-mode no longer escape insert-mode. #339
  • New: TrimString operator 'g |' for default keymap. #341
  • Improve, Breaking: #342 TransformStringBySelectList no longer ask target first. Instead ask target last as in normal operator.
  • Internal: Let each operator register itself to select-list
  • New, Experimental: incrementalSearchVisitDirection config option #343
    • Default absolute, if relative, visit-next(tab) follows to search direction(/ or ?).
  • Improve: Now user can invoke add-selection from visual mode #340.
  • New: Add default keymap g cmd-d to vim-mode-plus:add-selection.
  • Improve, Breaking: Rename RangeMarker family operator, text-object to fix naming inconsistency. #346
    • Operator: MarkRange to CreateRangeMarker
    • TextObject: MarkedRange to RangeMarker
  • Fix: In case vimState is not available(not sure why), cancel execution of operation. #347
  • New: Add keymap to make I and A is available in all visual submode(was available in visual-block only in previous version) #348


  • Fix: Command is dispatched to different(incorrect) editor instead of editor which fired original event. #338


  • Doc: Update links in
  • Improve: Suppress error when motion is pushed to operation stack when previous motion had not finished. #327
  • Internal: Consolidate vmp specific error class. Avoid inappropriate class inheritance.
  • Improve: Prevent unnecessary propagation of event for all vmp commands.
  • Doc: Add
  • New: Y in visual-mode yank whole line #330.
  • Improve, Breaking: Surround and ChangeSurround trim() white spaces of inner text before surround #331. by @ypresto
  • Improve: ctrl-f no longer put cursor to EOF instead of vimEOF.
  • Improve: Accuracy improved for the position where hover shows up, so ChangeSurroundAnyPair shows hover on original cursor position.
  • Improve: Notification warning when user enabled both vim-mode and vim-mode-plus #335.


  • New: groupChangesWhenLeavingInsertMode setting to control whether bundle changes or not when leaving insert-mode #323. When disabled, changes are not bundled and user can undo more granular level(smaller steps). Default is true(same as pure Vim).
  • Mention paner in helper packages section of since revived!


  • Fix: Deprecation warning introduced by new editor.displayLayer #319.
  • Support: set minimum engines to 1.9.0 above.


  • Fix: Invoking text-object command directly from insert-mode cause uncaught exception #318.


  • Improve, Breaking: #314 Allow move-up-to-edge and move-down-to-edge stops at first or last row even if it char was blank.


  • Improve: New command vim-mode-plus:force-operator-characterwise, vim-mode-plus:force-operator-linewise to change original wise(linewise/charactewise) and toggle exclusiveness #313


  • Fix: TextObject a-paragraph did not select trailing blank rows for one-line non-blank paragraph #309
  • Breaking: Simplify TextObject comment. now a / and i / works identically #311


  • cosmetic change, my preference about parenthesis has changed.
  • Improve: reversing selection by o in visual-mode make reversed state sync to lastSelection in multi-selection situation.
  • Fix: ctrl-f, ctrl-b, ctrl-d, ctrl-u. Just follow the way of vim-mode's fix. It was better than vmp's.
  • Doc: Make "disable vim-mode first" instruction standout since not small amount of user reporting issue by enabling both!


  • Fix; . repeat collectedly replay vB range. #261
  • New: Support activate-normal-mode-once command #281 suggested by @wangxiexe


  • Fix: ctrl-y, ctrl-e, throw error, and not worked properly, latent bug of vmp become obvious from Atom 1.9.0-beta0
  • Improve: Now 3d2w delete 6(3x2) words instead of 32 words in previous version. #289


  • New: Improve % motion, support HTML Tag, and AngleBracket #285
  • Fix: Uncaught TypeError: history.getChangesSinceCheckpoint is not a function #288


  • Fix: Don't throw error when vr in empty buffer by avoiding odd state(=visual-mode but selection is empty) #282
  • Improve: Refactoring
  • New: Operator.PascalCase by @raroman, default keymap is gC. pascase-case works like pascal-case to PascalCase.
  • Improve: D in visual-mode should delete whole line #284

0.42.0: Big release not for feature, but because default setting change.

  • Change Default: setCursorToStartOfChangeOnUndoRedo is now enabled by default.
  • Change Default: flashOnUndoRedo is now enabled by default.
  • Cleanup: Remove pollyFillsToTextBufferHistory since supported engine is already >=1.7.0.
  • Cleanup: Remove workaround for AutoIndent of single "\n" since v1.7.2 Atom-core includes this fix. #231
  • New: CompactSpaces operator(g space by default). To compacts multiple space to single space, not touch leading, trailing spaces #279.


  • New: Add service observeVimStates, onDidAddVimState and vimState::onDidSetMark #276


  • Breaking: Rename split-character to split-by-character.
  • Fix: ctrl-y, ctrl-e. Just follow original vim-mode fix. #275


  • Improve: Test spec now support more concise keystroke syntax and all spec rewritten to use new keystroke #270
  • New: add experimental startInInsertModeScopes configuration to selectively start in insert-mode for specified scopes.


  • Improve: Now selectAllInRangeMarker can pick word from visual selection.
  • Improve: selectAllInRangeMarker can switch regex's word boundary option \b based if in visual-mode.
  • New: Motion YankToLastCharacterOfLine for user who don't like default Y include newline #265.
  • New: New setting option to suppress highlightSearch for certain scopes
  • Improve: No longer use custom marker property since it's deprecated in v1.9.0 #242
  • Improve: Use display-layer methods #242
  • Improve: Use clipDirection instead of clip for screenPosition clipping #242
  • Fix: w now can move to next line in CRLF file #267


  • Improve: #259 *, # now pick search word under cursor in the same manner where selection.selectWord() pick word.
  • Breaking: #259 Remove hidden vim-mode-plus.iskeyword configuration option.
  • Fix: Make MoveToMark executable from command-pallate #252, #254.
  • Improve: highlightSearch no longer extend highlight marker even when character inserted at intersecting tail.
  • Improve: #262 Now maximize-pane can maximize none-editor paneItem such as setting-view, markdown-preview.
  • Breaking: #262 maximize-pane is mapped from ctrl-w z(for all) and cmd-enter(for mac) by default.
  • New: #262 New config hideTabBarOnMaximizePane(enabled by default). Disabling it keep tab-bar when maximized.
  • Fix: #258 f command occasionally throw error, so I simply revert to former code which use panel to attach hidden mini-editor.


  • Fix: #258 f, F fail after paneItem change then back to original paneItem.


  • Fix: #252, #254 No longer use input mini editor for single char input for mark
  • Internal: make command event accessible via vimState while running command
  • Improve: If hide option is set on Input::focus() it don't add Panel
  • Fix: #253 fix r in vB


  • Internal: Eliminate view/model separation for Hover and HoverElement.
  • New: SearchMatchForward(gn), SearchMatchBackward(gN) text-object. #241
  • Fix: Don't clear maximized state when active item changed in same pane #244
  • New: AddSelection operator #245
  • Dev: add npm run watch
  • New: Preserve <, > mark for visual start and end.
  • New: PreviousSelection text-object vB still not supported #246
  • New: MarkRange operator and MarkedRange text-object #249
  • New: Config option to clear HighlightSearch and RangeMarker on escape in normal-mode. #250
  • Improve: Support InsertAtStartOfSelection from vC mode, no longer need to enter vB only for insert at start of selection.
  • Breaking: MoveTo(Previous/Next)FoldStart no longer linewise motion.
  • New: General insertion operator MotionByTarget
  • New Experimental new Operator SetCursorsToStartOfTarget and MarkedRange precomposed version.
  • Internal: Do editorElement className update manually.


  • Fix: Ignore mouseup event handling on insert mode #240


  • Internal: Gradually making motion into pure point calculator #225
  • Improve: Operate on same range on . repeat even if stayOnTransformString was enabled #235
  • New: MoveToColumn motion. Default keymap is |. #230
  • Improve: dblclick correctly activate visual mode, simplify mouse event observer. #228
  • Improve: Better integration with Atom's native commands(e.g cmd-l) #239


  • Fix: gg, GG throw error when destination row was blank line. #233
  • Fix: Critical bug TextBuffer.history pollyfilled multiple times because of incorrect guard #229


  • Support: set minimum engines to 1.7.0 above.
  • Internal: Cleanup blockwise-selection.
  • Internal: Now modeManager::activate take only true mode(no longer handle reset, previous as former version).
  • Breaking: Rename activate-previous-visual-mode to select-previous-selection
  • Experiment: Trying to not depend on atom's Selection::selectWord. #225
  • Experiment: Trying being independent from atom's imperative cursor motion. #225
  • Breaking: #224 remove Move(Up|Down)ToNonBlank
  • Fix: Don't move cursor up when inserting single white space at column 0 #226
  • Fix: To support Atom v1.7.0, polyfill for TextBuffer::history.getChangesSinceCheckPoint #229
  • Fix: cc, S ignore auto indent on Atom v1.7.0 #231


  • Fix: Uncaught error on y, gU etc.. in vB when stayOnYank, stayOnOperator enabled #221.


  • Improve: Further coverage of gv support. Not yet complete but much better.
  • Improve: Respect stayOnYank, stanOnOperate on visual-mode #221
  • Fix: TransformStringByExternalCommand throw error on OperationStack::finish because of incorrect argument.
  • Fix: Correctly unfocus input mini editor when SurroundAnyPair can't find(detect) pair chars..
  • Internal: Update charactewrise selection properties in visual-mode selection modification by Motion, TextObject.
  • Improve: Don't flash in visual-mode even if flashOnOperate have enabled.


  • Fix: Guard for calling refreshHighlightSearch against destroyed editor #196
  • Internal: Quit model, view separation for Input and SearchInput
  • Rename: to
  • Internal: move code to
  • New: add SmartWord based motions(MoveToNextSmartWord, MoveToPreviousSmartWord, MoveToEndOfSmartWord)
  • Fix: goalColumn incorrectly reset on vL mode. #220
  • Improve: keep goalColumn in vL to vC, vC to n.


  • Fix: No longer necessary to set editor.useShadowDOM enabled to use vmp #218
  • New: [Experimental] Set yank-pending, delete-pending scope for granular keymap setting #215.


  • Improve: cleanup
  • Internal: New convention. use Operator::mutateSelection
  • Improve: Reduce complexity for MoveToNextWord #200
  • Internal: improve Base::countTimes pass isLast as 2nd arg
  • Fix: For $ motion with count now correctly move to end of line of Nth line blow.
  • Improve: Now support all motion in visual-blockwise #213
  • Internal: Remove many visual-blockwise special code #213


  • Internal: Each command class can answer its description.
  • Internal: Generate summary table for all commands.
  • Internal: Remove VisualBlockwise class #210.
  • Improve: c on visual-blockwise now keep multi-cursors.
  • Fix: null guard in case Patch is not yet available for >=Atom v1.7.0-beta0


  • Internal: Refactoring many parts(Search, MatchList, ModeManager, OperationStack) #200
  • Improve: Support upcoming Atom 1.7+ text-buffer change #206, #203
  • New: New Motion for alphaNumeric word family #207
    • MoveToNextAlphanumericWord for w
    • MoveToPreviousAlphanumericWord for b
    • MoveToEndOfAlphanumericWord for e
  • Fix: Tweak L(MoveToBottomOfScreen) motion don't cause scroll.
  • Internal: Reuse Select, CurrentSelection instance, hope improve #162
  • Internal: Introduce Sugar methods on Base.prototype for instanceof check


  • Fix: n, N in different editor cause flashScreen is not function.


  • Breaking: Remove scroll among search matched feature #201
  • Breaking: Literal input mode in Search input field is now achieved by standard selector-specific keymap. User who used this feature in older version need to update keymap selector to atom-text-editor.vim-mode-plus-search:not(.literal-mode). See example in wiki/Keymap-example
  • Internal: cleanup Search, SearchCurrentWord.
  • Fix: Use new pane split feature from Atom v1.6.0 #204
  • Support: set minimum engines to 1.6.0 above #204
  • Breaking: Remove semi-broken disableInputMethodExceptInsertMode setting #205
  • Fix: o after Vjj then cmd-shift-d display cursor incorrect position(cosmetic). #202


  • Improve: #192 Keep original visible area as much as possible when scrolling by n, N, /, ? to avoid mental context switching
  • New: delete/change-any-pair-allow-forwarding. More powerful version of existing change-surround-any-pair and delete-surround-any-pair #194
  • Improve: #195 keep code layout when surround, delete-surround, change-surround. former implementation mechanically trim() white space of inner string.


  • Fix: Inconsistency for changed area for P, p. And respect original newline on EOF.
  • New: PutAfterAndSelect and PutBeforeAndSelect to paste and select #184
  • New: allow-forwarding text-object #188
  • Spec: Improve test coverage for % motion
  • Improve: Fix several minor bug for % motion.
  • Improve: Fix several minor bug for pair text-object.
  • Fix: Now c can enter insert mode even if target is empty. #189
  • Fix: Don't treat double backslash \ as escape char in TextObject.Pair family #191
  • New: innerTag and aTag text object. #84


  • Fix: setHover error. Guard when vimState::getBlockwiseSelections() is empty.
  • Fix: ctrl-v then j throws error "Cannot read property 'getHead' of undefined" #179
  • New: SwapWithRegister operator to complement v_p and v_P in pure Vim #180. keymap is disabled by default.
  • Internal: Greatly simplify cursor offset calculation by using Point::traveralFrom()
  • Fix: visual-blockwise j, k always work bufferRow-wise and never past BOL and EOL #10.
  • New: new config options ignoreCaseForSearch, ignoreCaseForSearchCurrentWord, useSmartcaseForSearchCurrentWord #181


  • Fix: Quick fix for degradation for issue cursorDOM node is not exits #178


  • New: Add space when surround if input char is in charactersToAddSpaceOnSurround. #171
  • Improve: Cancel search when tab was switched in the middle of searching.
  • Internal: cmd keystroke support for spec helper
  • Improve: Warn user when useShadowDOM disabled #177
  • Fix: Prevent ReplaceModeBackspace is invoked except from replace-mode #175


  • Fix: subscription leak for highlightSearch #158
  • Improve: blockwiseSelection, getHeight(), setSelectedBufferRanges().
  • New: vimState.getBlockwiseSelections()
  • Fix: Hover place was incorrect when visual-blockwise and its selection is reversed.
  • Internal: Avoid mode change within visual-blockwise and remove dirty operation.isProcessing() guard in modeManager::restoreCharacterwise()
  • Fix: MoveToFirstCharacterOfLineDown and Up shold work as buffer-positoin-wise. #166


  • Fix: #161 gv not re-select last selection after Yank in visual-mode.
  • Fix: #163 occasional Uncaught TypeError: is not a function when executing vmp commands.


  • Internal: cleanup blockwiseSelection.
  • Fix: #158 When highlight cleared, it should not highlighted again on refreshing event(scroll, switch pane).
  • Fix: #158 Maker default flash color transparent(fadeout 50%) to not hide overlapping text when text color is same as flash color.


  • Fix: Bump up engines version to atom 1.4.0 above.
  • Fix: In visual-linewise, position of hover indicator was incorrect.
  • New: highlight last search pattern across all buffer. #158
    • highlightSearch config parameter to enable/disable.
    • vim-mode-plus:toggle-highlight-search: to toggle highlightSearch config value.
    • vim-mode-plus:clear-highlight-search: one-time clearing for highlightSearch. equivalent to :nohlsearch in pure Vim.
  • Fix: Guard for case when editorElement.component is not available #98


  • Fix: Search flash no longer flash multiple word simultaneously. #153
  • Fix: flashOnSearch configuration parameter was not checked on flash. - @crshd
  • Fix: dw, dW don't go beyond EOL on last movement in single transaction. #150
  • Fix: Respect and observe editor.lineHeight and refresh cursorStyle on change #154. - @crshd, @t9md
  • Internal: New dev-mode command toggle-reload-packages-on-save to reload vmp on buffer save.
  • Internal: New dev-mode command reload-packages to reload vmp and vmp plugins
  • Internal: Making vmp package hot reload-able to make development easier.
  • New: Provide css id for status-bar container so that user can hide status information completely #152
  • New: New options to disable Input Method(IME) except insert-mode #148.
  • Improve: Full-support for multiple blockwise selections, each blockwise selections are kept in vimState.blockwiseSelections.


  • Internal: Allow Operation specific command scope #147.
  • Internal: New swrawp::switchToLinewise() util to switch selection temporarily.
  • Internal: Now countTime() is Base methods.
  • Internal: Remove toggleClassByCondition() utils. Instead, use native classList.toggle().
  • Internal: swrap::translate() function arguments was inconsistent with wrapping Range::translate() function.


  • Breaking: Remove move-line-up, move-line-down, it is externalized as move-selected-text plugin package #145.
  • New: Operator::execute() now can do asynchronous operation(can return instance of Promise). #146.
  • Internal: Consolidate counter-manager.coffe into vimState.
  • Improve: Several refactoring. spec-helper keystroke now support waitsForFinish to wait operationFinish for asynchronous operation.


  • Bug: TransformStringBySelectList fail because of un-registered SortNumerical member left by development.


  • Internal: Fix naming inconsistency
  • New: Provide getCommand, getStdin, getStdout as hook for TranformStringByExternalCommand
  • Improve: Error handling for TranformStringByExternalCommand.
  • New: TransformString::getNewText pass selection as 2nd args.
  • New: #143, suspend/unsuspend execution of operation to make async method involved operation repeatable.


  • New: TranformStringByExternalCommand #140
  • Doc: Update old wiki link in Readme
  • Improve: Use more accessible displayName for TransformStringBySelectList
  • Internal: No longer use short variable name like c for cursor, s for selection .
  • Internal: Refactoring. extract restorePoint logic from Operator::eachSelection method.
  • Internal: Provide wrapper function Base.processOperation(), Base.cancelOperation() to controll operationStack.
  • New: #142 Support per selection clipboard for Change, Delete, Yank operation.
  • Fix: #141, For Change operation, if target is TextObject, it auto-detect target's wise(linewise, characterwise)


  • New: InsertByMotion can insert after move, and repeatable.
  • New: Support insert count e.g 10iabc, 10oabc.
  • Spec: #137 dot register, insertion count, insert-last-inserted
  • New: TextObject.SmartWord which is just include dash(-) char into \w
  • New: SurroundSmartWord is pre-targeting InnerSmartWord
  • New: Operator EncodeUriComponent, DecodeUriComponent
  • New: Operator TitleCase
  • New: #139 support SelectList UI
  • New: #138, #139 Operator TransformStringBySelectList transform string by choice


  • Fix: Don't change submode from characterwise to linewise automatically #131.
  • Internal: new TextObject::allowSubmodeChange property control automatic submode shift from selected range.
  • New: Fix: As part of fix from Atom v1.4.0 change, Paragraph motion was completely rewritten, now more compatible behavior to pure Vim.
  • New: Configuration parameter flashOnOperateBlacklist allow disable flash for specific operation.
  • Improve: Now move-to-blank, move-to-edge works correctly for hardTab language buffer like golang.


  • Improve, New: TextObjet.Fold can expand when repeated!
  • Improve: Spec for TextObject.Fold, Motion.MoveUpToEdge
  • New: insert-at-previous-fold-start, insert-at-next-fold-start
  • New: move-to-position-by-scope as parent class of every scope based motion.
  • New: move-to-next-string, move-to-previous-string
  • New: move-to-next-number, move-to-previous-number
  • Internal: Reporting command in dev-mode which report commands which have no default keymap.
  • FIX: Disable strict check of non-empty selection in normal-mode at the timing of operation finished. #123.


  • Fix: I doesn't go to first char if already there. #122.


  • New: Misc.Maximize-pane command from my paner package.
  • Fix: Selecting big text object(its range is not fit in one screen) lost cursor marker #109.
  • Breaking: BracketMatchingMotion is completely rewritten and renamed to MoveToPair(move-to-pair).
  • Internal: TextObject Pair improved(pre-split pairChars, provide more granular range info) #113.
  • Improve: Improve error message in OperationStack throw error related to #114.
  • Improve: TextObject.Pair don't select first line when its text is opening pair char only #111.
  • Internal: New convention all TextObject must implement selectTextObject function.
  • New: Move(Up|Down)ToEdge to moveUP/Down only edge row.
  • New: MoveTo(Previous|Next)FoldStartWithSameIndent. to skip different indentation row.
  • Internal: commands for speedup development.
  • FIX: e, E should skip blank line #117.
  • FIX: w, W moved to endOfWord instead of beginningOfWord when cursor is trailing white space.
  • FIX: dk not delete blank line if cursor is at blank row #118.
  • FIX: j, k in visual-linewise should not expand folds, but was expanded #120.
  • Internal: Refactor Motion::selectInclusive() now almost finished!
  • New: Base.commandPrefix class variable is used as command name prefix(for user's custom command use).
  • New: Operator.Reverse to reverse selected lines.


  • New: Motion move-(up|down)-to-non-blank to move up/down by skipping blank characters #101.
  • New: Motion move-to-(previous|next)-fold-(start|end) to move around code folds #102
  • FIX: TextObject Paragraph and its child class get called getRange with negative row number fix #99
  • FIX: When last line have no newline("\n") char, cursor marker shown at incorrect place #100
  • FIX: Select operator should not be repeatable, but was repeatable(that cause unexpected error).
  • FIX: When r(replace operator) in visual-blockwise mode cause Selection is not empty in normal-mode error #104
  • Internal: move ModeManager::replaceModeBackspace to Misc commands
  • Internal: Service API no longer expose vim-mode-plus's subscriptions
  • Internal: New Base.reset() class method to reload all commands to speed up development process.


  • Internal: cleanup cursor movement in Motion::selectInclusive() #87
  • Internal: remove flashManager class. move flashManager feature to
  • Internal: spec-helper mini DSL now can check characterwiseHead in V scenario. #90
  • FIX: Stacktrace is not displayed for OperationStackError.
  • FIX: When shift from visual-blockwise to other modes, cursor marker get odd. #71
  • Breaking: remove vim-mode-plus:set-count, and provide distinct vim-mode-plus:set-count-1 and alike #63
  • Improve: Accuracy improved for cursor movement in visual-linewise for *, #, /, ? commands. #91
  • FIX: TextObject CurrentLine should work on bufferRow instead of screenRow #95
  • FIX: goalColumn is not respected in visual-line j, k on soft-wrapped line #96
  • FIX: visual-linewise cursor marker is incorrect in soft-wrapped line. #97
  • Internal: visual mode's cursor display functions are separated from vimState into cursorStyleManager #97


  • FIX: #86 Repeating text-object targeted operation(e.g. ciw then .) incorrectly activate characterwise visual-mode.
  • FIX: Work around issue #85 issue vim-mode-plus with term2 package.
  • NEW: support characterwise movement in visual-linewise mode #74, #83.


  • FIX: When buffer is soft-wrapped and in visual-characterwise mode, moving selection put cursor on incorrect position #81
  • FIX: wrapLeftRightMotion parameter is not respected in visual-mode and soft-wrapped buffer's normal-mode. #82


  • FIX: Critical degradation, when selection whole buffer with cmd-a, exception thrown.

0.10.0 [CAUTION] Surround operation keystroke changed.

  • Breaking: Surround take target before reading surround-char #75
    • ex-1: ys mapped to vim-mode-plus:surround
      • old: ys(iw
      • new: ysiw(
    • ex-2: ms mapped to vim-mode-plus:map-surround
      • old: ms(ip
      • new: msip(
  • Breaking: Remove default keymap of surround like gss, gsw, gsd, gsc.
  • FIX: gg and G should go to buffer line instead of screen line.
  • FIX: SelectLatestChange didn't correctly restore visual submode.
  • FIX: Increment, Decrement didn't clear selection on finished.
  • FIX: v , escape on empty-line put cursor one-line down in corner case #70
  • FIX: degradation, G should use bufferRow than screenRow.
  • Improve: a check cursor.isAtEndOfLine() for each cursor in multi-cursor.
  • Improve: When Surround target is linewise area, it insert line break char #78.
  • Internal: Cleanup selection, cursor adjustment for consistent moveCursor behavior in both normal and visual mode #73.
  • Internal: Remove debug feature for OperationStack #72
  • Internal: Now throw error when selection is not empty in normal-mode at operation finished to strictly catch unexpected operation result.
  • Internal: dd, yy, gUgU like sequential operation support now done in OperationStack.
  • Improve: Visual characterwise mode keep tailRange correctly when selection is indentation white spaces char. #79
  • Internal: Separate big spec files into small topic based spec file.


  • Further accuracy improve for cursor not past last newline #56.
  • BUG: V, escape on empty-line put cursor one-line down than expected row #70


  • Improve: Tweak default add/change color of undo/redo operation.
  • FIX: Cursor visibility in cmd-d operation. #55
  • FIX: Cursor visibility in visual-line mode on last line of buffer.
  • FIX: Change operator wasn't atomic(not in one transaction) in multi-cursor #57.
  • FIX: SurroundWord operator eat extra whitespace. #58
  • New: MapSurround operator to apply surround operation to each word in targeted area.
  • New: ToggleFold misc command to toggle fold at cursor row. Default keymap is za
  • FIX: F/T should be exclusive(exclude char under cursor) when used as operator's target but was inclusive. #62
  • FIX: Add keymap down, up in visual-block-mode #64
  • Internal: Revival of once removed atom.commands.onDidDispatch observation to track selection change.
  • Improve: Accuracy improve for behavior when setCursorToStartOfChangeOnUndoRedo is enabled.
  • New: LatestChange text-object. Which area is defined between [ and ] marker.
  • Breaking: Rename vim-mode-plus:split to vim-mode-plus:split-string to avoid confusion.
  • Don't allow cursor past last newline by vim-mode-plus's operation #56.


  • New: provideVimModePlus service API now provide Base class and subscriptions.
  • Internal: Remove dynamic derivation for (a, inner) TextObject for consistency.
  • Doc: Most of sections are moved to vim-mode-plus Wiki and remove old documents.
  • Improve: Change operator properly update change marker([, ])
  • Internal: Refine definition for what isComplete() is.
  • New experiment: Split operator to split selected line by string entered.
  • New experiment: Performance effective(in big buffer) version of move-line-up/down operator.
  • Internal: Remove direct referencing to settings parameter in hover instance.
  • Improve: hover can show input char even in oneChar input operator like Surround.
  • Improve: hover sync text when multi-char input text is deleted for operator like ChangeSurround. #42
  • New improve: [Experimental] Show cursor position in visual-linewise. #45
  • Improve: Change won't enter insert-mode if target object is not found like in case ci( failed.
  • Improve: All Pair text-object properly select text-object in case char under cursor is closing pair. #48
  • FIX: Prevent vim-mode-plus's command become available in mini-editor. #50
  • FIX: p, P insert extra newline when line ending is CRLF #49.
  • FIX: dd, dk remove extra line when its executed last line of buffer. #43


  • Improve cursor position on Undo/Redo when setCursorToStartOfChangeOnUndoRedo is enabled.


  • FIX: hover didn't cleared when ; was repeated without previous find.
  • Improve: Flasher.flash do simply flash removed callback args for simplicity.
  • New: Introduce onDidSelect, onWillSelect, onDidOperationFinish internal event system.
  • Improve: Now most of operation is child of TransformString class
  • Breaking: deprecated parameter 'stayOnIndent', 'stayOnReplaceWithRegister', merged to 'stayOnTransformString'
  • New: Introduce g J join-with-keeping-space commands
  • New: Introduce JoinByInput, JoinByInputWithKeepingSpace(default no keymap) [experimental]
  • New: Option to put cursor start of change on Undo/Redo
  • New: Option to flash on Undo/Redo(green: addded, red: removed) by option flashOnUndoRedo
  • New: Support mark [, ] which is updated on yank and change.
  • New: select-latest-change command select range from mark [, ]) command(no keymap by default)
  • New: track change when insert-mode repeated.


  • FIX: Paste fail when flashOnOperate was disabled. #38


  • FIX: incorrect cursor position when escaped from visual-linewise
  • Improve: is now more readable by power of @eachSelection abstracts final cursor position handling.
  • New: stayOnReplaceWithRegister, stayOnYank, stayOnIndent to stay same cursor position after operation finished.
  • Improve: InsertLastInserted is now accurate by refactoring ActivateInsertMode and its descendants.


  • FIX: spec bug, revealed by validating spec-helper's mini-DSL options.
  • Improve: Lots of test spec refactored.
  • Improve: Refactoring TransactionBundler used in ActivateInsertMode.
  • New: [Experimental] introduce increment/decrement operation g ctrl-a, g ctrl-x.
  • FIX: incremental-search throw error: findFoldMarkers need explicit filter query object from Atom 1.3.0.
  • New: [Experimental] new InsertLastInserted in insert-mode(ctrl-a in pure Vim).
  • New: keymap ctrl-h in replace-mode.


  • Add spec for visual-blockwise to visual-characterwise shift
  • New: ^ mark which store last insert-mode position.
  • New: gi to start insert-mode from last-insert position(^ mark).
  • New: when count is specified with-count selecter is set on editorElement
  • New: when register is specified with-register selecter is set on editorElement
  • New: N% motion N is count. In 100L buffer, 50% move cursor to 50L.
  • New: gv support all sumbmode(characterwise, linewise, blockwise).
  • New: increase, decrease support in visual-mode which greatly extends usage of these commands.
  • Tweak: don't clear multi-selection when from char-2-block if only selection is single line, this allow cmd-d, ctrl-v, I(or A) work.


  • FIX: #31 RepeatSearch(n) commands repeat last search regardless success or not.
  • No longer add commands per editorElement, commands are added on activate phase once.
  • Now each operations(TextObject, Motion, Operator etc) can registerCommands().
  • Base.init() do all necessary initialization.
  • Improve BlockwiseSelect when softwrapped.
  • Add spec for visual-blockwise mode.


  • Cleanup: globalState no longer instance of class, and nor property of vimState, since its global. It should be treated as like settings.
  • New: #24 now folds kept closed when selection go over folded area. l, h expand folds as like Vim.
  • Recorded operation history is no longer extended infinitely, just keeping one lastRecordedOperation is enough.
  • Remove old meaningless(anymore) pushSearchHistory, getSearchHistoryItem on vimState.
  • Move misc commands(like vimState::reverseSelection) to separate so now processed by operationStack good for consistency.
  • Support count for BlockwiseMoveUp and BlockwiseMoveDown.


  • FIX #26: incorrect cursor position when escaped from visual-blockwise mode.
  • FIX #27: Coludn't escape from visual-mode if non-left mouse button is used during drug. Thanks @jackcasey for first PR.
  • Refactoring: visual-blockwise and fix corner case bug in shift submode within visual-mode.
  • Refactoring: Cleanup, now use Disposable::dispose when deactivating old mode etc...


  • Now warn to console if duplicate constructor name is used, this is only for safe guard when developer add new TOM.
  • Improve accuracy of TextObject.Function for language which have meta.function scope.
  • Lots of cleanup/refactoring
  • Now commands are dispatched via vimState::dispatchCommand which translate command name to klassName with special translation for TextObject


  • Explicitly {autoscroll: false} when selection modified by j, k to avoid tail of selection on each movement. #23
  • Partially implemented to not expand fold when selection across folded area. folds are expanded by l, h movement.
  • Add keymap for home, end key.


  • FIX deprecation warning for Atom 1.1.0
  • Bump supported engines to >=1.1.0
  • FIX zs ze broken
  • FIX c-f, c-b, c-u, c-d broken after Atom 1.1.0, Fix in 0.1.7 was quick fix and not appropriate behavior.


  • New config option to disable 'flashScreenOnSearchHasNoMatch'.
  • Don't use atom.commands.onDidDispatch.
  • FIX: selectBlockwise select incorrect range in some situation.
  • clear hover if ChangeSurroundAnyPair fail to find pair
  • FIX: c-f,c-b,c-u,c-d broken after upgrading Atom 1.1.
  • FIX: visual block $A operation put cursor on beginning of next line.


  • FIX: shift from visual-char2block incorrectly add extra selection when rows contain blank row.
  • FIX: p and P didn't correct replace text in visual-linewise mode.


  • FIX: In softwrapped line, moveDown/moveUp fail in visual-linewise mode.


  • FIX: cursor not when activate visual-blockwise with one clumn selection.
  • FIX: move-down, move-up on visual-blockwise throw error when not have tail.
  • Revival once disabled text-object quote to select forwarding range.
  • New: TextObject.AnyQuote select any next AnyQuote within line.


  • Now all TextObject Pair can expand selection.
  • Fix TextObject AnyPair incorrectly expand selection when it fail to find pair.


  • Add default keymaps on incremental search element for arrow and tab keys.
  • FIX: debug feature was broken
  • FIX:#4 select area when TextObject is executed via command-pallate(was throw err).

0.1.1 first public release of vim-mode-plus.

  • 1st public release


  • 2015.9.21 rename vim-mode to vim-mode-plus

0.0.0 vim-mode-plus started as fork of vim-mode

  • 2015.8.1 forked from vim-mode.


  • Added replace ('R') mode! - @jacekkopecky
  • Added the iW and aW text objects! - @jacekkopecky
  • Made the 't' operator behave correctly when the cursor was already on the
    searched character - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed the position of the cursor after pasting with 'p' - @jacekkopecky


  • Renamed 'command mode' to 'normal mode' - @coolwanglu


  • Fixed indentation commands so that they exit visual mode - @bronson
  • Implemented horizontal scrolling commands z s and z e - @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed an error where repeating an insertion command would not handle characters inserted by packages like autocomplete or bracket-matcher - @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed an exception that would occur when using . to repeat in certain cases.


  • Fixed incorrect cursor motion when exiting visual mode w/ a reversed selection - @t9md
  • Added setting to configure the regexp used for numbers and the ctrl-a and ctrl-x keybindings - @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed cursor position after dd command - @bronson
  • Implement ap text-object differently than ip - MarkusSN


  • Fixed an issue that caused the cursor to move left incorrectly when near the end of a line.


  • Fixed usages of deprecated APIs


  • Fixed usages of deprecated APIs - @hitsmaxft, @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed issues with deleting when there are multiple selections - @jacekkopecky
  • Added paragraph text-objects 'ip' and 'ap' - @t9md
  • Fixed use of a deprecated method - @akonwi


  • Added ctrl-x and ctrl-a for incrementing and decrementing numbers - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed the behavior of scrolling motions in visual mode - @daniloisr


  • Fixed issue where canceling the replace operator would delete text - @jacekkopecky
  • Implemented repeat search commands: '//', '??', etc - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed issue where registers' contents were overwritten with the empty string - @jacekkopecky


  • Made '%', '*' and '#' interact properly with search history @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed spurious command bindings on command mode input element - @andischerer


  • Added ability to append to register - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed an issue where deactivation would sometimes fail


  • Fixed an issue where the search input text was not visible - @tmm1
  • Added a different status-bar entry for visual-line mode - @jacekkopecky


  • Made repeating insertions work more correctly with multiple cursors
  • Fixed bugs in * and # with cursor between words - @jacekkopecky


  • Implemented change case operators: gU, gu and g~ - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed behavior of repeating I and A insertions - @jacekkopecky


  • Fixed an issue where d and c with forward motions would sometimes incorrectly delete the character before the cursor - @deiwin


  • Implemented basic version of i t operator - @neiled
  • Made t motion repeatable with ; - @jacekkopecky


  • Added a service API so that other packages can extend vim-mode - @lloeki
  • Added an insert-mode mapping for ctrl-u - @nicolaiskogheim


  • Added a setting for using the system clipboard as the default register - @chrisfarms


  • Added setting for allowing traversal of line breaks via h and l - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed handling of whitespace characters in B mapping - @jacekkopecky
  • Fixed bugs when using counts with f, F, t and T mappings - @jacekkopecky


  • Added '_' binding - @ftwillms
  • Fixed an issue where the '>', '<', and '=' operators would move the cursor incorrectly.


  • Make toggle-case operator work with multiple cursors


  • Fix regression where '%' stopped working across multiple lines


  • Fix some deprecation warnings


  • Enter visual mode when selecting text in command mode
  • Don't select text after undo
  • Always preserve selection of the intially-selected character in visual mode
  • Fix bugs in the '%' motion
  • Fix bugs in the 'S' operator


  • Add o mapping in visual mode, for reversing selections
  • Implement toggle-case in visual mode
  • Fix bug in 'around word' text object


  • Fixed a regression in the handling of the 'cw' command
  • Made the replace operator work with multiple cursors


  • Fixed the position of the cursor after certain yank operations.
  • Fixed an issue where duplicate vim states were created when an editors were moved to different panes.


  • Made motions, operators and text-objects work properly in the presence of multiple cursors.


  • Fixed a stylesheet issue that caused visual glitches when vim-mode was disabled with the Shadow DOM turned on.


  • Fix issue where search panel was not removed properly
  • Updated the stylesheet for compatibility with shadow-DOM-enabled editors


  • Ctrl-w for delete-to-beginning-of-word in insert mode
  • Folding key-bindings
  • Remove more deprecated APIs


  • Fix behavior of ctrl-D, ctrl-U @anvyzhang
  • Fix selection when moving up or down in visual line mode @mdp
  • Remove deprecated APIs
  • Fix interaction with autocomplete


  • Properly re-enable editor input after disabling vim-mode


  • Fix typo


  • Make go-to-line motions work with operators @gittyupagain
  • Allow replacing text with newlines using r @dcalhoun
  • Support smart-case in when searching @isaachess


  • Ctrl-c for command mode on mac only @sgtpepper43
  • Add css to status bar mode for optional custom styling @e-jigsaw
  • Implement -, +, and enter @roryokane
  • Fix problem undo'ing in insert mode @bhuga
  • Remove use of deprecated APIs


  • Fix interaction with autocomplete-plus @klorenz


  • Fix gg and G in visual mode @cadwallion
  • Implement % @carlosdcastillo
  • Add ctags keybindings @tmm1
  • Fix tracking of marks when buffer changes @carlosdcastillo
  • Fix off-by-one error for characterwise puts @carlosdcastillo
  • Add support for undo and repeat to typing operations @bhuga
  • Fix keybindings for some OSes @mcnicholls
  • Fix visual ngg @tony612
  • Implement i{, i(, and i" @carlosdcastillo
  • Fix off by one errors while selecting with j and k @fotanus
  • Implement 'desired cursor column' behavior @iamjwc


  • Fix E in visual mode @tony612
  • Implement `` @guanlun
  • Fix broken behavior when enabling/disabling @cadwallion
  • Enable search in visual mode @romankuznietsov
  • Fix end-of-line movement @abijr
  • Fix behavior of change current line cc in various corner cases. @jcurtis
  • Fix some corner cases of w @abijr
  • Don't hide cursor in visual mode @dyross

0.9.0 - Lots of new features

  • Enable arrow keys in visual mode @fholgado
  • Additional bindings for split pane movement @zenhob
  • Fix search on invalid regex @bhuga
  • Add s alias to visual mode @tony612
  • Display current mode in the status bar @gblock0
  • Add marks (m, `, ') @danzimm
  • Add operator-pending mode and a single text object (iw) @nathansobo, @jroes
  • Add an option to start in insert mode @viveksjain
  • Fix weird behavior when pasting at the end of a file @msvbg
  • More fixes for corner cases in paste behavior @SKAhack
  • Implement * and # @roman
  • Implement ~ @badunk
  • Implement t and T @udp

0.8.1 - Small goodies

  • Implement ctrl-e and ctrl-y @dougblack
  • Implement /, ?, n and N @bhuga
  • Registers are now shared between tabs in a single atom window @bhuga
  • Show cursor only in focused editor @tony612
  • Docs updated with new methods for entering insert mode @tednaleid
  • Implement r @bhuga
  • Fix w when on the last word of a file @dougblack
  • Implement = @ciarand
  • Implement E motion @tony612
  • Implement basic ctrl-f and ctrl-b support @ciarand
  • Added +, * and % registers @cschneid
  • Improved ^ movement when already at the first character @zenhob
  • Fix off-by-one error for 15gg @tony612

0.8.0 - Keep rocking

  • API Fixes for Atom 0.62 @bhuga
  • Add $ and ^ to visual mode @spyc3r
  • Add 0 to visual mode @ruedap
  • Fix for yanking entire lines @chadkouse
  • Add X operator @ruedap
  • Add W and B motions @jcurtis
  • Prevent cursor left at column 0 when switching to insert mode @adrianolaru
  • Add pane switching shortcuts see #104 for details @dougblack
  • Add H, L and M motions @dougblack

0.7.2 - Full steam ahead

  • Leaving insert mode always moves cursor left @joefiorini
  • Implemented I command @dysfunction
  • Restored 0 motion @jroes
  • Implemented } motion to move to previous paragraph @zenhob
  • Implement gt and gT to cycle through tabs @JosephKu
  • Implement visual linewise mode @eoinkelly
  • Properly clear selection when return to command mode @chadkouse

0.7.1 - User improvements

  • ctrl-[ now activates command mode @ctbarna
  • enter now moves down a line in command mode @ctbarna
  • Documentation links now work on @michaeltwofish
  • Backspace now moves back a space in command mode @Tarrant
  • Fixed an issue where cursors wouldn't appear in the settings view.

0.7.0 - Updates for release

  • Update contributing guide
  • Update package.json
  • Require underscore-plus directly

0.6.0 - Updates

  • Implemented . operator, thanks to @bhuga
  • Fix putting at the end of lines, thanks to @bhuga
  • Compatibility with Atom 0.50.0

0.5.0 - Updates

  • Switches apm db to buttant from iriscouch

0.4.0 - Updates

  • Compatibilty with Atom 26

0.3.0 - Visual and Collaborative

  • Compatiblity with atom 0.21
  • Characterwise visual-mode!
  • System copy and paste are now linked to the *
  • Implement A operator
  • Bugfixes concerning b and P

0.2.3 - Not solo anymore

  • Major refactoring/cleanup/test speedup.
  • Added S command.
  • Added C operator.
  • Proper undo/redo transactions for repeated commands.
  • Enhance G to take line numbers.
  • Added Y operator.
  • Added ctrl-c to enter command mode.


  • Added s command.
  • Added e motion.
  • Fixed cw removing trailing whitepsace
  • Fixed cursor position for dd when deleting blank lines


  • Added the c operator (thanks Yosef!)
  • Cursor appears as block in command mode and blinks when inserting (thanks Corey!)
  • Delete operations now save deleted text to the default buffer
  • Implement gg and G motions
  • Implement P operator
  • Implement o and O commands


  • Added yank and put command with support for registers
  • Added $ and ^ motions
  • Fixed repeats for commands and motions, ie d2d works as expected.
  • Implemented D to delete through the end of the line.
  • Implemented >> and << indent and outdent commands.
  • Implemented J.
  • Implemented a to move cursor and enter insert mode.
  • Add basic scrolling using ctrl-u and ctrl-d.
  • Add basic undo/redo using u and ctrl-r. This needs to be improved so it understands vim's semantics.


  • Nothing changed, used this as a test release to understand the publishing flow.


  • Initial release, somewhat functional but missing many things.