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Releases: slackapi/node-slack-sdk


04 Jul 16:00
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This release fixes a problem between web-api 7.3.0 and projects consuming it that used versions of TypeScript older than 5.0. Moving forward, web-api should guarantee compatibility with at least TypeScript 4.7.2 or newer; if this changes, that will likely warrant a major new semver release.

What's Changed

b284994 web-api(fix): revert use of export type * to maintain backwards compatibility with TS 4.7 (#1841)


03 Jul 16:35
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What's New

We've added two new APIs:

  1. teams.externalTeams.disconnect
  2. conversations.externalInvitePermissions.set

What's Changed

a18c1ea feat (web-api): add support for teams.externalTeams.disconnect API (#1837)
4ef80b7 web-api: add new conversations.externalInvitePermissions.set API (#1834)
9e20ca3 web-api: update, files.list files.remote.list and team.externalTeams.list response types (#1833)
fc87d51 chore: tweak lint config to allow for eslint --fix to fix import order (#1827)


18 Jun 18:59
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What's Changed

4df9fb8 feat(web-api): add new Slack Connect APIs team.externalTeams.list and users.discoverableContacts.lookup (#1826)
f3acb2f feat(web-api): Update response types to latest automatically generated (#1824)
20f026b feat(web-api): user id map in MigrationExchangeResponse as map (#1821)


12 Jun 18:35
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What's Changed

The new feature available in this release is access to new Canvas APIs - programmatically manipulate your Canvases to your heart's content!


  • Previously in v7 of web-api, if you were using an API method that required no arguments (e.g. api.test), you still had to pass it an empty object ({}). Thanks to @davidlj95's work in #1809, that is no longer a requirement!
  • You can now set the attachOriginalToWebAPIRequestError to false to ensure API responses are not logged. By default, this option will be set to false. Many thanks to @Parama92 for their work in this area!

a2c0fe5 web-api: public canvas APIs (#1813)
9f2935f feat: allow using WebClient APIs without argument (#1809) - fixes #1769; thank you @davidlj95 for your contribution! ❤️
b98ef1e feat: providing a way to disable message content being logged (#1786) - fixes #1751; thank you @Parama92 for your contribution! ❤️


05 Jun 13:38
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What's Changed

The Image Block and Image Block Element now correctly support using either an image_url string or a slack_file object. The latter is particularly useful when wanting to display an image that is only uploaded within Slack, and not available via a public URL.

Also, the rich_text_quote Block Element had a missing border property. We have addressed this deficiency. Hooray!

aea11d0 Add slack_file object to image block/element types (#1783)
20899b0 Add missing border property to rich_text_quote block element (#1753)


03 Jun 20:46
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What's Changed

A few new APIs were added: a suite of low-level shell process wrappers under shell.*, a new app.list command, and exposing QA environment targeting for all commands.

  • cli-test: add ability to invoke arbitrary CLI commands by @filmaj in #1798
  • cli-test: expose --slackdev flag as qa option to all commands by @filmaj in #1799
  • cli-test: adding shell and app.list APIs, exposing QA environment flags, added more traces available in CLI v2.25.0 by @filmaj in #1804


27 May 20:16
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What's Changed

First official GitHub release of the new cli-test module! This module aims to provide node.js bindings for the Slack Platform CLI.

9fb278a cli-test: small internal refactor to use new app.list command (#1797)
c3725a9 cli-test(trace): include test trace constants for 'datastore count' (#1795)
11cb80e cli-test: add app.list command (#1794)

New Contributors


30 Apr 20:56
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What's Changed

New major version! We have dropped the ancient, finite-state-machine-based implementation and ported the rock solid python-slack-sdk socket-mode implementation to node.

We also removed a couple of events and properties that are no longer relevant in the new implementation. Check out our socket mode 1.x -> 2.0 migration guide to get all the details and ease your upgrading path.

Full Changelog

476e6a9 socket-mode: Rewrite to Python(ish) Implementation (#1781)
3ebb6ce socket-mode: do not throw exception when calling disconnect() and already disconnected; do not raise slack_event in case of type:disconnect messages (#1762)
6ab1e68 socket-mode: add more debug logging to low level websocket event handlers (#1757)
46b500d socket-mode: fix bug when returns an error and won't retry (#1735)
a6f2b28 socket-mode: prep for major release, start now completes only once Connected state is emitted (#1732)


30 Apr 20:12
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Final 1.x Release

Please note that this will be the final planned release of @slack/socket-mode in the 1.x line. The next release will be 2.0, which will include a few breaking changes.

What's Changed

A few bug fixes and stability improvements were landed in this release:

  • WebSocket messages of type:disconnect coming from the Slack backend should now consistently force-reconnect the socket mode client; previously certain type:disconnect messages (containing a specific reason property) were not treated in this way.
  • All type:disconnect messages from the Slack backend now do not raise a slack_event event; this led to problems, particularly for users of bolt-js.
  • Calling disconnect() if the client is already disconnected no longer raises an exception.

Full Changelog

dc48959 socket-mode: do not throw if calling disconnect() and already disconnected, and do not raise slack_event if message received is of type: disconnect


19 Apr 12:51
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What's Changed

We released a fix for the method argument type; previously it did not require a token, which was incorrect. It now requires a token parameter, which matches the expectations of this API method.

Full Changelog

ae755dc web-api(fix): method requires a token parameter (#1779) - thanks for reporting @iggyray!