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Dungeon Themes, Stygian Abyss

slashman edited this page Aug 11, 2014 · 1 revision


Approach not this dungeon until thou hast completed all parts of thy quest, for only one who has trodden far along the path of the Avatar has a hope of surviving here. Truly, no person has ever plumbed its depths, and we offer this map only though the use of a great enchantment mentioned earlier in this journal. Legend says that one must hold the bell, book and candle to even gain entrance to the Abyss. But before reaching the entrance one must sail through the cove that is filled with the ghost ships of Britannia's pirates. Try not this delicate maneuver unless thou hast found the magical ship's wheel which will lend strength to the hull of thy vessel, lest ye founder and become fodder for the finned terrors of the oceans. Among the tales told of the Great Stygian Abyss, the legend of the ladders is most curious. 'Tis said that each level of this dungeon contains an altar where one must place a stone, whereupon a ladder downwards will appear.

  • from The Way of the Avatar (Ultima IV)
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