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Awesome Notifications

It's a lightweight, fully customizable JavaScript library for showing notifications.

Advantages: 5kb gzipped sizeno dependenciesadvanced async supportfully customizable>95% test coverage.



Demo gif


Attention! This library uses FontAwesome 4 icons, so you either need to make sure that FontAwesome is connected to your project or disable icons, passing the icons: {enabled: false} property to options. Also you can preserve icons setting up a custom template for them via editing options.icons.prefix and options.icons.suffix


npm install --save awesome-notifications

In browser

Download index.var.js and style.css, then put them in your html:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/style.css"></link>
  <script src="path/to/index.var.js"></script>

Vue.js version

You can learn more in the Vue.js version repository:



import AWN from "awesome-notifications"

let notifier = new AWN(options)

In browser

  var notifier = new AWN(options);
<button onclick="notifier.success('Success message');">Show Success</button>

Available functions

You can pass any valid HTML to html functions params.

Function Params Description Example
tip(html) html - String, required shows a gray toast with specified html tip('First line text<br>Second line text')
info(html) html - String, required shows a blue toast with specified html info('<b>You can put any HTML here</b>')
success(html) html - String, required shows a green toast with specified html success('Simple none-HTML message')
warning(html) html - String, required shows an orange toast with specified html warning('Simple none HTML message')
alert(html) html - String, required shows a red toast with specified html alert('Simple none HTML message')
async(promise, onResolve, onReject, html) promise - Promise, required;
onResolve - Function, String, optional, either callback or message;
onReject - Function, String, optional, either callback or message;
html - String, optional, html for async toast
shows an async gray toast untill promise will be completed, then run a callback or show new toast async(somePromise, 'success toast msg', rejectCallback , 'Custom async msg')
asyncBlock(promise, onResolve, onReject, html) promise - Promise, required;
onResolve - Function, String, optional, either callback or message;
onReject - Function, String, optional, either callback or message;
html - String, optional, html for async toast
shows loader and blocks the screen untill promise will be completed, then run a callback or show new toast asyncBlock(somePromise, resolveCallback, 'custom message for alert toast' , 'Custom async msg')
confirm(html, onOk, onCancel) html - String, required
onOk - Function, optional
onCancel - Function, optional
shows a modal dialog, which is waiting for users confirmation confirm('Are you sure?', runIfOkClicked, runIfCancelClicked)
modal(html, className) html - String, required
className - String, required
shows a custom modal dialog with which contains only value of html modal('<h2>Your custom title</h2><p>Your custom text</p>', 'custom-class-name')

How to use async

There are two types of async functions in this library: async and asyncBlock. They differ in appearance but work with promises identically.

If your promise was rejected, alert toast will be shown to the user. New toast message will contain error returned by promise. Make sure that error returned by promise has type of string

Take a look on function behaviour after promise rejection:

notifier.async(Promise.reject("some error")) // will show a new alert toast with message "some error"

notifier.async(Promise.reject({message: "some error")) // will throw an error, because returned value is Object.

notifier.async(Promise.reject("some error"), null, "custom error") // you can pass a string as `onResolve`, it will be used as message for alert toast

notifier.async(Promise.reject("some error"), null, err => console.log(err)) // you can pass a function as `onResolve`, no new toast will be added
notifier.async(Promise.reject("some error")).then(() => {},err => console.log(err)) // run same function with preserving new alert toast

If most of your promises returns similar objects, you can set handleReject function in options, to transform your objects to the strings:

let notifier = new AWN({
  handleReject(value) {
    // value is returned value of your promises reject
    if (typeof value === "string") return value // optional check to preserve values which are already strings
    // any code which should be applied to all reject values
    return value.errors.message //choose string property of object that should be shown as error
notifer.async(Promise.reject({ errors: { message: "custom message" } })) // there is no error anymore, alert toast will be shown.

If your promise was resolved, nothing will happen by default. Customization here is similar:

notifier.async(Promise.resolve("all done")) // won't show anything after promise resolved

notifier.async(Promise.resolve("all done"), "your custom message") // will show a new success toast with message "your custom message"
notifier.async(Promise.resolve("all done"), result => {
  notifier.success(`${result} and your custom message`)
}) // will show a new success toast with message "all done and your custom message"
notifier.async(Promise.resolve("all done")).then(result => {
  notifier.success(`${result} and your custom message`)
}) // same as above, written without callback

*How to use modal

modal function will create a new modal window with HTML that you provided. All your HTML will be put into the div with class awn-modal-${className}, where className is the second parameter in modal function.



You can pass your own options when you're initializing a library, e.g.

var options = {
  labels: {
    tip: "Your custom tip box label"
var notifier = new AWN(options)

Available options

All labels properties support HTML.

Name Type Default Description
position String "bottom-right" Location to display the notifications. Possible values: "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"
duration Number 5000 determines how long notification exists, ms
animationDuration Number 300 determines speed of animation, ms
asyncBlockMinDuration Number 500 minimal time to show asyncBlock modal window, prevents blinking, when async function completes too fast
maxNotifications Number 10 max amount of notifications
handleReject Function see in source code handles returned value of promise in async functions if it was rejected;
By default will throw an error, if value type isn't a String
labels Object See properties below default labels for notifications
labels.tip String "Tip" default label for tip toast String "Info" default label for info toast
labels.success String "Success" default label for success toast
labels.warning String "Attention" default label for warning toast
labels.alert String "Error" default label for alert toast
labels.async String "Loading" default label for async toast
labels.confirm String "Confirmation required" confrim window title
icons Object See properties below default Font Awesome icons for notifications
icons.tip String "question-circle" FontAwesome icon classes for tip toast, first one without fa- String "info-circle" FontAwesome icon classes for info toast, first one without fa-
icons.success String "check-circle" FontAwesome icon classes for success toast, first one without fa-
icons.warning String "exclamation-circle" FontAwesome icon classes for warning toast, first one without fa-
icons.alert String "warning" FontAwesome icon classes for alert toast, first one without fa-
icons.async String "cof fa-spin" FontAwesome icon classes for async toast, first one without fa-
icons.confirm String "warning" FontAwesome icon classes for confirm window, first one without fa-
icons.enabled Boolean true Determines icons existence
icons.prefix String "<i class='fa fa-fw fa" HTML before any icons[value] (e.g. icons.tip)
icons.suffix String "'></i>" HTML after any icons[value] (e.g. icons.tip)
modal Object See properties below modal windows settings
modal.okLabel String "OK" confirm window success button label
modal.cancelLabel String "Cancel" confirm window cancel button label
modal.maxWidth String "500px" confirm window max-width CSS property
messages Object See properties below default messages
messages.async String "Please, wait..." default async toast message, supports HTML
messages["async-block"] String "Loading" default asyncBlock modal message, supports HTML
replacements Object See properties below contains rules of replacement for html
each rule is Object
where keys are first param for replace function
and values are second param.
replacements.general Object { "<script>": "", "</script>": "" } rules for all event types
replacements.tip Object "" rules for tip events Object "" rules for info events
replacements.success Object "" rules for success events
replacements.warning Object "" rules for warning events
replacements.alert Object "" rules for alert events
replacements.async Object "" rules for async events
replacements.asyncBlock Object "" rules for asyncBlock modal window
replacements.modal Object "" rules for custom modal window
replacements.confirm Object "" rules for confirm window


The most convinient and quick way to change styles is dowload styles folder which contains .scss files. Then you have to edit variables.scss, compile your scss to css and add new css file to your project.

Also, you can just add default style.css to your project and override it in your styles file. To learn more about default styles, look at styles folder.

Security notes

Make sure that you pass safe HTML to msg param. Sending data which can be directly or indirectly edited by user (e.g. name of account), provides a possibility for HTML Injections. You can set up replacements in options to filter msg variable.

Browser support

Last 2 versions.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Lightweight JavaScript Notifications Library







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  • JavaScript 72.0%
  • CSS 28.0%